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(9 hours ago)DE_66 Wrote: I know her paternity can't be proven either way, but wasn't the timing suspect enough that she could very well be a Charleston daughter? Kinda like referring to the Mbiri cub as Mandevu's offspring when it could be the Orpen Son's or ZigZag's or Mohawk's or some other male who slipped in.
I think Charlestons tookover in 2016, she was born in 2015.
The following 1 user Likes Tr1x24's post:1 user Likes Tr1x24's post • BA0701
As for Torchwood pride, they are mystery as we only see a portion of this massive pride.
In 2020 they where seen at the Nkorho Dam with around 15 adult females and 1 young male (Mongawane Torchwood), half of these females where older (original females and Matimba offspring) other half younger (Bboys offspring).
Since then, thru Kruger Males (2020 -22) and Mantimahle sons (22 -24) pride prob fragmented into multiple groups.
Spliting already happen when Kruger males arrived in 2020.
We are currently seeing only Mantimahle sons offspring group (what, 4-5 adult lionesses and subs) , but we should also have Kruger males offspring group (they should be a bit northeast in Kruger) and maybe even another group east in Kruger.
So yea, this group of Torchwood pride should be only a fraction.
(6 hours ago)KM600 Wrote: Speaking about the Kruger Males, did any offspring of theirs from Fourways Pride survive?
We dont know, in 2021-22 i think, there was group of 2-3 yrs old subs occasionally seen in MM around Windmill, like 4-5 sub males and few females.
What happened to them, its not known.
Its hard to follow these prides who pop up 1-2 times in few years.
I imagined they had just disappeared, hopefully if Nkuhuma boys can stay with them, we'll get a lot more updates, including the makeup of the pride to see if they left any daughters.
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(6 hours ago)Tr1x24 Wrote: As for Torchwood pride, they are mystery as we only see a portion of this massive pride.
In 2020 they where seen at the Nkorho Dam with around 15 adult females and 1 young male (Mongawane Torchwood), half of these females where older (original females and Matimba offspring) other half younger (Bboys offspring).
Since then, thru Kruger Males (2020 -22) and Mantimahle sons (22 -24) pride prob fragmented into multiple groups.
Spliting already happen when Kruger males arrived in 2020.
It was actually surprising the split didn't happen sooner, in terms of them accepting dominant males. I remember the Northern Avocas were looking as likely candidates to takeover a portion of the pride even after their split, DM was even seen mating with atleast one of the females and interacting with several around Nkorho on a kill. I think Mohawk found the pride and mated with some lionesses too.
(6 hours ago)KM600 Wrote: I imagined they had just disappeared, hopefully if Nkuhuma boys can stay with them, we'll get a lot more updates, including the makeup of the pride to see if they left any daughters.
Not sure if NKs are with Fourways.
Didnt Fourways pop up few times in MM with some subs? 1 time with Imbali males aswell?.
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(6 hours ago)KM600 Wrote: It was actually surprising the split didn't happen sooner, in terms of them accepting dominant males. I remember the Northern Avocas were looking as likely candidates to takeover a portion of the pride even after their split, DM was even seen mating with atleast one of the females and interacting with several around Nkorho on a kill. I think Mohawk found the pride and mated with some lionesses too.
Correct, it was a mess in 2020 from Torchwoods, lionesses where scattered all over the place, 1 group was hanging in eastern MM aswell, with Torchwood young male.
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(6 hours ago)KM600 Wrote: I imagined they had just disappeared, hopefully if Nkuhuma boys can stay with them, we'll get a lot more updates, including the makeup of the pride to see if they left any daughters.
Not sure if NKs are with Fourways.
Didnt Fourways pop up few times in MM with some subs? 1 time with Imbali males aswell?.
I think I remember them with one of the Imbalis, no idea if they had subs with them or not.
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(6 hours ago)KM600 Wrote: It was actually surprising the split didn't happen sooner, in terms of them accepting dominant males. I remember the Northern Avocas were looking as likely candidates to takeover a portion of the pride even after their split, DM was even seen mating with atleast one of the females and interacting with several around Nkorho on a kill. I think Mohawk found the pride and mated with some lionesses too.
Correct, it was a mess in 2020 from Torchwoods, lionesses where scattered all over the place, 1 group was hanging in eastern MM aswell, with Torchwood young male.
I recall that as well, that was back when we got regular updates on them, and especially on TYM. It was clear, even back then, that he was bound to have the great mane that he has today, sticking straight up off the top of his head, even at his young age.
The following 1 user Likes BA0701's post:1 user Likes BA0701's post • KM600
(6 hours ago)KM600 Wrote: It was actually surprising the split didn't happen sooner, in terms of them accepting dominant males. I remember the Northern Avocas were looking as likely candidates to takeover a portion of the pride even after their split, DM was even seen mating with atleast one of the females and interacting with several around Nkorho on a kill. I think Mohawk found the pride and mated with some lionesses too.
Correct, it was a mess in 2020 from Torchwoods, lionesses where scattered all over the place, 1 group was hanging in eastern MM aswell, with Torchwood young male.
I recall that as well, that was back when we got regular updates on them, and especially on TYM. It was clear, even back then, that he was bound to have the great mane that he has today, sticking straight up off the top of his head, even at his young age.
Ye was always a handsome boy, he just so happened to link up with one of, if not the only other male around him, well partially as he was in Timbavati, who could match him in looks. Their offspring are bound to be stunning too, they have a lot to make up with after the Mbiris males success, jk.
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Obviously some other males like Mantimahle and Kruger male could have mated in this period as well, but as far as sightings go, we have sightings of Kambulas mating with Imbali females from August to December 2024.
1 hour ago( This post was last modified: 1 hour ago by KM600 )
(2 hours ago)Mapokser Wrote: So are the Kambula males potentially fathers now?
Imbali lioness was seen with 2-3 months old cubs.
Obviously some other males like Mantimahle and Kruger male could have mated in this period as well, but as far as sightings go, we have sightings of Kambulas mating with Imbali females from August to December 2024.
It seems Mantimahles see them as theirs, if the cubs truly are that age, as they were hanging with Imbalis in January. If u are on about this sighting, they don’t seem that old, which again leads to Mantimahles.
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