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Lions of Sabi Sands

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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Scorro Jr. Tumbela male :

Photo Credit : Timothy Griesel

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Gijima Offline
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Mala Mala Report: Jan 2021

Kambula Pride

The Kambula pride remained fragmented this month with two main divisions. The bulk of the pride consisting of adult females, the 11 sub-adults and the two, year-and-a-half old cubs. The 'second division' consisting of the two lionesses who recently lost their cubs and the third lioness that occasionally links up with them. The last of the youngest cubs also disappeared during the early parts of the month, the last sighting of this cub was on the 31st of December 2020. We can only assume it also succumbed to the mange infection this litter had contracted....

Towards the later parts of the month, one of the sub-adult males from the pride was seen alone on three occasions and not looking in the best condition.

Torchwood Male

 This male's first sighting was an interesting one where he was seen in the Sand River at the Old Dudley crossing with a lioness from the Kambula pride on the 7th.

Hairy Belly

The surviving Clarendon Male was seen three times this month; in the Tamboti Thickets (26th), west of Campbell Koppies (30th) and on the Old Airstrip (31st).
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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( This post was last modified: 02-11-2021, 05:47 PM by Tr1x24 )

I know this is a lion thread, but what happened to most famous Sabi Sands leopard Hukumuri might happened to lions also..

Its just unbelievable that something like that can happened in the most "secure" area in whole Kruger, in the area wheres even TV broadcast of wild life, i can only imagen what is happening in other parts of Kruger then..

Circumstances are still quite unknown, a lot of prob false information is coming thru, but one thing is sure, he was shot by humans and out of Sabi Sands, that means gate/fences where/are down.

I cant believe that Sabi Sands/Manyeleti can allow themselves to have holes in their fences, unbelievable..
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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(02-11-2021, 05:27 PM)Psyckoo Wrote: Any news on Tumbela males ?

New photos, Credits : fortheloveofcatsjen 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-11-2021, 08:34 PM by Potato )

Southern lioness and cubs February 10

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Gijima Offline
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(02-11-2021, 05:38 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: I know this is a lion thread, but what happened to most famous Sabi Sands leopard Hukumuri might happened to lions also..

Its just unbelievable that something like that can happened in the most "secure" area in whole Kruger, in the area wheres even TV broadcast of wild life, i can only imagen what is happening in other parts of Kruger then..

Circumstances are still quite unknown, a lot of prob false information is coming thru, but one thing is sure, he was shot by humans and out of Sabi Sands, that means gate/fences where/are down.

I cant believe that Sabi Sands/Manyeleti can allow themselves to have holes in their fences, unbelievable..

Just reading up on this now. This is so shocking to think in 2021 they are still letting this happen. I remember Tinswalo recently saying how the Talamati pride almost escaped through a fence too. I can't imagine what would have happened to them if they did... 

On another note, I just saw that Dark Mane is back with the Talamatis, as expected. Leaving lion politics aside, I'm amazed at how much he's developed over the past year. He's really taken on a very dark tone-- not just his mane but his whole body. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

Also this was interesting: 

*This image is copyright of its original author

The Ottawa Male as reported by Singita as never being spotted on his own or away from his pride. This got me thinking---- is he really out their patrolling and defending his territory as he should? Maybe not, and that's why all the nomads feel so comfortable there and also the Mhangeni Pride is always wandering to the south. Not a criticism of OM> maybe he's just missing that instinct since he was never really nomadic.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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( This post was last modified: 02-11-2021, 11:13 PM by Tr1x24 )

(02-11-2021, 10:41 PM)Gijima Wrote: The Ottawa Male as reported by Singita as never being spotted on his own or away from his pride. This got me thinking---- is he really out their patrolling and defending his territory as he should? Maybe not, and that's why all the nomads feel so comfortable there and also the Mhangeni Pride is always wandering to the south. Not a criticism of OM> maybe he's just missing that instinct since he was never really nomadic.

OM was seen numerous times alone and patroling in western sector, Londolozi, and even in Sabi Sabi..

Maybe its just coincidence that Singita guides never seen him alone, also Singita is core of his territory, so he prob controls his borders more.

