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Lions of Sabi Sands

Canada Mdz123 Offline

(02-28-2023, 09:42 AM)Mapokser Wrote:
(02-28-2023, 06:15 AM)Mwk85 Wrote:
(02-28-2023, 03:38 AM)Mapokser Wrote: I heard ( keyword heard ) that facebook ( keyword again facebook ) is reporting a lot of intense stuff in the Western Sector. Can anyone verify any of this? All of this supposedly happened yesterday and today.

- NK back and with Ximhungwes;
- Talamati males roaring;
- Talamati's sisters some kms away from their brothers;
- Manghenis around there in the West too;
- One unknown male roaring;
- PCM roaring back;
- Othawas made an adult male nyala kill and were seen with full bellies ( was told there's footage of this );
- Apparently all of these lions minus PCM got in some sort of clash over the Othawa's kill with lots of roaring. It was thought everybody escaped unscathered, but no confirmation of anything;
- Skorro Jr wasn't seen.

Saw this a few minutes ago. Looked around for more information but wasn't able to find anything else at the moment.

Honestly Othawas can't do any fighting, if they got caught in any of this they are done. Hopefully they escaped unharmed. But could NK and Ximhungwes have fought the 2 Talamati males? This would be a more fair fight.

Anyway now we wait to see if this is legit and if it is, the status of all lions involved.

I agree, Othawas are still way too young to put up a good fight against any adult lion. Best for them is too keep low profile and hang out with their dad for protection
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-01-2023, 03:58 AM by Mapokser Edit Reason: Correction )

From the new reports it seems ( I think basically confirmed ) that the clash was between Othawas and Ximhungwes.

It was said Ximhungwes and NK attacked Othawas in their kill, but Tumbela showed up and they fought 3v3. Othawas were seen with minor injuries. Skorro Jr also has some injuries and so does the Nkuhuma male, but Ximhungwes seemed completely fine.
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member

Younger Southern Pride lionesses 

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Korea, Republic of veritas Offline

Hi, friends.
As of today I finally read all the forums that exist in Wild Facts!
It's been a hell of a time and I'm confused.
There's one thing I can't think of right now.
It was a young male, and I think it was the sound of someone calling sadly in termite hill.
I remember a forum where a user posted a post saying that he was so sad that he still didn't want to know the story deeply.
One user said he had never heard such a sad sound in a lion's call.
I use Google Translator, so it's not an accurate sentence.
I remember a little boy calling me sadly by himself, but I'm so confused that I don't remember the name of the incident.
Who remembers this incident?
I can't remember who he was or what happened because I only remember a poor and miserable incident.
I want to hear that voice again. Can I know the name?

Duco Ndona Online
( This post was last modified: 03-05-2023, 09:17 PM by Duco Ndona )

That sounds like Big Boy Mhangeni.

Most likely you are looking for this video.
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criollo2mil Offline

(03-05-2023, 09:15 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: That sounds like Big Boy Mhangeni.

Most likely you are looking for this video.

That Is who came to my mind as well
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Korea, Republic of veritas Offline

I want to know the story of Big Boy in detail.
It's hard to find which forum.
Where is the Big boy story?
I can't listen to YouTube in English, so I can't know with a translator unless it's written in text.
I can't sleep and it hurts ?
I am always grateful to the user.
Plz help me....
@ducondona  @criollo2mil 
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Duco Ndona Online

To give the quick ran down. The Mhangeni were facing a take over so they split the pride between most of the adult lionesses and their twelve subs with another adult lioness to babysit them. 
The baby sitter however died quickly afterwards so the subs were on their own. Resulting in what was known as the Mhangeni twelve. 

Most of them died as they were not skilled enough to secure enough food to feed so many lions with so little skill. 
Some of the lionesses managed to reconnect with the Mhangeni pride. But Big Boy ended up being adopted by Nana, one of the lionesses of the Nkuhuma pride. Who introduced him to the pride. 

He managed to heal up there, suffering heavily from mange when he arrived. But Nana died soon after and when the Avocas returned, he and and the other male subadult Nym were forced to leave. 
The two did not form a coalition and Nym eventually ended up in western sector. Big Boy Mhangeni however kept trailing the Nkuhuma pride alone. Until he got in somekind of scruffle which gave him the wound that got infected resulting in his death. 

Of the Mhangeni twelve only one or two lionesses are alive I recall. The two that managed to return home.
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criollo2mil Offline

(03-05-2023, 11:08 PM)veritas Wrote: I want to know the story of Big Boy in detail.
It's hard to find which forum.
Where is the Big boy story?
I can't listen to YouTube in English, so I can't know with a translator unless it's written in text.
I can't sleep and it hurts ?
I am always grateful to the user.
Plz help me....
@ducondona  @criollo2mil 

Best Information comes from here:

Read #167 ??

RIP Big Boy

Thanks to @Tr1x24 for his im depth review
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Korea, Republic of veritas Offline

Thank you for your friend's reply.
But no matter how much I think about it, I don't understand.

The motherhood that abandoned many babies is shocking.
It's hard to understand why Nana covered it up for another Pride-born big boy.
It's just that the whole story is weird and tragic.
He's just a baby too young.
I feel like he has given up his will to live alone rather than sick or hungry.
How lonely he must have been...I can't forget the poor boy. I'm so sad.
I have 2 hours left to go to work, but I can't sleep even after taking sleeping pills and tranquilizers, I'm so depressed.
I'm crying so much, I have a headache.

