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Modern weights and measurements on wild tigers

Russian Federation Diamir2 Offline
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Italy Ngala Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast


Tiger killed in territorial fight in Wayanad wildlife sanctuary
K R Rajeev | TNN | Jan 20, 2016, 09.17 PM IST

KOZHIKODE: A male tiger was found dead in the Muthanga range of the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary (WWS) on Wednesday.

Forest officials said that the around 7- year old male tiger died due to wounds sustained in a territorial fight with another male tiger.

Forest staff found the body at Kadukakuni, not far away from a settlement, when they ventured to the forest at 6 am in the morning.

Following the sighting, senior forest department officials including state chief wildlife warden G Harikumar and chief conservator of forests (wildlife) Pramod G. Krishnan, who were camping in Wayanad, and WWS wildlife warden P Dhanesh Kumar reached the spot.

S Heeralal, Assistant Wildlife Warden, WWS, said that the forest staff heard load roars of the tiger which emerged victorious in the territorial fight when they went to recover the carcass.
The postmortem was conducted at the forest lab at Kuppadi as per NTCA guidelines.

Forest veterinary surgeon Dr V I Jijimon who conducted the post-mortem said that the tiger which weighed 320 kg had sustained severe injuries in the fight.

"The big cat had sustained severe injuries in a ferocious territorial fight with another tiger. The death was caused due to a deep bite injury in its neck. The foreleg of the animal was also fractured. The fight could have taken place some 40 hours back and the death had happened 12 hours prior to the recovery of the body"" he said.

WWS wildlife warden Dhanesh Kumar said that camera traps have been fixed at the site where the body was found and patrolling has been intensified in the area.

The WWS is the state's prime tiger habitat accounting for 76 of the total of 136 tigers in the state as per the status of tigers in India, 2014 report.

Tigers fiercely guard their territory normally spread across 10 sq km. It is natural for territorial fights to break out between competing tigers in which stronger animals drive out the weak and older tigers outside their territories.
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United Kingdom tigerluver Offline
Feline Expert

@Ngala , seems a bit suspect considering a prime, 320 kg giant should not be on the losing end of a territorial battle. 

The warden cited in the article has contact info here, maybe someone could get in touch with him with this article in hand.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Ask the veterinary surgeon @Ngala  hopefully he'll get back to you and confirm.
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Canada Kingtheropod Offline
Bigcat Expert


About the Wayanad wildlife sanctuary case.

I found this a month ago, but I didn't take it seriously, here is why.

A picture of it is shown in the article below. The tiger shown is clearly not a giant, I would guess that the animal was probably closer to 220 kg then 320 kg.
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

I feel like i have seen that picture before and also majority of the pictures in the news articles are just representational. the best way is to confirm with the authorities that weighed the big male.
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Italy Ngala Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast

I've write to the officials. When i have news (if they reply to me), i will update you. Thanks to all for the suggestions.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Credits to @GuateGojira

Tadoba-Andhari tiger of 197 kg:

Well, here is the case of a young adult tiger that was a cattle eater and that attacked a farmer when he tried to protect a cow. So, the animals was captured and resulted that it was a male of about 4 years old, with a large injure in a paw, broken canines and a deep cut in its nose. The animal was measured along the curves, but sadly the video doesn't show if it was hold straight or not. However, when they measured the tail, they hold the tape straight, so we can guess that it was measured in a straight line, like many Indian tigers. The results are:

Weight: 197 kg.
Total length: 111 inches (282 cm).
Tail length: 38 inches (96.5 cm).

The only thing that bothers me is that when they weighed the tiger, a small portion of the head and back legs are actually in the air, so is possible that some "weight" could be missed in the procedure, but never mind.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

This is the name of the documentary, in case that someone want to see it. I saw the program in Spanish.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

This is where they mention the weight of 197 kg. She says that it was a large animal. They also mentions the figure in the video.

If you ask who she is, here is her name:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Here is an image of the tiger, when they accommodate to the surgical table:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

The animal is a little compressed in order to fit in the table.

So, apart from Gabbar (185 kg), we have a new weight from the Tadoba-Andhari reserve. Sadly, is not from a healthy specimen, but it seems worthy of been included in our table of modern records.

