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Notch Coalition Male Lineage

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-06-2015, 07:45 AM by Pantherinae )

Moja son of Ceasar
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-06-2015, 07:50 AM by Pantherinae )

Some great Caesar pictures!
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caesar in front, Ron in the back
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enjoying a hippo meal
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-06-2015, 07:58 AM by Pantherinae )

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Notch 2
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Caesar as youngster
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from the left: Ron, Notch 2, Caesar and Grimace
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*This image is copyright of its original author
Caesar mating
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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Julius vs earless 
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Julius looks to have a canine missing, is he older?

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Julius is young, his light mane and body structure tells it right away. but everyone can be unlucky. 

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-06-2015, 09:38 PM by Pckts )

 Notch the Lion-King of the Mara and His Five Sons1 hr ·Light mane brother of Notch most likely by the same mother but different fathers .They could have been fathered by a coalition of two or more different males hence the difference in look one being black maned and the other dark blonde .He is the father of Notch sons Long and Bob and Beauty the marsh pride female and possibly the other two marsh girls.Killed in June 2005,just when Notch sons were barely a month old .The fact that both may have been fathered by different males will help reduce the inbreeding abit . For the four Notch sons are still fathering current concentrating in the two look out prides and the Roan hill pride with cubs there ranging from a month to 1.5 years almost subs .They seem to have abandoned the Sand river pride far South along the Serengeti border may be because it's far from their core territory and the fact there are two 4 male coalitions they had taken it from and spent most of last year .The all place is full of Notch descendants but eventually their offsprings will move into the Serengeti and surrounding conservancies .Well as it's the males who end causing the inbreeding by take so many prides eventually they may start producing large groups of female offspring rather than the current rate of large groups of males .This will reduce inbreeding as the females don't conquer other prides giving a chance to new males to come in since fathers tend to abandon prides when their daughters become of mating age..PC Cavajo

*This image is copyright of its original author


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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

 Notch the Lion-King of the Mara and His Five Sons added 4 new photos.May 10 at 10:45am ·2 of the 5 Notch Rekero boys ,The youngest who also looks like Ron Notch and the Caesar Notch look alike.There is 7 of these males altogether.All sons of Notch and his sons.From 2 different prides,5 born in the Rekero pride,2 called Alex and Ron 2 born in Rongai pride older brothers of Earless Notch of Rongai .Both groups have a sister each also, Notch and son daughters.So all together there was 9 subs who moved in a Notch territory called Olkiombo in 2013 offspring of Notch and sons,7 males ,2 females..Sometimes the group of seven as been referred to as M7. All now aged between 4.2 years to 4.6years.The youngest of the group this male is 4.2 years.There is 4 males other Notch subs and their four sisters who have been kicked out of Olkiombo by their 7 half brothers.There is seven other Notch subs in the area also of almost 2 years now,born in a split of the olkiombo females consisting of 2 females.Below Olkiombo is two more prides and their break aways. Namely Mayafisi pride and Hammerkop pride Each consisting of 5 Notch male subs of 3 years now.There is several other Notch subs in Northern Kereekok a neighboring territory number unknown.There is five Notch sub males in the, Rongai pride namely Earless Notch of 3.6 years ,Yoda Notch and a few others of 2 years .Their fathers the 4 Notch boys are still fathering in 3 prides next to Kereekok -2 Look out prides and the Roan hill pride with cubs and subs of 1 year there.Unknown if their cubs in the Sand river pride along the Seregenti Tanzanian border survived but they would be around almost 1 year by now. A lot of Notch descendants .And the 5 Rekero are taking more prides in the East chasing the two pairs of resident males off and with their two half brothers Alex and Ron 2 now have cubs in Olkiombo though some of the females they have mated are their half sisters from neighboring prides.Thats the other side of the coin with large male coalitions ,they take over so many prides which makes most of their offsprings likely to mate each other.But you could also see it as Notch's success.PC J k
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Information posted in the facebook page Notch the Lion-King of the Mara and His Five Sons:

"A list of Notch and his five sons' Male descendants
-Mugoro Notch boys -4 Males aged 7
-Paradise Notch boys -5males aged 6.5years
-Rekero Notch boys-5males aged 4.3-4.6years
-Double cross Notch boys .No unknown aged around 4years.
-Olkiombo 1 Notch boys -4males aged 3years
- Olkiombo 2 rumoured to be 4-6 males age just under 2.
-Mayafisi Notch boys 5 males aged 3.4 years
-Hammerkop Notch boys 4-5 males aged 3.3yrs
-Hammerkop break away Notch boys 4 males aged 3.2
-Kereekok break away Notch boys no.unknown aged 2.2-2.8years
-Rongai main pride.1st 2 Notch boys Alex and Ron2 aged 4.6years
-Rongai break away Notch boys 4 boys aged 3
-Rongai main plus break way current Notch boys Earless Notch 3.6years and 4 little brothers Yoda and the rest 2 year old subs.
-Lookout main pride Notch boys 4-6 males 1.5 years
-lookout break away pride Notch boys 4-7 males 3-months -1.3years
-Roan Hill Notch boys aged 1year 4-5 males
-Sand river Notch boys no. Unknown aged just under 1year.The all place is full of Notch descendants only a matter of time before they oust their own fathers.Notch march 2013 five months before he died.Over half of the Mara lions are now related to him either directly as his own offsprings or offsprings if his sons and daughters or their sons and daughters.And more a still coming."

Usually I don't just copy and paste information, but since I know little about this lions, and the people in this page has clearly a lot of knowledge about them I thought it was important.
And about it I just want to say it is AMAZING. Such legacy this male built along with his sons.
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

made a poster with 5 of the Notch boy's, Long is missing cause I could not find a good picture. hope you guy's likes it 

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chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-22-2015, 02:28 AM by chaos )

(05-22-2015, 01:26 AM)'Pantherinae' Wrote: made a poster with 5 of the Notch boy's, Long is missing cause I could not find a good picture. hope you guy's likes it 

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Caesar and Notch are the cream of the crop, with Notch at the top. Very impressive lions

GuateGojira Offline
Expert & Researcher

(05-22-2015, 01:26 AM)'Pantherinae' Wrote: made a poster with 5 of the Notch boy's, Long is missing cause I could not find a good picture. hope you guy's likes it 

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Pantherinae, great image! [img]images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Could you post the original image of Notch II that you used here? It will be perfect for other comparisons.


Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast


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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

video of the Notch boys walking. just shows how big they are: Ron walks in front, then notch 2, caesar and Grimace/bob comes last.

You can see here in this video if you pause right away you can see the size difference between Caesar ans Notch 2 
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-22-2015, 09:12 PM by Pantherinae )

Caesar gives Ron a lesson  

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big boy caesar
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