Thanks to @ducondona @criollo2mil 
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(03-06-2023, 01:01 AM)veritas Wrote: Thank you for your friend's reply.
But no matter how much I think about it, I don't understand.

The motherhood that abandoned many babies is shocking.
It's hard to understand why Nana covered it up for another Pride-born big boy.
It's just that the whole story is weird and tragic.
He's just a baby too young.
I feel like he has given up his will to live alone rather than sick or hungry.
How lonely he must have been...I can't forget the poor boy. I'm so sad.
I have 2 hours left to go to work, but I can't sleep even after taking sleeping pills and tranquilizers, I'm so depressed.
I'm crying so much, I have a headache.

Man look, this is nature, things what happens in nature on the other side of the world is not in your control, and shouldnt be, so stressing about it to that lvl is pointless and not good.

Nature and life is brutal, scary and sometimes seen as "not fair" thru eyes of are moral principles. But thing are like this for millions of years, since life started on this planet, far before we where born, and will be after us, you need to accept that.

Based of your comments, i noticed you are very highly emotional and sensitive person, studying and watching nature in its raw form is often quite brutal and not for faint-hearted people.

Everyone can feel a bit sad or sorry for animals they follow and care about, its normal, but, if you feel stressful, depressed or even cant sleep because you are watching and following this animal content, i highly recommend you to stop, and focus on something else, because its not good for your health.
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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 03-06-2023, 05:18 PM by BA0701 )

(03-06-2023, 01:01 AM)veritas Wrote: Thank you for your friend's reply.
But no matter how much I think about it, I don't understand.

The motherhood that abandoned many babies is shocking.
It's hard to understand why Nana covered it up for another Pride-born big boy.
It's just that the whole story is weird and tragic.
He's just a baby too young.
I feel like he has given up his will to live alone rather than sick or hungry.
How lonely he must have been...I can't forget the poor boy. I'm so sad.
I have 2 hours left to go to work, but I can't sleep even after taking sleeping pills and tranquilizers, I'm so depressed.
I'm crying so much, I have a headache.

Thanks to @ducondona @criollo2mil 

Life is hard, and always has been.  It's a shame, but this is the way of the wild far too often.  It's sad, and we all tend to have our favorites that touch our hearts, but the only thing we can do is manage what we can manage.  Get involved and donate to people you think can stop the pointless trophy hunting, or ruination of natural habitats.  We humans can spread our morality that way.  We can't change what is another species' way of life.
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United States BorntobeWild Online
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 03-06-2023, 08:43 AM by BorntobeWild )

(03-06-2023, 01:01 AM)veritas Wrote: Thank you for your friend's reply.
But no matter how much I think about it, I don't understand.

The motherhood that abandoned many babies is shocking.
It's hard to understand why Nana covered it up for another Pride-born big boy.
It's just that the whole story is weird and tragic.
He's just a baby too young.
I feel like he has given up his will to live alone rather than sick or hungry.
How lonely he must have been...I can't forget the poor boy. I'm so sad.
I have 2 hours left to go to work, but I can't sleep even after taking sleeping pills and tranquilizers, I'm so depressed.
I'm crying so much, I have a headache.

Thanks to @ducondona @criollo2mil 
I completely understand your depression. 

Soon after I followed up lions, a most impressive lion died in his prime due to a fight  and I was too sad to even eat food for more than a month, and then,  a famous single mom lioness was killed by two nomad lions , the moment when I knew she was killed, I started shaking for about 15 minutes and could not stop my tears for next few days, thus I had have suffered from depression for more than one and a half years. I am fine now even I have no problem to look back their photo and videos.  

I know you probably can't stop to browse the internet for lions (if you can, that would be the best way), so here is my experience dealing with losses of lions or any animals: 
1: Try not to remember any lion's name as well as dig out any story of a specific lion and pride. This is the reason I don't want give you the names of the lions that I mentioned above.
2: Keep telling yourself this is nature and out of your control. The food chain is designed like this and there is a nothing you can do. If all lions survive and have long lives,  eventually they would starve or fight to death because there were no enough food sources for them.
3: This one might be cruel, but it worked for me. When I was depressed and felt pain, I knew the worst enemy who I fought was myself and I had to faced it. I just follow my heart keeping browsing everyday, over the time, I get used to it.
4: Do outdoor activities as much as you can.

And here I am. When I see a bad news about a lion,  I am sad and yes still depressed, but it will pass and move on in a couple of days.  Hope this is helpful for you.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

All my favorite lions can't manage to stop dying tragic deaths left and right since I've started following lion dynamics, it sucks but it's part of it.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

(03-06-2023, 01:51 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Nature and life is brutal, scary and sometimes seen as "not fair" thru eyes of are moral principles. But thing are like this for millions of years, since life started on this planet, far before we where born, and will be after us, you need to accept that.
Can't agree more here! We forget about this because we live a cush, easy life. It is very hhealthy to put down the technology, go for a walk in the forest, in nature (in wherever part of the world you are), and witness it in full effect. The new, civilized world will make you forget what life is truly about.
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