Sorry for the bad quality of the video, but I filmed it in a rush.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Tiger Protection Society

WII team radio-collars 2 tigers in Brahmapuri division
Two sub-adult tigers, a male and a female of same litter, were radio-collared as a part of project titled 'Studying the dispersal of tigers across the EasternVidarbha Landscape', in Bramhapuri forest division in Chandrapur. At least three more tigers are expected to be fitted with satellite collars in Brahmapuri division in the phase-II collaring exercise under the project.
The report submitted by WII expert Habib Bilal to state forest department stated the operation was taken up earlier in the first week of June in South Brahmapuri range. The expert team tracked and located the female cub in the morning of June 3, near Mama talao in Halda. The team successfully darted the cub, set the collar and took the necessary body measurement as per standard protocol.
The female cub weighing 104kg was set free after administering revival drug and entire operation was accomplished within 40 minutes.
The WII team carried out the collaring exercise on sub-adult male of same litter at the same place the next day (June 4). The tiger was tranquillized, captured and collared by experts. The operation was carried out smoothly and the collared male weighing 147kg was set free after revival, Bilal has stated in his report submitted on Saturday.
CCF, Chandrapur, Sanjay Thakre ratified the radio-collaring of two tigers in South Brahmapuri range. We have marked three more tigers for radio-collaring. The same WII team will carry out the collaring of these marked individuals in coming day. Collaring of sub-adult tigers just separated from mother helps in studying their dispersal and behavioural pattern. Collaring also helps studying the conflict situation as these sub-adult tigers disperse in the forest. If any of them settles near human habitation or starts creating trouble, then they can be tracked and removed with the help of collar, he said.
Thakre informed that the tigers being collared are those being marked for proposed tiger translocation project. Collaring will serve twofold purpose for these Brahmapuri tigers. While they are here, collars will help in studying their dispersal and behavioural pattern. Once translocation project is finalized, they will be tracked with the help of collars and captured for translocation. Satellite collars will again help tracking these shifted tigers in new location and study them in new habitat, he explained.
While the team led by WII scientist Bilal successfully radio-collared two tigers in Brahmapuri, it failed to tranquillize target tigers in Umred-Karhandla and Tipeshwar wildlife sanctuaries during the seven-day schedule in phase-II collaring exercise. The team has decided to try collaring these carnivores in the next phase.
Bilal said they have planned collaring of 15 tigers in Vidarbha. He however did not give his schedule for next collaring exercise.
Jai, Gabbar re-collared
The report on radio-collaring of tigers states the popular tiger of Umred Karhandla wildlife sanctuary 'Jai' and adult male of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve 'Gabbar' were re-collared during the first phase of radio-collaring in March earlier this year.
Bilal's report states that, Jai was intensively tracked from Pauni to Umred range and was darted on the Karhandla road on March 18. The previous collar on Jai, which had malfunctioned due to unknown reason, was replaced with a new one. Gabbar too was tranquillized on March 19, and its collar replaced. Gabbar was first collared on October 19, 2014.
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Italy Ngala Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast

Gosekhurd canal:Tiger dies during territorial fight
Nagpur/Gosekhurd: In a tragic incident, a tiger weighing 85 kg died after falling into Gosekhurd left canal during territorial fight with another tiger. The incident came to light on Monday morning. The Gosekhurd canal is situated on Sindewahi-Pathri road. A fight between two tigers began on the bank of this canal in compartment no. 168 of Gadmaushi area in Saturday night. Forest officials have suspected that this tiger might have lost balance, fell into canal and died afterwards. The age of dead tiger was nearly two and half years.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Gosekhurd canal is located in front of ITI College in Sindewahi. There is presence of a tigress and her four cubs in this area. She had given birth to four cubs nearly two and half years ago. These cubs have now grown up. Meanwhile, one male among these cubs started fight with another tiger strayed from Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve. The tiger died during fight after falling into canal. After this incident came to fore on Monday morning, regional manager of Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra”s S S Dohe, D M Rajput, chief conservator of forests of Chandrapur territorial circle Sanjay Thakre, deputy conservator of forests Ashish Thakre, Eco Pro”s Bandu Dhotre, Aditya Joshi, Sindewahi”s conservator of forest Vasant Kamdi reached the spot. The dead tiger was taken into possession and post mortem was performed in FDCM rest house premises. Forest department sources informed that deep canine injuries on neck were found. Similarly, first cervical vertebrae of tiger was also broken. This is the second incident of tiger death in the district. Earlier on June 23 a tiger was found dead in Tadoba Andheri Tiger Reserve. Forest officials have claimed that the tiger was killed in the battle for territorial supremacy.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Taiwan Betty Offline
Senior Member

A huge male Indochinese tiger

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(11-29-2016, 09:09 PM)Betty Wrote: A huge male Indochinese tiger

*This image is copyright of its original author

I tried to translate it but didn't have much luck. What little part I was able to translate mentioned 200kg male, can any one confirm this?
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Canada Kingtheropod Offline
Bigcat Expert

(11-29-2016, 10:00 PM)Pckts Wrote:
(11-29-2016, 09:09 PM)Betty Wrote: A huge male Indochinese tiger

*This image is copyright of its original author

I tried to translate it but didn't have much luck. What little part I was able to translate mentioned 200kg male, can any one confirm this?

Hi pckts, this is the translation I got.

