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Majingilane Coalition Male Lineage

Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

Styx males few yrs back:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Photo credit : jaynbrit_in_africa (instagram)
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

Throwback, 3 Sparta young males, born 2012,sired by Majingilanes :

Sparta pride on a kill in Londolozi, 2015:

*This image is copyright of its original author

After they went nomadic in late 2015/2016, only 2 of them where seen around, does anyone know what happened to the 3rd? 1 of them was seen with Mhangheni pride and their young males, but idk if that was the 3rd one.. 

Other 2 where seen quite a lot around Sabi Sabi:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

After that those 2 went in Kruger in mid to late 2016:

Supposedly 1 of them was mauled to death by Mantimahles in 2017, and the other one was never seen again.. 

Nomadic young males have tough life, very few survive to become kings, for that you need some luck on your side, this young males unfortunately didnt have it, but who knows, maybe the last one is still alive somewhere..
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Poland Potato Offline

There was 4 of them before nomadic days, but one of them was killed by Styx males. Wasn't all three together while they came actoss Mantimahles?

Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(07-16-2020, 09:29 PM)Potato Wrote: There was 4 of them before nomadic days, but one of them was killed by Styx males. Wasn't all three together while they came actoss Mantimahles?

Idk, last sightings in Sabi Sabi there where only 2 males.. later on, on that video in Kruger also 2 males..
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T I N O Offline

The Othawa male - Majingilane son
Sabi Sand-Savanna Private Game Reserve,Posted: 14/12/2017.
Photo credit to: Shades of Whyte

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-18-2020, 08:35 PM by T I N O )

Mangheni male lion (Majingilane son) One of the best memory of my life was this day, at the sunset, a pride of 15 lions next to the river just in front of us. They were waiting for something to hunt 
Photo credits to: Laurizon T.
KNP,Posted: 26.08.2019

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

Long Mane Styx male:

Photo Credits : lionwhisperersa

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Gijima Offline
Regular Member

@Tr1x24 Did the Styx male loose BOTH his lower canines? How is he even eating properly at this point? Most lions starve to death if they loose both their canines like that.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(10-06-2020, 09:30 PM)Gijima Wrote: @Tr1x24 Did the Styx male loose BOTH his lower canines? How is he even eating properly at this point? Most lions starve to death if they loose both their canines like that.

Idk, prob his teeth in the back are good so he is improvizing somehow.. Apperantly he got that injury in 2017, so he definitely learned how to live with that..
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sik94 Offline

(10-07-2020, 12:10 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(10-06-2020, 09:30 PM)Gijima Wrote: @Tr1x24 Did the Styx male loose BOTH his lower canines? How is he even eating properly at this point? Most lions starve to death if they loose both their canines like that.

Idk, prob his teeth in the back are good so he is improvizing somehow.. Apperantly he got that injury in 2017, so he definitely learned how to live with that..

I am pretty he still has them but the injury has made them harder to see.
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T I N O Offline

A stunning portrait of the Styx male 'Broken Jaw' or 'Long Mane' near Mpondo dam.
KNP-South Africa,July 2019
credit: De Wet Alta

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline

Styx male April 2017.
Lion on the move
S38, 3km from Timbavati towards Olifants
Tinged By Eloise

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(10-08-2020, 08:57 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: Styx male April 2017.
Lion on the move
S38, 3km from Timbavati towards Olifants
Tinged By Eloise

I dont think thats him, thats waay to north to be him..

T I N O Offline

(10-08-2020, 09:35 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(10-08-2020, 08:57 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: Styx male April 2017.
Lion on the move
S38, 3km from Timbavati towards Olifants
Tinged By Eloise

I dont think thats him, thats waay to north to be him..

It was in 2017.
Nomadic lions travel very far away.
Makhulu and Pretty boy once were seen near Croc Bridge,So there you have a idea how far they were from SS

Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(10-08-2020, 09:38 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: It was in 2017.
Nomadic lions travel very far away.
Makhulu and Pretty boy once were seen near Croc Bridge,So there you have a idea how far they were from SS

Idk, Styx males where seen in late 2016 in Jock Concession.. :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

And reports said that they where seen east of Jock, in s26 area since 2017.. 

So chances that they went all the way there north and returned back south  in a span of few months is very slim.. 

And he had much darker mane already in 2016 then this male in 2017:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Idk, chances are very low that thats him..

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