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Lions of Timbavati

T I N O Offline

(08-06-2021, 12:29 AM)Tonpa Wrote: The skorro males, what year were they born?

They were born in November 2014. I'll get some pics soon.
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lionuk Offline

(08-06-2021, 12:29 AM)Tonpa Wrote: The skorro males, what year were they born?

These males, they have born on a litters of 7 cubs- 3 were born in Nov 2014, and 4 in 2015. There used to be 3 of them, but one sadly was killed. 

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Poland Potato Offline

I expected that opportunity of taking over Myambula pride might bring some sort of competition for the Nharhu males. I did not think however the shift in lion dynamic will be so... dynamic. Also I was worried that the lost of key member of the Nharhu males could be fatal for the coalition. The two healty Nharhu males were making very capable harmonious duo. They were often hanging together, patroling and securing their territory by them selfs while the limping males was mostly just trailing the River pride. I think if the third Nharhu would be alive, Skorro males wouldn't be able to outcompete Nharhus or at least they would have much harder time doing so.
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T I N O Offline

Just to update. The Skorro males hasn't a fight with the old River pride males. In fact, two of the three River pride males were the ones that had a scuffle with them
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United States Peteporker Offline

(08-06-2021, 04:19 AM)Timbavati Wrote: Just to update. The Skorro males hasn't a fight with the old River pride males. In fact, two of the three River pride males were the ones that had a scuffle with them

Sorry, I'm a little confused here. So the Skorro males did not beat up the Nharhu males but instead beat up the old River pride males?
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sik94 Online

(08-06-2021, 04:59 AM)Peteporker Wrote:
(08-06-2021, 04:19 AM)Timbavati Wrote: Just to update. The Skorro males hasn't a fight with the old River pride males. In fact, two of the three River pride males were the ones that had a scuffle with them

Sorry, I'm a little confused here. So the Skorro males did not beat up the Nharhu males but instead beat up the old ?

2 of the 3 River pride males fought the Nharhus, Skorros not involved.
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Gavskrr Offline
Regular Member

(08-06-2021, 04:59 AM)Peteporker Wrote:
(08-06-2021, 04:19 AM)Timbavati Wrote: Just to update. The Skorro males hasn't a fight with the old River pride males. In fact, two of the three River pride males were the ones that had a scuffle with them

Sorry, I'm a little confused here. So the Skorro males did not beat up the Nharhu males but instead beat up the old River pride males?

I think he referred to an earlier report that didn't involve Nharu men where there was a fight between Skorro males and Old River males, so now he has updated that the fight actually took place between Skorro males and 2 of the 3 River pride males. This fight is not related to the Skorro vs Nharu event reported today
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T I N O Offline

As Gavskrr mentioned, this is a previous update from 2 months ago. Just a correction. Skorro weren't involved in that event. It was the two old River pride males (Hondo and Xantshema) and the three River pride males that are dominant on Ingwelala, Umbabat and Ntsiri.
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T I N O Offline

I was referring to an older report from 2 months ago. The recent update of Skorro males vs Nharhu males is 100% true. both Skorro males headed to the North and leave the River pride territory.
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United States Cunaguaro Offline
Senior Member

Turn up the volume.
A little throwback with the Monwana male advertising his presence with a bone chilling roar at Timbavati Game Reserve
Video credits: @wildlifehuibs
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Tonpa Offline

"It’s with a heavy heart that I have to inform all of you, Xitaya, a Nharhu brother has tragically fallen and with him so has the Nharhu males regime.

Around 5 days ago we discovered Xitaya along the thick banks of machaton, beaten and bruised, it was evident that our king had clearly met his match but to whom we were not sure of yet… over the course of the next 3 nights his condition would continue to deteriorate to the point where any hope of him finding the Riverpride and securing a meal was drowned with the stone-cold realisation that this could be the end. Yesterday afternoon, tracks for a coalition of two male lions were picked up in the heart of the Riverprides territory (these were to be the culprits of Xitayas injuries) and after some investigative work the brothers were identified as the notorious Skorro males. When things couldn’t seem to get any worse; after a chaotic night spine-chilling lion roars and chaos, the news I had dreaded so much crackled through on the radio, “Mphisi have bamba’d this madoda Ngala…”. In his weakened state Xitaya could no longer fend off a clan of opportunistic hyenas and they finished him off. As to the the Riverpride, the females have fled south in an attempt to protect their cubs whilst the Skorro males still reign terror across their home turf, the whereabouts of Skorokoro (the last remaining Nahru) is unknown but with his handicap, he would not last long against the newcomers. And so in one single night the era of the Nahru males has shattered into a thousand pieces."

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T I N O Offline

One of the five Vuyela males at Baobab Ridge Game Lodge 
Image: Sharon Gilbert-Rivett

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline

The Skorro males are near of the area where the carcass of Xitaya was found! Rangers will go there and hopefully they will send a few pics.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Just seen this news, such a shame for Nharhus..

I guess death of Mpohlo was nail in the coffin for Nharhus future, he and Xitaya where warriors of the coalition, chasing Mbiris, Hercules/Sumatra.. 

After that, any coalition of 2 or more which would invade them will prob be the victors, and that exactly what happened.. 

Skorokoro was mostly a loner (prob because of his injury)  even now when he was left with Xitaya, he was rarely seen patroling with him, Xitaya was mostly on his own..

Injured males dont have confidence, and they mostly run away when in danger, leaving their healthy and confident brothers exposed, same scenario prob happened with Monwanas..
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United Kingdom Mabingilane Offline
Regular Member


My sentiments exactly. Mpohlo and Xitaya were the shield of that coalition and their territory. Two of them chased a few coalitions away various times.
Without Mpohlo, it was only a matter of time before invading males tested them once again. 
Skorokoro just tends to chill with the pride as you mentioned, due to his injury. 
With Xitaya dead, Skorokoro has no chance to maintain control over the River Pride for much longer. 

Just recently, the Nharhu males were mating with Myambula females and trying to extend their reign. In just one day, things can go very wrong. 
They truly live day to day.
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