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N'waswitshaka males

Gijima Offline
Regular Member

Exactly. Anyone can go read what I said was spot on. Here is TrX’s own words from back: 

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Lions Sands had no idea what actually happened. It happened at night like I said... they didn’t even know how many N’W males were involved and it’s a total guess that there were two unknown males (in the dark and “in the bush” it could have been 3 vs 1 or just all 4 brothers). Keep in mind this is the info that was posted days after people talked to no one knew anything even after talking to rangers meaning we’re just speculating. 

And multiple people brought up the idea that this wasn’t a major fight:

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So yes we are all able to judge for ourselves and I’m doubtful that 2 N’W took on 2 DeLaportes. In fact this is when they started to show interest in the Styx pride and it could easily have been the Nkuhuma male or someone else.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 06-28-2021, 07:04 PM by Tr1x24 )

(06-28-2021, 06:16 PM)Gijima Wrote: Exactly. Anyone can go read what I said was spot on. Here is TrX’s own words from back: 

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Lions Sands had no idea what actually happened. It happened at night like I said... they didn’t even know how many N’W males were involved and it’s a total guess that there were two unknown males (in the dark and “in the bush” it could have been 3 vs 1 or just all 4 brothers). Keep in mind this is the info that was posted days after people talked to no one knew anything even after talking to rangers meaning we’re just speculating. 

And multiple people brought up the idea that this wasn’t a major fight:

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*This image is copyright of its original author

So yes we are all able to judge for ourselves and I’m doubtful that 2 N’W took on 2 DeLaportes. In fact this is when they started to show interest in the Styx pride and it could easily have been the Nkuhuma male or someone else.

My personal messages from Thomas More and Lion Sands Game Reserve at that time:

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Both confirmed they fight DeLaporte males..

Lion Sands even said DeLaporte males, when i ask about the fight with undentified males, as you see..

Also DeLaportes where not seen to this day again in the area, and before this they where regulary seen there, even in Kirkmans Kamp.. 

If thats not enough evidence, then idk what it is..
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lionuk Offline

Ubuso N'waswitshaka busy searching for his brothers. He eventually found them in an open area, and they soon started to vocalise, patrolling together.
28 June. 

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*This image is copyright of its original author
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Gijima Offline
Regular Member

You literally missed the point of everything I said. Posting that message didn’t prove anything because the whole discussion was about how these guides knew that but even having an open mind and evaluating info is not allowed.  Got it.  And your message says OE lost an eye. LOL poor guy, but it was confirmed by DMs so it’s 100% true.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 06-28-2021, 07:35 PM by Tr1x24 )

(06-28-2021, 07:15 PM)Gijima Wrote: You literally missed the point of everything I said. Posting that message didn’t prove anything because the whole discussion was about how these guides knew that but even having an open mind and evaluating info is not allowed.  Got it.  And your message says OE lost an eye. LOL poor guy, but it was confirmed by DMs so it’s 100% true.

I dont care how they knew, obiviously somebody seen them, people where there, but they didnt see the fight, they prob seen the lions before the clash idk.. but it was confirmed by Lion Sands Game Reserve and thats fact.. If you dont want to believe it, for idk what reason, then dont.. 

And about the eye, everyone, including myself taught he will lose that eye after we seen it, but obiviously eye was not damaged, which was impossible to see at that time so thats irrelevant.


Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Not everything is filmed as evidence with lion activity,if only it was that easy. lots happen at night so a lot of the time we just have to go off what the local guides and experts tell us dont we. Im just happy to get what info we can
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Gijima Offline
Regular Member

(06-28-2021, 08:55 PM)Hairy tummy Wrote: Not everything is filmed as evidence with lion activity,if only it was that easy. lots happen at night so a lot of the time we just have to go off what the local guides and experts tell us dont we. Im just happy to get what info we can

Absolutely. In fact I have lots of respect for guides who can piece together the events of a fight just through drag marks and track marks. The whole Phinda drama wasn't seen by anyone but they figured out the exact details of the fight through tracking. Having said that, there are just as many guides who completely butcher lion IDs, and speculate, and come up with incorrect assumption. In fact I just heard one today. And TrX, who criticizes Londolozi and other reserves when he doesn't agree with their reporting, has a huge problem because I said guides can get IDs of animals wrong in pitch darkness when they themselves agreed they didn't see the fight. I have no problem agreeing a fight happened but I'm not convinced about the IDs of the lions... big deal. Not sure why this is worth getting offended over.
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

I think its just a case of crossed wires, i can see where both of you guys are coming from. As i have said before, this is a brilliant forum for lion lovers, leave all the bickering for people on YouTube and Facebook
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(06-28-2021, 09:42 PM)Gijima Wrote: Absolutely. In fact I have lots of respect for guides who can piece together the events of a fight just through drag marks and track marks. The whole Phinda drama wasn't seen by anyone but they figured out the exact details of the fight through tracking. Having said that, there are just as many guides who completely butcher lion IDs, and speculate, and come up with incorrect assumption. In fact I just heard one today. And TrX, who criticizes Londolozi and other reserves when he doesn't agree with their reporting, has a huge problem because I said guides can get IDs of animals wrong in pitch darkness when they themselves agreed they didn't see the fight. I have no problem agreeing a fight happened but I'm not convinced about the IDs of the lions... big deal. Not sure why this is worth getting offended over.

Apparently it is a big deal for you..

By your logic we need to ditch 90% of reports from those reserves, of which we dont have evidence and only guides/rangers words..

I criticized Londolozi because of their force narratives, not lions ID's.. 

You dont believe Lion Sands on their word that it was DeLaportes, but you believe this report from MalaMala :

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"possibly" chased, because they found tracks of N'waswitshakas going west?? how dare they go back to their territory, they must be running from S. Avocas..

You have double standards my friend..

Gijima Offline
Regular Member

That’s exactly the type of report, along with physical evidence, that has credibility to me.

When Mala Mala says they saw tracks they don’t have time to explain to the reader how tracking works, but a good tracker knows if lions are running or being chased, how fresh they are, who stopped where, etc. They don't just see a lion paw print and think "chase".. they know what a chase track looks like. Like I said, the entire fight at Phinda was broken down step by step by trackers after it happened.

We’ll just have to agree to disagree because I don’t want to spam this thread anymore.

United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

So, how about those beautiful N'Was, huh?
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Gavskrr Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 07-04-2021, 10:59 AM by Gavskrr )

While the Southern Avoca males roar, one Ndzhenga male stares with intent while another moves in the opposite direction.
credits: MalaMala Game Reserve 

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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

He looks a bit rough there, he been fighting?
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lionuk Offline

Amahle and Eorenji were seen the next day after their encounter with the Othawa sub-adults.
Photo credits: J. Malan

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Poland Potato Offline

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