"On July 22, Mr. Charoen holy aunt Head of Research Area Regional Office 12, Sawan and tiger expert. กรมอุทยานแห่งชาติ สัตว์ป่า และพันธุ์พืช กล่าวถึงการพบเสือในเขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่าห้วยขาแข้ง ว่า ล่าสุดพบแม่เสือ 2 ตัวที่ทีมวิจัยติดวิทยุติดตามตัว National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, said the tiger was found in the Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, the recent discovery of a mother tiger research team attached two pagers. และตั้งชื่อเอาไว้คือ 'เอื้อง' และ 'รุ้งนภา' คลอดลูก โดยแม่รุ้งนภา คลอดลูก 3 ตัว เป็นตัวผู้ 1 ตัว และตัวเมีย 2 ตัว ส่วนแม่เอื้องยังมองไม่เห็นว่าคลอดออกมากี่ตัว And named it the 'Orchid' and 'Rungnapha' birth mother Rungnapha birth to three male and one female, the mother of two orchids do not see that came out a few.

นอกจากนี้ ยังพบเสือสาววัยรุ่น He also found a tiger girl. และเสือหนุ่มขนาดใหญ่มาก หนักมากกว่า 200 กิโลกรัม ถือว่าเป็นเสือที่ใหญ่ที่สุด Young tigers and more than 200 kilograms heavy, very large tiger is considered the largest. ในป่าธรรมชาติของประเทศที่เคยพบ The country's natural forests have been found. โดยมีขนาดฝ่าเท้าใหญ่ถึง 12 ซม. โดยทั้ง 2 ตัว ทีมวิจัยเพิ่งจะเคยเจอครั้งแรก The size of the feet up to 12 cm by the second, the research team recently met for the first time. ยังไม่ทราบว่ามีที่มาที่ไปจากไหน Still do not know where that came from. แต่ได้ตั้งชื่อเสือตัวเมียว่า 'นวพรรษ' และเสือตัวผู้ชื่อ 'อุทิศ' ซึ่งเชื่อว่าเป็นเสือตัวใหญ่ที่สุดในประเทศเวลานี้ The tigress named as 'Nava rain' and the male tiger named 'dedication', which is believed to be the largest in the country at this tiger.

“ห้วยขาแข้งมีพื้นที่ประมาณ 2,700 ตารางกิโลเมตร มีเสือประมาณ 80 ตัว โดยแต่ละตัวจะมีอาณาเขตหากินประมาณ 80 ตารางกิโลเมตร "Huai Kha area of approximately 2,700 square kilometers and has about 80 tigers, each with a living area of approximately 80 square kilometers. ถือได้ว่าเกือบจะเต็มพื้นที่แล้ว Considered almost full already. ปรากฏการณ์ที่น่ายินดีอย่างมากคือ The phenomenon is very pleasing. พื้นที่ป่าที่ติดต่อกับห้วยขาแข้ง คือ อุทยานแห่งชาติแม่วงก์ Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Area abutting the Mae Wong National Park. และอุทยานแห่งชาติคลองลาน And Lan National Park เริ่มมีประชากรเสือโคร่งมากขึ้น Start with tigers more. โดยในอุทยานแห่งชาติแม่วงก์นั้นมีเสือแม่ลูกอ่อน 2 ตัว ทั้ง 2 ตัว มีลูกรวมกัน 5 ตัว และมีเสือตัวผู้อีก 3 ตัว และจากกล้อง แคมเมราแท็ปส์ The Mae Wong National Park, the tiger mother and the two have two children together, five and a male tiger and the other three camcorders from Merapi's tab. ที่ติดกับต้นไม้ตามจุดต่างๆ Next to a tree at various points. สามารถถ่ายภาพเสือโคร่งในป่าแม่วงก์ได้ไม่ต่ำกว่า 12 ตัว ส่วนที่อุทยานแห่งชาติคลองลาน Can shoot wild tiger Mae Wong has more than 12 characters, the Khlong Lan National Park. เจ้าหน้าที่พบรอยตีนหลายแห่ง Officers found several footprints ที่น่าประหลาดใจอย่างมากคือ I was extremely surprised. พบเสือตัวเมียจากห้วยขาแข้ง 2 ตัว ตัวหนึ่ง เดินไปยังเขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่าสลักพระ จ.กาญจนบุรี และอีกตัวหนึ่งเดินไปที่อุทยานแห่งชาติถ้ำธารลอด Tigress found a second one from the Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary neighborhood, walking distance to the pin packages. Kanchanaburi and one went to Glacier National Park, Tham Lod. ระยะทางมากกว่า 100 กิโลเมตร ซึ่งพื้นที่ป่าห้วยขาแข้งกับป่าสลักพระนั้นไม่ได้ติดต่อเชื่อมโยงกัน Distances over 100 km of forest area Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife engraved with the contact is not linked. มีหมู่บ้านและถนนลาดยางกั้นหลายแห่ง” นายศักดิ์สิทธิ กล่าว The village has a paved road and a lot of, "said Mr. sacred.