(02-11-2021, 10:41 PM)Gijima Wrote: On another note, I just saw that Dark Mane is back with the Talamatis, as expected. Leaving lion politics aside, I'm amazed at how much he's developed over the past year. He's really taken on a very dark tone-- not just his mane but his whole body. 

Its just like in late 2019, when he gets beaten for mating rights, he retreats to Talamatis, he was mating with younger Nkuhumas until Mohawk found him. 

I still think that he doesnt want to compete with hi brothers for mating rights and food, and he just retreats to Talamati , and his injury is big part of that.. Regardless, is good for him to have contact with his brothers, so they dont forget him.. If the new males come in this area, his survival will depends on his brothers. 

(02-11-2021, 10:41 PM)Gijima Wrote: Just reading up on this now. This is so shocking to think in 2021 they are still letting this happen. I remember Tinswalo recently saying how the Talamati pride almost escaped through a fence too. I can't imagine what would have happened to them if they did... 

Hukumuri apperantly also got thru fence in Manyeleti, prob the same area where Talamatis almost got.. So they didn't repair that spot since that? Unbelievable..

RookiePundit Offline
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( This post was last modified: 02-12-2021, 01:37 AM by RookiePundit )

I think the critic is bit harsh considering the area was hit by a cyclone and the fence was repaired quite promptly it seems as in the relevant thread Red Road Male with Nharu pride were in the area before, so it is not fair to assume the fence was unrepaired for long weeks. Here at 7:20 it is said Phungwe river damaged it (video is from Feb 4th). I know it is South Africa but let's not see a foul play in everything immediately. We should at least wait for something official regarding the timing of the leopard incident, it got out now, but happened some time ago.

BTW the thread in Leopard section is already going through that topic, we can move the debate there.
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RookiePundit Offline
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Those Dark Mane pictures above seem to be run through a filter or at the the colour palette is bit off, possibly making the mane somewhat darker. It is from yesterday sunset WE drive, Steven even thought he was Blondie at first till he got a better angle.

Speaking about them, Talamatis moved away (are caught on Djuma dama cam moving across the dam wall) from the Vuyutela Lodge and Quarantine to Buffelshoek dam in Northen Djuma during night and also due to other pride calling from south today. Dark Mane still with them. They probably caught something along the way, tracks on road suggested some hunt attempts, all points that they did not caught what they were hunting at Quarantine in the evening though.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(02-12-2021, 01:23 AM)RookiePundit Wrote: I think the critic is bit harsh considering the area was hit by a cyclone and the fence was repaired quite promptly it seems as in the relevant thread Red Road Male with Nharu pride were in the area before, so it is not fair to assume the fence was unrepaired for long weeks. Here at 7:20 it is said Phungwe river damaged it (video is from Feb 4th). I know it is South Africa but let's not see a foul play in everything immediately. We should at least wait for something official regarding the timing of the leopard incident, it got out now, but happened some time ago.

Well we obiviously dont know exact what happened, on that video from 4th, ranger said that fence was already fixed, and Hukumuri was still seen in the reserve at the very beginning of February..

Obiviously we dont know if he got thru that broken fence, because thats a bit north of his usual territory, or what exactly happened..

Gijima Offline
Regular Member

@RookiePundit I always brighten up all my screenshots because otherwise they look like crap lol. Originals are much darker. WE guides typically confuse blondie for mohawk, so go figure. Also, the issue with fences and animals escaping has been documented several times now. I don't think any of us are trying to speak out of turn, but it is a sad situation. There was once a cub shot accidentally over an incidentally like this. No debate or argument but I think it's ok for people to acknowledge this situation was tough.
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Tonpa Offline

Out of curiosity, do we know which pride the NWS males spend more time with? The southern pride or the styx?

Tonpa Offline

Othawa Subs by Nicandrew_photography 

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RookiePundit Offline
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( This post was last modified: 02-12-2021, 05:03 PM by RookiePundit )

Ximhungwe lioness + cub/ Ximhungwe pride:

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Poland Potato Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-12-2021, 08:16 PM by Potato )

(02-12-2021, 05:30 AM)Tonpa Wrote: Out of curiosity, do we know which pride the NWS males spend more time with? The southern pride or the styx?

They seem to be spending their with eachothers, they seem to meet with Southern annd Styx pride females only to mate.
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