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The Mighty Mapogos

Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

Mr. T and Pretty Boy.

Photo credits: unknown

*This image is copyright of its original author

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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-13-2017, 12:41 PM by fursan syed )

December 2007
The End of a Male Lion Blondie 

This where alot of people started to hate the Mapogos blondie was their guy like Mapogos are ours.
When has another coalition earned this kind of praise? The brutal destrucive and terrifying coalition.........
The sun has set on yet another day here in the Sabi Sands. Nightfall in the bush awakes a predator. An illusive leopard hunts with caution, planning every step as he silently moves through the darkness towards his prey… but this story is not about a stalking leopard. It is a story of one of our well-known lions, the dominant male of the Kahuma Pride, Blondie, who has tragically fallen to the brutal, destructive and terrifying coalition of five male lions, known as the “Mapogo Males”.
Last night, as darkness settled over the bush, the horrifying sound of fighting lions was heard to the south of Djuma somewhere across one of our borders. The Rangers knew immediately that the Mapogo Males were a part of it because they had been spotted close to Cheetah Cut-line a couple of days ago. True to their name, which means, “bandits”, they were once again on the path of destruction.
During the day, the two Kahuma males were seen with one of the Sticks females. Blondie was mating with her when the Mapogo Males came across them. Sadly, the instinct to eliminate all competition prevailed and Blondie stood little chance against the five “bandits”. The younger male, Dozie, joined the struggle for a while but fled together with the female towards Buffelshoek, when he realized his big brother had fallen. Our hearts grew heavy as we heard the reports coming in over the radio. Blondie was paralyzed. His only chance of survival would have been retreat. His fate was now sealed.
The Sticks female escaped unharmed and is now, surprisingly, with the Mapogo Males, who will mate with her to ensure the survival of their genes. The only remaining Kahuma male, Dozie, was seen in Buffelshoek this morning with one of the Kahuma females. Dozie must now rise and take his place as the new dominant male of the Kahuma Pride. Some of the females have cubs and the Mapogo Males will want to kill them too, so Dozie’s responsibilities are great. He is now the only one that can ensure the survival of the Kahuma Pride.
As far as we know the Kahuma Pride now consists of one male, Dozie, nine females and thirteen cubs. All of us here at Wild Earth are hoping that Dozie will succeed in his task of protecting the Kahuma Pride and that, in time the cubs will grow up to be a part of this very special group that we have come to know and love.
The sun has set on yet another magnificent male lion’s life here in the Sabi Sands but I am sure, that whenever we see a buried lion track on the roads he used to walk on, we will think of him and remember him dearly.
All credits go to wild earth

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

The Most brutal Lion Ever 
One and Only Satan of Sabi Sands
Mr. T feeding on a dead lion after or during a takeover.

pc unknown

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

@fursan syed wow great post's and great info, excactly what I hoped for when started this thread. And welcome to the forum, keep up the great work. :-)
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

I love to read the posts of mapogos.

@fursan syed please keep posting and Thanks for posting interesting articles..!!
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

(10-13-2016, 05:36 PM)Pantherinae Wrote: @fursan syed wow great post's and great info, excactly what I hoped for when started this thread. And welcome to the forum, keep up the great work. :-)

Thanks bro i will do it.  for sure
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-28-2019, 01:31 PM by fursan syed )

Nhlanguleni -vs- Makhulu Mapogo 
The Reason why Makhulus lower right canine had been snapped in half

Nhlanguleni was first seen in the west around March 2005, he was found in the river mating with one of the Ottawa lionesses, close to Ottawa camp. He moved from there to feed on an elephant carcass south of Exeter that the two resident males had been on with some of the SRP previously. Soon after that our two males disappeared, one was found dead in the river and the other was reported as having left the reserve under pressure from Nhlanguleni (who at that time was unnamed). His name came from Nhlanguleni picnic spot in the Kruger, directly east of the Sands as that is where we guessed he came from. At first he was very agressive, charging the vehicles from about 100m away (we later learned that he had earlier been seen on chitwa-chitwa with a kill, reacting in a similar way). He was often on his own but started spending more time with one half of the Ottawas after the cubs were born (the other half- 2 lionesses 2 young males and a young female stayed away from him). as only a few people had seen Nhlanguleni mating with the females it was often said that he had adopted the previous males cubs - He certainly thought they were his own though. He also started to push further West, and came into frequent contact with the Sand River pride - 5 females and 8 cubs at that point. The two older females (One eye and 1+1) left the 3 younger females to look after the cubs and started to move with Nhlanguleni who by this time was relaxed with our prescence It was around this time that the testicle incident occured, the 3 lionesses and the cubs had a Kudu kill and the two older lionesses came over to join, bringing with them the male, the rest of the story you know... It was after this that the 2 lionesses and the male started being referred to as the Skorro pride as they were all looking old and battered! he never fully took over the Sand River pride, the 3 younger lionesses managed to keep away from him until the arrival of the 6 male lions from the east who would soon become known as the Mapogo in Feb 2006. The new males first came into contact with the Ottawa pride but continued to push west as the Ottwas ran across the river to escape from them. Over the next few weeks the new males slowly moved further west until one night the oldest male (Makhulu) left the others and followed the scent of Nhlanguleni all the way to the western fence, north of the river. The next morning the rangers following the tracks found the evidence (blood, scuff-marks etc) of a huge fight between the two males. The large male from the coalition was found heading east to rejoin the others, bleeding heavily from the mouth and showing many scratches from the fight, on closer inspection it was seen that his lower right canine had been snapped in half. Later on Nhlanguleni was found, limping badly and with a terrible wound on the right side of his face, the wound was deep and it seemed he had lost an eye, inside the wound was what suspiciously like a broken canine tooth lodged in the cheekbone! A few days later Nhlanguleni was seen with the Ottawa pride, the swelling around the wound had gone down a bit and we could see the eye was not damaged after all. he was seen for a few more days after this before he disappeared....

