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N'waswitshaka males

Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

With disease and age (we dont know exactly, but he is 9, maybe even 10 yrs old this year) his condition prob wont get much or any better.

With good and regular meals he could push for some more time, but recently he is seen less and less with his brothers and Kambulas, if that doesnt change, i fear that his demise might be close.
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Australia Horizon Offline
Regular Member

(01-18-2023, 06:07 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: He’s a fighter for sure.  
Agreed. He is a comeback kid. But this time, he looks far worse than he ever did.
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criollo2mil Offline

(01-18-2023, 06:13 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: With disease and age (we dont know exactly, but he is 9, maybe even 10 yrs old this year) his condition prob wont get much or any better.

With good and regular meals he could push for some more time, but recently he is seen less and less with his brothers and Kambulas, if that doesnt change, i fear that his demise might be close.

I don’t disagree.   These things are quite predictable.   There’s this ‘tipping’ point where it either gets better (like it was happening w DM) or gets worse, like it hit blondie.   I think Uboso is ‘right there’.   Where these next few weeks will be critical.
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United States GhostCatP-22 Offline
Regular Member

We are so used to seeing Lions with TB just slowly fall apart. TB can be “dormant” until a big stressful event triggers it to be more aggressive. Uboso doesn’t seem to have TB so he has a real chance of getting better especially since his limps have been healing. With some good meals he has an excellent chance of healing and be healthy weight again. He still has muscle mass and his walk is way better.
 How far away from kambulas or his brothers? Is he too nervous to roar or contact call? Not bring attention to hisself?

Are kambulas all over a big area with most lionesses denning and/or pregnant.
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Hes walking so much better, thats good to see
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Gore was also seen alone. The size of the "hanging piece" is grown now.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Duco Ndona Offline

In that case its probably more somekind of Tumor.

It is rather worrying though. Who knows what will happen if it bursts or is cut.

Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

If I got 1 dollar everytime someone said that Gore is about to die because of his injury is getting worse, I would have a lot of money by now. 

Im not an expert, but if that is indeed his intestine, isnt it logically that its bigger when there is digested food inside it? And smaller when there is none? 

Also, with open wound and intestine hanging out, on that location, its logically that overtime more intestine will go out, simply by gravity pulling it down, as skin around the open wound cant "tight up" because he is constantly in movement and action. It wont get smaller, as nothing is pulling it back inside, yet gravity is doing opposite. 

Will this injury eventually be his downfall? Prob, but we dont know when, as i said, i remember people saying he would die back in August 2019, and yet, here we are..
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Duco Ndona Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-19-2023, 01:49 AM by Duco Ndona )

I am not saying he might be death tomorrow. Its obviously not bothering him to much and he may still live a long time with it. 
But depending on what is actually on the inside. It may become a huge problem fast should it be torn open during a fight.

In any case. It would be better if it somehow got fixed.
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United States GhostCatP-22 Offline
Regular Member

I read somewhere that it’s an over growth of tissue  of the injury healing. A subcutaneous skin/fat tissue I believe.
  If it was his actual intestines he would be dead from infection. He can lay on it and get dirt and bugs but no infection. He can also roar fine so it’s not lung or diaphragm tissue.

Just looking it it it looks horrible tho, I thought same thing when I first saw him. Hopefully he’s not in a fight where it gets bit!
 Does it hold him back at all?
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Duco Ndona Offline

Somewhat. It may be why he is somewhat low on the pecking order of that coalition and prefered to hang out with the styx when they still had multiple prides.

But then again. Someone has to be at the bottom. It does not mean he is weak.
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(01-19-2023, 03:17 AM)GhostCatP-22 Wrote: I read somewhere that it’s an over growth of tissue  of the injury healing. A subcutaneous skin/fat tissue I believe.
  If it was his actual intestines he would be dead from infection. He can lay on it and get dirt and bugs but no infection. He can also roar fine so it’s not lung or diaphragm tissue.

Just looking it it it looks horrible tho, I thought same thing when I first saw him. Hopefully he’s not in a fight where it gets bit!
 Does it hold him back at all?

It was mentioned here, some time ago, that it is essentially scar tissue that is often times referred to as "proud flesh". Lately, though, it does seem as if it gets bigger and smaller at times, and recently it certainly seems to be protruding further than it has in the past.
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sik94 Offline

(01-19-2023, 12:16 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: In that case its probably more somekind of Tumor.

It is rather worrying though. Who knows what will happen if it bursts or is cut.

If it's a tumor, that would be great news actually cuz him surviving this long means it's definitely not malignant. I think he's had a meal recently in that picture and that would explain why his intestine is a bit more full than usual and sticking out.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

Lions have to be the most resilient and hard living creatures on the planet, IMHO. Ubuso, Gore, Limping Monwana, Spearboy, The lion with the blown apart skull, just to name a few and they just keep on truckin! I mean we don't see jackels or most hyenas or any other animals living like this. Crazy!
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sik94 Offline

(01-19-2023, 12:08 PM)BigLion39 Wrote: I mean we don't see jackels or most hyenas or any other animals living like this.

Highly disagree here lol we just don't pay as much attention to the other species but believe me, they are just as resilient as lions.
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