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Lions of Sabi Sands

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(02-08-2020, 12:38 AM)Mohawk4 Wrote: TBT Toulon males Dominant,Shy and Diamont Face
Fathers of Eastern Bank males and probably Charlestons(Others say the Kruger males)
Tall lions!

Most badass looking lions ever, especially Diamond Face. I think that Dominant Toulon is the father of Charlestons, they are big as him and very similar face.
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 02-08-2020, 10:11 AM by Hairy tummy )

Most badass lion for me is the old skybed male, he was a beast
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abbeyster Offline

(01-21-2020, 08:30 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Touching tribute to the last lionesses and their cubs from the 2 most legendary prides in history of Sabi Sands:

I think Tsalala lady has bigger chances to raise her cub, she is young and live in relative stable area. 

Sparta lioness is very old, hunting on her own will be challenge in those years and i dont think she will live long enough for her cub to be indenpendet, which is 2.5 - 3 more yrs atleast, she is 12/13 yrs old atm. Plus, area in which they live will be pretty unstable soon, with 4 new N'ws males around a corner and her pride males S. Avocas hanging mostly in Kruger lately.

This is beautiful tribute. Has anyone seen the Eyrefield/Sparta girls since the death of the younger lioness in mid January 2020? I have looked on the forums but no mention of the older lioness and cub.
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Poland Potato Offline

Yes, so far remaining Sparta lionesses and her cub was seen and doing fine.
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Blondemane Offline
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Yes, the Eyrefield/Sparta lioness is well, she and her cub were seen in south of MalaMala yesterday. (by MalaMala rangers)
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

Sparta lioness & cub , kirkmans kamp, 07-02-2020

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Torchwood young male:

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Hes getting quite a mane already. Hope he has a bright future
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(02-09-2020, 09:23 PM)Hairy tummy Wrote: Hes getting quite a mane already. Hope he has a bright future

Yes, he looks like Nhenha/Nsuku, while Nkuhuma and Styx young males look more like Mfumo/Tinyo.
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abbeyster Offline

(01-21-2020, 09:20 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(01-21-2020, 09:14 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: Though if the N'waswishaka Males take over control of the Sparta Pride could be Great news (Not to all by the  Sparta  female cub) But she have the sustain of four young males in their prime,Is more easily raise their cubs to the independence Is just my point of view,Great sightings thanks for sharing

They would kill the cub, and she doesnt have time to raise new cubs, shes too old.

Has anyone seen the Sparta lioness and cub recently? I was concerned about the two of them since the passing of the younger lioness.

Poland Potato Offline

Sparta pride

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Beautiful portrait photo...

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Poland Potato Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-12-2020, 04:45 AM by Potato )


Over the past few months, there’s been a great deal of activity within and between the lion prides of Lion Sands Game Reserve. Field Guide Aidan Dunlop gives us an update:
  • The four young Nwaswitshaka males (who’ve only appeared in about the last 8 months from the Kruger National Park) have been seen 3-4km away from the last two remaining Southern Pride females, who are together on the reserve for the first time in a long time
  • On one morning, the Nwaswitshaka males were particularly close to the Southern Pride females and we were hopeful that they would meet up, but the tracks of all four males went back down to the Sabie River and away from the females
  • Our Guiding Team has decided to rename the Nwaswitshaka males, the Ndzhenga males – ‘Ndzhenga’ is the Shangaan name for the thorny African Wattle tree and the lions were first found in an area dense with these plants, making it very difficult to get close to them
  • About a year ago, two of the three young Tsalala males were killed by a rival pride. Since then, we have seen the surviving male only once or twice a year and there are records of him being found deep in the Kruger
    Note: They actually died in an accident with electric power lines.
  • The four Styx females remain relatively close to our reserve, but have not made many appearances here – we think it’s only a matter of time before they do though… They would make a perfect match for the Ndzhenga or Southern Avoca males
    Note: Also acording to Mala Mala they spent a lot of time in southern parts of that reserve and so in adjusted regions to it (Sabi Sabi and Lion Sands) and may be they are slowly thinking of settling there for good. 
  • The two Southern Avoca males are on our eastern border, with the Ndzhenga males about 5km away
  • The Styx females will more than likely fall under a new reign of males – being fertile females with a strong bloodline, they have a good chance of fortifying a new bloodline together
  • The Southern Avoca males have been seen mating with the Sand River females, as well as members of the Plains Game pride, and are also still visiting the Eyrefield females and their cubs on the very southern border of Mala Mala, close to Kirkman’s Kamp
  • The Styx females have also been in the area, just a bit further west and this may cause trouble for the Eyrefield females
Interesting times lie ahead and we’ll continue to keep you posted!
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Thanks for the updates potato
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Venezuela titose Offline
Regular Member

King Othawa with Mhangheni pride in his Old home the area where he was born and raised @ Inyati Game Lodge
cedrit: Roger Hlongwane

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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