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Lions of Sabi Sands

Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

He will be fine, lets hope that, like i said before it would be fantastic if Styx-NK male-Torchwood male meet up! for the prides is just a question of time to some new males try to take Styx and Torchwood, just my guess or maybe this lioness are tired of dominant males and prefer to live a nomadic life without them (i think this is just stupid theory lol) ... some say the Mhangeni lioness want to get rid of Nguvu and thats why none of the cubs survive... this is true? none of them  survive?

Poland Potato Offline

"just my guess or maybe this lioness are tired of dominant males and prefer to live a nomadic life without them (i think this is just stupid theory lol)"

Sex drive will always push females into dominant males, moreover Styx pride droped throught 2018 from 13 members to 6 so they are perfect example that protection of dominant male(s) pays off.

"some say the Mhangeni lioness want to get rid of Nguvu and thats why none of the cubs survive... this is true? none of them  survive?"

One female survived, she is sub-adult now. Rest of the cubs starved to death. It has nothink to do with females willing or not to Othawa male be their dominant male.
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

"The newest members of the Nkuhuma Pride made their debut this afternoon! 
Our head guide, Darryn and his guests were privileged enough to capture this beautiful moment as the 4 new pride members emerged from the thickets."  by: EP Game Lodge 25-01-2020

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

MALAMALA TODAY: January 23rd-25th.
The last 3 days saw us record 9 sightings of lions involving 3 prides as well as a coalition of males, 10 leopards sightings, 2 packs of Cape hunting dogs totaling 30 individuals, hoards of elephants, several buffalo and an array of other game.
A rather strange thing happened on the evening of the 23rd. We were viewing a small herd of buffalo near Mlowathi Dam. A female that had been laying down stood up and, without preamble, gave birth in front of us. We didn’t have to much time to fully absorb the spectacle that is new life before a rowdy elephant that had been swimming in the Dam came charging in at the herd of bovines. For whatever reason the elephant had it in for the buffalo and chased them relentlessly. In the chaos it soon became apparent that the buffalo had more cause for concern... lions had entered the fray! The Nkuhuma pride made several failed attempts at catching one of the formidable beasts before giving up. Miraculously the newborn calf had gone unnoticed during the ordeal but it had been separated from the herd which was already moving off. Unfortunately, things didn’t end well for the youngster - the following day it was being fed upon by hyenas. The youngsters from the Torchwood pride who have been spending more and more time on our reserve (seemingly breaking away from the pride itself) were seen on all 3 days. They were found at Confluence Crossing, Lion Loop and Matshapiri Open Area respectively. All 23 members of the Kambula pride and Gowrie male coalition were viewed on the 24th and on the 25th. They were initially found near our airstrip and killed a wildebeest to the west of MalaMala Camp overnight. They then moved into the Sand River in front of MalaMala Camp.
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 01-27-2020, 10:35 PM by Blondemane )

Nkuhuma Pride
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

New Nkuhuma Pride cubs - North Avoca Coalition bloodline 

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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

2 young lions ( i cant ID) vs Hyenas

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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Where was this taken?

Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

(01-30-2020, 11:31 AM)Hairy tummy Wrote: Where was this taken?

The person that uploaded the videos are in North of Sabi Sands... you can see Nk young male-warthog kill in his videos gallery.
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Blondemane Offline
Regular Member

Nk young male-warthog kill 3 weeks ago... 


Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(01-30-2020, 05:17 PM)Blondemane Wrote: The person that uploaded the videos are in North of Sabi Sands... you can see Nk young male-warthog kill in his videos gallery.

Well we dont know if this video is recent or from archive. If its not recent this could be Mhangeni male and Nkuhuma male some months ago.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

Styx pride in the western sector, in Othawa pride and HB territory :

*This image is copyright of its original author
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LazarLazar Offline

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

Torchwood breakeaway pride in MalaMala, 4 lionesses and young male behind them:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Rest of the Torchwood pride lionesses where also seen in MalaMala.
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Poland Potato Offline

(01-30-2020, 07:00 PM)LazarLazar Wrote:
*This image is copyright of its original author

Who is it? Charleston males?

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