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Shishangaan Male Lions

Brahim Online
( This post was last modified: 05-15-2022, 05:50 PM by Brahim )

Dear B K,

Thank you for the enquiry and for showing interest in our Satara lion prides. Please take note that “Casper” and his three brothers they’re original born at S41 inside the Singita concession and for the past three years they arrived to join up with Satara "Central pride". Furthermore, we are estimating them to be between 8-9 years, and ‘Yes’ they are currently the strongest coalition ruling the Satara "Central pride" and of which they are forming a very strong bond since they are highly competing with 3 boys of ‘Sweni” ruling Satara Nwanetsi/Eastern pride, 2 boys of the S100 “Xibotwani” Mananga pride and the 2 old male of Nsemani dam pride. For additional interest, Satara is a home for lions and as guides we have made famous with 9 different prides of lions that are highly competing in our 25 kilometre zone of our operation.

 Originally, “Casper” and his three brothers they been kick out from singita N’wanetsi picnic spot pride and this pride is often seen or operate close to Singita N’wanetsi picnic spot. As for the collusion of “Casper” and his brothers, they belong to Satara "Central pride" and of which N’wanetsi picnic spot pride is different hence we know that “Casper” is originally coming from there – the two old former males that was ruling Satara "Central" are nowhere to be seen now after “Casper” won the territory! Thus, “Satara Eastern pride is a different pride on its own

I hope this will be valuable.     
With Kind Regards

Paul Mgiba
Camp Activities Head Guide
Kruger National Park:
Satara Rest Camp
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Brahim Online

@Wyld@Heart You know when you asked them about caspers pride and they said nwanetsi pride do you think they meant his natal pride or the one he's with now? Because these guys called shishangaan pride Nwanetsi pride and they call Nwanetsi pride Eastern pride

South Africa Wyld@Heart Offline
Regular Member

(05-14-2022, 05:02 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: @Wyld@Heart You know when you asked them about caspers pride and they said nwanetsi pride do you think they meant his natal pride or the one he's with now? Because these guys called shishangaan pride Nwanetsi pride and they call Nwanetsi pride Eastern pride

I didn't mention the males at all. I asked about the pride and the lionesses. Interesting email. The guide I spoke to was quite specific about the pride being called N'wanetsi.

Off that topic, he also mentions the old Nsemani. Wasn't there a takeover with Nkaya Pan males?
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Brahim Online

Not sure nkaya pan males were pushed north and are around nsemani now, but haven't seen rockfig nsemani male since last year I think and senior mbiri hasn't been seen recently, but last time was with sons, think a couple of Nsemani subs were seen this week though.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(05-14-2022, 07:26 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: Not sure nkaya pan males were pushed north and are around nsemani now, but haven't seen rockfig nsemani male since last year I think and senior mbiri hasn't been seen recently, but last time was with sons, think a couple of Nsemani subs were seen this week though.

Its quite likely that 2 Nkaya Pan males pushed 2 Nsemani males with subadults, prob last year already. I remember that Rockfig was last seen on a kill with subadults, 4-5 month ago, not exactly sure, not in best condition tho. Senior Mbiri was seen few times after that. 

Nkaya Pan males where pushed from s126/Sweni pride more then a year ago (prob around late 2020 or early 2021) by now 3 Sweni pride males.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

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Brahim Online
( This post was last modified: 05-14-2022, 08:47 PM by Brahim )

@Tr1x24 Probably yeah foxy bush retreat sent me some pics this week of Nkaya pan male at nsemani dam, broken nose nkaya was there too and 20 lions in total. Some pics he sent of bigger Nkaya and a lioness looking for cubs.

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Brahim Online

But in last sightings of Senior mbiri he was with 2 lioness and subs, so idk what's going on there
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(05-14-2022, 08:48 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: But in last sightings of Senior mbiri he was with 2 lioness and subs, so idk what's going on there

Prob some females split with subadults.
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Brahim Online
( This post was last modified: 05-16-2022, 02:23 PM by Brahim )

So what we calling this pride, Satara Central Pride now. And who do you guys think were the 2 guys who ruled Central pride before ? There's a northern pride and southern pride so a Central pride makes sense anyway
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(05-15-2022, 02:45 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: So what we calling this pride, Satara Central Pride now? And who do you guys think were the 2 guys who ruled Central pride before ?

Maybe this 2?:

*This image is copyright of its original author

They have been seeing around Satara in early 2021, but nothing since. 

Also, who are 2 guys dominant on s100?
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Brahim Online

Could be I will ask the Head guide if he has pics of the previous males, some think he means sweni males as they were operating there as 2 not long ago. S100 2 males should be Shishangaan males xihamham and bro they on s100/s41
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Brahim Online
( This post was last modified: 05-17-2022, 05:32 PM by Brahim )

The young male from the Central pride in Satara
Credit: Christopher Luthi

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Brahim Online
( This post was last modified: 05-19-2022, 01:43 PM by Brahim )

Casper and bros may rule Central pride and Nwanetsi pride now as they were seen mating with nwanetsi lioness, and the 5 nwanetsi young males are nomadic now, not sure of last sweni
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

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