(image - Nhlanguleni)

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

Mapogos Hit List Continues

Death of DZUNANI the Sand River Male Lion and Five Lionesses (2006) ....

Dzunani -vs- Makhulu Mapogo 

In 2004 the 6 females of the Castleton pride were taken over by the Sand River Male aka Dzunani and soon were producing cubs all over the place. Due to the fact that the pride seldom crossed onto Castleton property anymore it was decided to rename them after the large open area that they were now spending most of their time - Ximhungwe clearings. We found tracks close to Moody’s Camp of what looked like the Ximuvanyane pride, one of my favourite prides to watch because of the close bonds these lions share and also because of the beautiful male that leads them. He is a real gentlemen as male lions go, often letting his ladies feed first at a kill (unusual for male lions), and he is always very playful with the cubs.
18 cubs were born between 2004/2005 but the numbers dropped to 16 then 12. Such a large pride struggled to feed all their members and were often seen in bad condition. The times when they did get good food their condition improved overnight.
July 2006 savanna-Doc made by Colleen:
"It has been a very interesting month with the lions. The Mapogo, the coalition of 6 males, continue to wreak havoc and chase everything in the Northern part of our property. They have killed 2 buffalo bulls this month and we have been very fortunate to have viewing of these six feeding on their kill. On one occasion, when only a small amount of meat was left, a full scale battle broke out over the remnants. It was both frightening, awe inspiring and impressive to see 6 big lions all engaged in a vicious fight. The noise alone was enough to make one realise how incredibly powerful these animals are. While they were on this kill, an old female unknown leopard, by chance walked in on the scene and all six chased her up a tree. We are not sure how long she was kept up there as when we came out for the afternoon game drive, she had disappeared. This female showed all the signs of having been involved in a territorial fight as she had huge puncture marks on her neck, chest and throat. It was noticeable by her wounds that she had lost the fight and had now become a nomadic female. The older Mapogo male known as Makhulu has continued to mate with 2 remaining females from the Sand River Pride. These females are still not confident with the Mapogo males and will not conceive until they are. The Ximungwe Pride have stayed very much in the South and have been seen a number of times around Savanna camp. One amusing incident was when Zunan (Dzunani), the big male with this pride, had a brief encounter with the older Mapogo male. The older Mapogo male, surprisingly, ran from Dzunani. After this incident, it was amusing to see Dzunan strut around, roaring, for most of the morning. This was probably the first time that any beast other than an impala had run from him since he took over the territory!"
Sadly a combination of Bovine TB and the arrival of the Mapogo males meant that the pride went into freefall in 2006, 5 of the six lionesses and Dzunani (killed by the Mapogos mid 2006) were all gone by the end of the year. The cubs were also reduced to a group of 3 young lionesses and a young male. The Ravenscourt pride (once originally part of the Castleton pride) was also in decline for similar reasons and the pride male (the brother of the remaining lioness) came across to spend more time with the Ximhungwes, when one of the youngsters was killed by a hyena we were all surprised to see the pride numbers were unchanged a few days later. The last remaining member of the Ravenscourt pride - a young lioness, had also been integrated into the group. The pride now spent most of their time trying to avoid the Mapogo and the Castleton male was trying hard to forge a bond with the young male, a bond that we hoped would last.

by Rob Vamplew 

Dzunani Male Lion (Photo Credits - Kurt Jay Bertels)

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

Mapogos don´t like other cats

Makhulu Trying to attack Leopard

photo credits unknown

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

(10-11-2016, 08:42 PM)fursan syed Wrote: 10th June 2009
2 Mapogos/Mlowathis vs 3 Nomads

