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Shishangaan Male Lions

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(04-12-2022, 02:46 PM)Wyld@Heart Wrote: Found this video of Casper from June 2019. Interesting that there are four other males with him in this video and not just the current three. At some point in the not too distant past they were an up and coming coalition of five, then? Does anyone have any info about this and is there is any info about what happened to the 5th.

Yea, i think one disappeared shortly after, its not known how, but I remember them being chased few times around that time by bigger/territorial males.
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Brahim Online

3 Young Shishangaans on patrol today, 4th Shishangaan with four females, one with two cubs"
Credit: Caroline & Gerlie

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Brahim Online

1/4 Young Shishangaan males seen today. 
Credit: Lucas K

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Brahim Online
( This post was last modified: 04-16-2022, 01:35 PM by Brahim )

Casper and bro and lioness recently.
Credit: Mark Chertkow

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Brahim Online

Young Shishangaans!

The Ghost of Kruger and his three brothers seen this morning by Bernhard just outside a very wet and rainy Satara Rest Camp.

Bernhard Bekker

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Brahim Online

Shishangaan males Xihamham and bro.
Credit: Solomon Ndlovu

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South Africa Wyld@Heart Offline
Regular Member

Interesting update on one of the Kruger sightings groups:

5 Lion on the move
"There were 4 other boys with Casper this morning"
H1-3, 2km S of Satara
Tinged by Sharon Lloyd

Didn't see 4 other males on the photos. There has been a sub-adult male hanging around the pride of late, quite comfortably as well with the lionesses very accommodating of him including the one with cubs. He was even seen with the pride with the cubs present. Wonder if it was him and why the pride males would accept him.
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Brahim Online

Credit: Ruben stephens

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Canada Mdz123 Offline
( This post was last modified: 04-20-2022, 05:51 AM by Mdz123 )

(04-20-2022, 03:52 AM)Brahimlegend Wrote: Credit: Ruben stephens

Was the 4th male @Wyld@Heart mentioned at the sighting?

Brahim Online

Haven't seen any sightings of another male with them yet
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United States afortich Offline

(04-18-2022, 10:13 PM)Wyld@Heart Wrote: Interesting update on one of the Kruger sightings groups:

5 Lion on the move
"There were 4 other boys with Casper this morning"
H1-3, 2km S of Satara
Tinged by Sharon Lloyd

Didn't see 4 other males on the photos. There has been a sub-adult male hanging around the pride of late, quite comfortably as well with the lionesses very accommodating of him including the one with cubs. He was even seen with the pride with the cubs present. Wonder if it was him and why the pride males would accept him.

It would very interesting to know more about this interaction, specially, if the sub-adult was the fourth boy.

South Africa Wyld@Heart Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 04-22-2022, 10:06 AM by Wyld@Heart )

(04-22-2022, 01:44 AM)afortich Wrote: It would very interesting to know more about this interaction, specially, if the sub-adult was the fourth boy.
When I was at Satara I met the Africa Adventures YouTube guy. During a (very) brief chat he mentioned this sub adult hanging around the pride. I did see the pride but not him with them however there are YouTube videos from Africa Adventures of him interacting with the pride.

Also on the Kruger Sightings Group from Tuesday, with a photo was this:

2 Lion mating
S100, 2.9kmE of H1-3
Near Satara
Tinged by Cois

Photo of that below, courtesy of the 'tinger' on the group. The S100 makes a long, almost 90 degree turn north about 1.5km from the H1-3 so 2.9km on the S100 by my estimation is probably less than 2km from the H1-3 as the crow flies and is definitely part of young Shish territory I would think (?) and seemingly here he is. I doubt he is sexually mature enough yet but this sort of behavior is common amongst sub-adults and is often the point where they get the heave-ho. 

Now I am assuming this is him because there is no frontal pic but the recent vids and info does point to it being him, at least in my view, so there are some interesting dynamics at play here. He's either related to the lionesses, moved to the fringes when the brothers took over and comes and goes when the coalition males aren't around similar to BYM or he's somehow ingratiated himself in with the coalition. I'm leaning to the former myself but maybe someone with knowledge of this pride prior to Casper and Co taking over could tell us if there were any sub-adult males in the group. @Brahimlegend ? 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States afortich Offline

(04-22-2022, 09:48 AM)Wyld@Heart Wrote:
(04-22-2022, 01:44 AM)afortich Wrote: It would very interesting to know more about this interaction, specially, if the sub-adult was the fourth boy.
When I was at Satara I met the Africa Adventures YouTube guy. During a (very) brief chat he mentioned this sub adult hanging around the pride. I did see the pride but not him with them however there are YouTube videos from Africa Adventures of him interacting with the pride.

Also on the Kruger Sightings Group from Tuesday, with a photo was this:

2 Lion mating
S100, 2.9kmE of H1-3
Near Satara
Tinged by Cois

Photo of that below, courtesy of the 'tinger' on the group. The S100 makes a long, almost 90 degree turn north about 1.5km from the H1-3 so 2.9km on the S100 by my estimation is probably less than 2km from the H1-3 as the crow flies and is definitely part of young Shish territory I would think (?) and seemingly here he is. I doubt he is sexually mature enough yet but this sort of behavior is common amongst sub-adults and is often the point where they get the heave-ho. 

Now I am assuming this is him because there is no frontal pic but the recent vids and info does point to it being him, at least in my view, so there are some interesting dynamics at play here. He's either related to the lionesses, moved to the fringes when the brothers took over and comes and goes when the coalition males aren't around similar to BYM or he's somehow ingratiated himself in with the coalition. I'm leaning to the former myself but maybe someone with knowledge of this pride prior to Casper and Co taking over could tell us if there were any sub-adult males in the group. @Brahimlegend ? 

*This image is copyright of its original author

It makes a lot sense what you're saying above because acceptance behavior from unknown males/females is not common.

Brahim Online

@Wyld@Heart Yeah your definitely right about another young male with the pride, I just meant I haven't seen any sightings of young Shish with the young male, I wasn't sure if that was a typo on latest sightings.

Likely as you said guides at Satara call them N'wanetsi pride so that pride likely broke away from the s100 one. That young boy definitely must be related, probably brother to the young lioness. Not sure who sired him probably Sweni males, seems too young to be sired by the previous N'wanetsi males but not sure.
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South Africa rouxtjie1979 Offline
New Join

Casper with what the ranger called the "Satara Pride", he also referred to Casper and his bro's as the Shish coalition, the Satara pride has one female lioness with swolen elbow which they call "Gogo". This was 500m north from Satara on H1-4. 

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