ผู้สื่อข่าวถามว่า Reporters asked มั่นใจแค่ไหนว่าในปี 2565 ซึ่งจะเป็นเวลาที่ประเทศไทย Assured me that in the year 2565, which will be for the country. จะต้องไปรายงานสถานการณ์ประชากรเสือโคร่งในป่าธรรมชาติ Reported to be the tiger population in the wild. ให้ภาคีสมาชิกประเทศที่มีเสือโคร่งในป่าทั่วโลก 13 ประเทศ ว่า ประเทศไทยสามารถเพิ่มปริมาณเสือในป่าธรรมชาติให้ได้อีก 50 เปอร์เซ็นต์ จากของเดิมที่มีอยู่ 200-250 ตัว นายศักดิ์สิทธิ กล่าวว่า ขึ้นอยู่กับเวลา The member countries with wild tigers in 13 countries around the world that the United States can increase the volume of tigers in the wild nature has another 50 per cent from the existing 200-250 Mr. Yusuf said that depending on the time. แต่ถ้าในแง่การเพิ่มประชากรในพื้นที่ที่ไม่เคยมีมาก่อนถือว่าประเทศไทยประสบความสำเร็จสูงที่สุด But in terms of population growth in areas not previously considered the country's most successful. ในบรรดาทุกประเทศที่มีเสือในป่าธรรมชาติ เพราะเมื่อ 10 ปีก่อน มีหลายพื้นที่ในประเทศไทย Among all the countries with tigers in the wild 10 years ago because there are many areas in the country. ที่ไม่มีประชากรเสือเลย No tigers at all แต่ปัจจุบันมีและมีแบบการตั้งรกราก But there is a form of colonization. และสามารถสืบต่อสายพันธุ์ในพื้นที่นั้นๆ ได้ด้วย And can be traced to the species in that area as well.

อย่างประเทศอินเดีย With India ที่ขึ้นชื่อว่าดูแลประชากรเสือในป่าได้ดีที่สุดในโลก The population of tigers in the wild, reputed to have the best care in the world. ก่อนหน้านี้นั้นเป็นเพราะพื้นฐานปริมาณเสือของเขามากเป็นต้นทุนเดิม คือมีอยู่ราว 1,400 ตัว และเพิ่มเป็น 2,100 ตัว อีกทั้งพื้นที่ป่าของเขาค่อนข้างกว้างใหญ่ Previously, it was the basis of his shirt as the original cost is around 1400 and 2100, the increase was also his rather vast forest areas. ในขณะที่บ้านเราค่อนข้างมีฐานข้อมูลที่ชัดเจนอยู่ที่ห้วยขาแข้ง While we are quite clear that the database is the Huai Kha. ซึ่งการทำงานของเจ้าหน้าที่ตลอดระยะเวลาที่ผ่านมา The work of the staff during the past. ทั้งเรื่องการเฝ้าระวังไม่ให้มีการไล่ล่า Both surveillance not to have to chase. การเพิ่มปริมาณเหยื่อ Enrichment victims รวมทั้งการดูแลพื้นที่ป่า Well-maintained forest ทำให้ประชากรเสือในพื้นที่ห้วยขาแข้งค่อนข้างแข็งแรง Tiger population in Huai Kha Khaeng quite strong. และสามารถถ่ายเทประชากรไปยังพื้นที่ป่าอื่นๆได้อย่างรวดเร็ว The transfer of forest land to the other quickly. โดยเวลานี้ทั้ง 13 ประเทศที่มีเสืออยู่ในป่าธรรมชาติ By this time, the 13 countries where tigers live in the wild. ต่างยอมรับและยกย่องว่า Recognized and honored ประเทศไทยคืออันดับต้นๆ Thailand top ของโลกที่ทำงานเรื่องนี้ได้ดีมาก The world's worked it very well. "

It is odd however, that in the article, it mentions something about a young tiger and also a female. I don't know if this relates to the same animal.
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GuateGojira Offline
Expert & Researcher

Actually, there was a radiocollared male that weighed 200 kg in Thailand. I still have a picture of this animal, it was many years ago (2003 or 2004), but sadly in those days, I did not take screenshoots nor save links. Now, the page no longer exists and I have not found an email or something to corroborate that weight. Still, I am very sure about the weight of that male and also a female of 120 kg, both from Thailand.
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Canada Kingtheropod Offline
Bigcat Expert

Hi all.

I found a picture of the body of the 303 kg tiger from Vietnam. The parts which where found weighed 668 pounds, this appears to not include the internal organs.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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