The powerful Mapogo/Mlowathi coalition took on the hard task of defending the biggest portion of Mapogo territory for almost 2 years. They were quite successful at it being outnumbered several times and succeeded in driving off countless coalitions and whenever they cornered an opponent, very seldom did they escape alive. All while dominating the multiple prides they had under their control in such a vast territory, quite a feat considering they were only 2.
In 2009 Africam reported an epic battle that ensued on June, 2009 between the Mlowathi males and an aggressive young and prime coalition of 3 males estimated at 4-5 years old. The 3 intruders entered Mala Mala while the Mlowathi or Mapogo boys were seen mating days earlier with 2 Styx females further up east. The 3 males came into Mala Mala with bad intentions and soon after, Kinky Tail and Mr. T picked up on the scent of the intruders. Kinky Tail and Mr. T quickly hunted down the 3 new males to defend their prides and territory. Once Kinky Tail and T came into contact with the rival males, Africam reported that an intense war ensued between the two coalitions on June 10th, 2009. After the battle, the end result saw the 3 intruders vanishing from Mala Mala and out of Mapogo territory. The Mlowathi boys had triumphed once again despite being outnumbered 2-3. The two frontline soldiers and hitmen of the Mapogo coalition had done their job and helping their brothers in the West live a more normal and quiet life.

This nomads were the Toulon males?
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

(10-14-2016, 08:05 AM)Gamiz Wrote:
(10-11-2016, 08:42 PM)fursan syed Wrote: 10th June 2009
2 Mapogos/Mlowathis vs 3 Nomads

The powerful Mapogo/Mlowathi coalition took on the hard task of defending the biggest portion of Mapogo territory for almost 2 years. They were quite successful at it being outnumbered several times and succeeded in driving off countless coalitions and whenever they cornered an opponent, very seldom did they escape alive. All while dominating the multiple prides they had under their control in such a vast territory, quite a feat considering they were only 2.
In 2009 Africam reported an epic battle that ensued on June, 2009 between the Mlowathi males and an aggressive young and prime coalition of 3 males estimated at 4-5 years old. The 3 intruders entered Mala Mala while the Mlowathi or Mapogo boys were seen mating days earlier with 2 Styx females further up east. The 3 males came into Mala Mala with bad intentions and soon after, Kinky Tail and Mr. T picked up on the scent of the intruders. Kinky Tail and Mr. T quickly hunted down the 3 new males to defend their prides and territory. Once Kinky Tail and T came into contact with the rival males, Africam reported that an intense war ensued between the two coalitions on June 10th, 2009. After the battle, the end result saw the 3 intruders vanishing from Mala Mala and out of Mapogo territory. The Mlowathi boys had triumphed once again despite being outnumbered 2-3. The two frontline soldiers and hitmen of the Mapogo coalition had done their job and helping their brothers in the West live a more normal and quiet life.

This nomads were the Toulon males?

No they are 3 completely unknown nomadic males. The fight with toulons is a different occassion.
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

January 2009
The Mr. T and Kinky Tail hit list continues

Two Mapogos Vs Two Manyeleti Male Lions

The Death of a Manyeleti lion

In early January 2009, reports came in that two magnificent males had been in a fight sometime around Jan 3rd/4th. Speculations were that the Mapogos and these young males had clashed. This altercation happened near the Mala Mala/Kruger boundary South of Nkorho. One of the Manyeleti brothers was said to have been killed, however a few days later, both of the Manyeleti males were seen alive. The one with the immature mane though had been severely injured with his right back leg badly broken.

The one brother remained with his injured sibling for some time. The last time seen together... they were heading into Kruger but only the uninjured brother seems to have returned. It can only be presumed his brother is dead.
The surviving Manyeleti was in Buffelshoek on the morning of March 2nd, 2009. He was mating with Snaggletooth from the Nkuhuma Pride once again.

May 17, 2009 - Reports came in from Djuma that a conflict had taken place. Tracks showed signs of the Styx Pride and their cubs along with Male Lion tracks that indicated a fight had occurred between several male lions. Later in the morning, another report came of the Manyeleti Male being chased by two adult males believed to be part of the Mapogo Coalition. They chased the lone Manyeleti Male until he escaped across the Northern boundary of Buffelshoek and into Manyeleti.

Manyeleti Male Lion (photo credits unknown)

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Quote:This nomads were the Toulon males? 

Quote:No they are 3 completely unknown nomadic males. The fight with toulons is a different occassion.

I think Gamiz is correct, these males were the Toulon males. The dates match up perfectly, because at that time Kinky tail and Mr.T were beginning their tenure in that part of Mala mala.
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 10-14-2016, 06:20 PM by fursan syed )

(10-14-2016, 04:35 PM)Majingilane Wrote:
Quote:This nomads were the Toulon males? 

Quote:No they are 3 completely unknown nomadic males. The fight with toulons is a different occassion.

I think Gamiz is correct, these males were the Toulon males. The dates match up perfectly, because at that time Kinky tail and Mr.T were beginning their tenure in that part of Mala mala.

May be u r right bro. The month and year are same june 2009.  i am confused because of Africam. they didn't mention the name of the coalition of 3 intruders.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(10-14-2016, 06:19 PM)fursan syed Wrote: i am confused because of Africam. they didn't mention the name of the coalition of 3 intruders.

Maybe that's because they were still nomadic, so not being dominant yet they hadn't recieved a name yet.

But anyway, I think they are the ones mentioned.
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