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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Lions of Sabi Sands

Poland Potato Offline

Will the sub adult females of the Kambula pride be pushed out with their brothers? It’s anybody’s guess at this stage!

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Sweden Mangw Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-15-2021, 02:50 PM by Rishi )

Mod edit: Welcome to the forum. Refer to this:
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Tonpa Offline

Nkuhuma Cubs by Johan Enslin 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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lionuk Offline

Ximhungwe lioness with her cub

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Tonpa Offline

I was wrong about the Othawa carcass, I asked James if he had any theories on how Othawa male made it back into Londolozi and if his spine was snapped, this was his reply

"I imagine he would have been chased there and the final conflict happened where his carcass was found. Hyenas and vultures had been at the carcass so it was hard to establish what injuries he had sustained in the actual fight..."
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(06-15-2021, 04:37 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Nkuhuma Cubs by Johan Enslin 

*This image is copyright of its original author

Will be interesting to see how much will these 3 younger females hang out with rest of the pride, now when they have cubs, even before they where known to hang solo quite a lot..

I think they will not be relaxed with their cubs around all those subadults, who might serious hurt them at this point, also all those cubs would get almost 0 food at the carcass when they start eat meat.. 

So i wouldn't be suprised that they avoid the main gruop and potentially might even breakeaway eventually..
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lionuk Offline

Styx Pride seen today with cubs, finishing off what seemed to have been a wildebeest. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Tonpa Offline

Elephant Plains sightings of the week 

Monday, 7 June 2021
One Avoca male lion feeding on an impala kill on Leadwood Road.

Tuesday, 8 June 2021
One Avoca male lion drinking water at Baboon Pan.

Thursday, 10 June 2021
The Nkuhuma pride of lions resting on Londoz Boundary close to Big Dam Link South.

Friday, 11 June 2021
One Avoca male lion resting on Mehluane Road.

Saturday, 12 June 2021
The 2 Plains Camp male lions resting on Horseshoe Open area.

Sunday, 13 June 2021
The Nkuhuma pride of lions and 1 Avoca male lion feeding on an impala kill stolen from Ndzutini, the female leopard, on Milkberry Road.
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Tonpa Offline

saw these posted by The Lioness on youtube, a nice collage of the Talamati youngsters

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Sweden Mangw Offline

Is Hairy chins Sub-adult/cub a male or female?
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Tonpa Offline

(06-16-2021, 03:31 AM)Mangw Wrote: Is Hairy chins Sub-adult/cub a male or female

A male I believe
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lionuk Offline

2/3 Northern Avocas (although only Blondie in the video) and some of the Nkuhuma pride and the 'new' cubs at Northern Sabi Sands, June 15.

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lionuk Offline

Othawa female with a full belly.

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lionuk Offline

One of the Ntsevu pride subadults on the hunt in the pitch dark at Londolozi.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United Kingdom Mabingilane Offline
Regular Member

Guys, one Nkuhuma female gave birth around April 16th on Arathusa property. They showed her carrying one cub to a new den site. Was this the female who gave birth to 3 or the 2? I believe there are 2 new Mothers as there are 5 cubs in total. I may be wrong and maybe one female gave birth to 5 cubs
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