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The Birmingham Males

Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(02-15-2023, 04:24 AM)sik94 Wrote: I tried to identify if this is Nhena but I still don't know for sure. This male seems to have that same equal sign scratch on his nose and that injury looks VERY similar to Nhena's especially the way this male is limping. I couldn't match the whiskers pattern but they aren't very clear either as this male didn't stand still for long enough at any point in the video. He just looks like a younger male to be honest, he is moving like a younger male and looks 8 at most. If this isn't him then he's a Nhena twin for sure, first time ever seen this kind of similarity between two unrelated if it's infact not Nhena.

Hehe.  That last sentence reminds me of the “Tinyo Twin”.  From Kenya I think.   I had fell off my chair when they told me it wasn’t Tinyo.   Like wow.   His twin for sure
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United States afortich Offline

(02-15-2023, 04:24 AM)sik94 Wrote: I tried to identify if this is Nhena but I still don't know for sure. This male seems to have that same equal sign scratch on his nose and that injury looks VERY similar to Nhena's especially the way this male is limping. I couldn't match the whiskers pattern but they aren't very clear either as this male didn't stand still for long enough at any point in the video. He just looks like a younger male to be honest, he is moving like a younger male and looks 8 at most. If this isn't him then he's a Nhena twin for sure, first time ever seen this kind of similarity between two unrelated if it's infact not Nhena.

Exactly, it is hard to tell because the picture of Nhenha is not clear despite the good job @criollo2mil did to illustrate the comparison. And on top of that, the injury in the same leg.
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T I N O Offline

That's interesting. Although, imo, doesn't looks like Nhenha. Seems a younger lion
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

Ok, so the mystery seems solved.

The injured Male lion has been Identified as Maputo Male (former partner to Kumana).   The video was taken in Kruger last year April 2022.

 Many used the very distinctive equals sign scarring Nhenha has in his face as a feature that was used to believe it was him….as you’ll see in the images of Maputo, he has very similar scarring .

This leg injury was likely caused in conflict with the Trichardt males when they deposed the Kumana/Maputo coalition last year.    He’s since been seen fully recovered.

Attached Files Image(s)
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Throwback image of all 4 bboys in December 2017.

*This image is copyright of its original author
11 users Like DARK MANE's post

United States afortich Offline

(02-15-2023, 08:10 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: Ok, so the mystery seems solved.

The injured Male lion has been Identified as Maputo Male (former partner to Kumana).   The video was taken in Kruger last year April 2022.

 Many used the very distinctive equals sign scarring Nhenha has in his face as a feature that was used to believe it was him….as you’ll see in the images of Maputo, he has very similar scarring .

This leg injury was likely caused in conflict with the Trichardt males when they deposed the Kumana/Maputo coalition last year.    He’s since been seen fully recovered.

So nice that this was clarified!
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(02-15-2023, 09:00 PM)DARK MANE Wrote: Throwback image of all 4 bboys in December 2017.

*This image is copyright of its original author

The video of this sighting is among my very favorite captures of them.   It’s quite a magnificent sight to behold!
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(02-15-2023, 08:10 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: Ok, so the mystery seems solved.

The injured Male lion has been Identified as Maputo Male (former partner to Kumana).   The video was taken in Kruger last year April 2022.

 Many used the very distinctive equals sign scarring Nhenha has in his face as a feature that was used to believe it was him….as you’ll see in the images of Maputo, he has very similar scarring .

This leg injury was likely caused in conflict with the Trichardt males when they deposed the Kumana/Maputo coalition last year.    He’s since been seen fully recovered.

Fantastic work @criollo2mil!
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United States sik94 Offline

(02-16-2023, 12:38 AM)criollo2mil Wrote:
(02-15-2023, 09:00 PM)DARK MANE Wrote: Throwback image of all 4 bboys in December 2017.

*This image is copyright of its original author

The video of this sighting is among my very favorite captures of them.   It’s quite a magnificent sight to behold!

I actually saw this live!
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(02-16-2023, 04:08 AM)sik94 Wrote:
(02-16-2023, 12:38 AM)criollo2mil Wrote:
(02-15-2023, 09:00 PM)DARK MANE Wrote: Throwback image of all 4 bboys in December 2017.

*This image is copyright of its original author

The video of this sighting is among my very favorite captures of them.   It’s quite a magnificent sight to behold!

I actually saw this live!

That must have been awesome.  I wasn’t following lions back then.  Thankfully, there are a few YouTube channels that have it archived for us to enjoy.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Seeing the photo/report of Nkuhuma with scratches from his recent fight with PCM I felt inspired to go against the narrative that he absolutely doesn't fight and left Nhenha to die without trading a single blow.

I think everybody here remembers the report that he lost his mane around his ear in the clash against the PCM when Nhenha was injured, but it was also reported by rangerstu24 that despite not having serious damage, NK had a few scratches from the fight:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Mane lost around his ear + scratches, he definitely, 100% saw combat, they fought 2v2 and maybe Nhenha would have taken a worse beating had he been alone during the entire fight, who knows.

If their bond was stronger and NK had had time to build his confidence as a dominant male I bet they'd have had put a better fight.

Even if Nhenha is truly done, NK still has chances of finding another partner and build his confidence levels, they were clashing with a much stronger coalition but unlike what some were saying NK did engage them ( at least twice by now, one with Nhenha and one alone ) and lived to tell the tale, he is a good fighter, only lacks confidence.
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United States afortich Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-16-2023, 09:19 AM by afortich )

(02-16-2023, 07:16 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Seeing the photo/report of Nkuhuma with scratches from his recent fight with PCM I felt inspired to go against the narrative that he absolutely doesn't fight and left Nhenha to die without trading a single blow.

I think everybody here remembers the report that he lost his mane around his ear in the clash against the PCM when Nhenha was injured, but it was also reported by rangerstu24 that despite not having serious damage, NK had a few scratches from the fight:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Mane lost around his ear + scratches, he definitely, 100% saw combat, they fought 2v2 and maybe Nhenha would have taken a worse beating had he been alone during the entire fight, who knows.

If their bond was stronger and NK had had time to build his confidence as a dominant male I bet they'd have had put a better fight.

Even if Nhenha is truly done, NK still has chances of finding another partner and build his confidence levels, they were clashing with a much stronger coalition but unlike what some were saying NK did engage them ( at least twice by now, one with Nhenha and one alone ) and lived to tell the tale, he is a good fighter, only lacks confidence.

Agree with you my friend @Mapokser that NYM had to be in the fight and is probably one of the reasons Nhenha survived the fight. 
I think Nhenha rushed to fight, Nhenha should had waited a little longer so they would've developed a stronger bond and they will give a better fight together.
Anyone joining NYM had to give him sometime before trying to challenge territorial males.
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Old Smudge Birmingham ( father of tinyo).

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Bangladesh sundarbans Offline
Regular Member

Weren't all the Birminghams sired by the same males?
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Poland Potato Offline

(02-18-2023, 08:53 PM)sundarbans Wrote: Weren't all the Birminghams sired by the same males?

No, old Birmingham males who sired Birmingham males were a coalition of 3 males.
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