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Lions of Manyeleti

Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

The Birmingham super pride in northern Manyeleti.

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criollo2mil Offline

Red Road, Captured today by Vestment

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Lion1 Offline

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Panama Mapokser Online

Nice to see him with his son.
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(01-30-2025, 09:34 PM)Mapokser Wrote: Nice to see him with his son.

Pairing up with his son could, possibly add years to his reign, and help ensure that the new cubs have a better chance. Of course, there are no guarantees, especially in the lion's world, but it would surely increase RRM"s odds.
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Panama Mapokser Online

Yeah, and think about it, his son is over 5yo if I remember correctly, while Nzuri is barely 4.

So the only reason RR has a big disadvantage against them is because Mandevu chose to bond with Nzuri while RR followed the more natural path of ousting his son, though as the ranger had aaid previously and we've seen in the video, RR still tolerates him to some degree.

The Nharu pride has a history of helping RR in clashes, they are not a small pride, if RR was to bond with his son and play things smart, maybe even a strong duo like Mantimahle wouldn't find so easy to oust RR.

In one of the Virtual Safaris the ranger talked about Mantimahles constantly going deep into RR territory, and in another video RR was seen with injuries from fighting more than one male ( I'm not implying it was Mantimahle especially because it was speculated RR won ), so he ia outnumbered from all sides, having the help of an adult son could make a huge difference.

It's difficult to see RR raising the new cubs alone, considering his age.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

(02-01-2025, 08:19 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Yeah, and think about it, his son is over 5yo if I remember correctly, while Nzuri is barely 4.

So the only reason RR has a big disadvantage against them is because Mandevu chose to bond with Nzuri while RR followed the more natural path of ousting his son, though as the ranger had aaid previously and we've seen in the video, RR still tolerates him to some degree.

The Nharu pride has a history of helping RR in clashes, they are not a small pride, if RR was to bond with his son and play things smart, maybe even a strong duo like Mantimahle wouldn't find so easy to oust RR.

In one of the Virtual Safaris the ranger talked about Mantimahles constantly going deep into RR territory, and in another video RR was seen with injuries from fighting more than one male ( I'm not implying it was Mantimahle especially because it was speculated RR won ), so he ia outnumbered from all sides, having the help of an adult son could make a huge difference.

It's difficult to see RR raising the new cubs alone, considering his age.

In one of their (fairly) recent videos, Tintswalo said that RR has two sons still alive. An older one, indeed expelled from the pride, though he is still seen with the females from time to time, and a younger male, the lip scar one we still see with the pride. I believe that's the young male we've seen in the latest videos. At the time of the video they were quoted as being 4.5 and 2.5 years old, though I doubt the younger one is that much younger. But considering how recently his mane has started to develop, I doubt he's 5 years old.
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United States afortich Offline

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Philippines sunless Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 02-03-2025, 10:47 PM by sunless )

Mbirhi Males visit the Northern Manyeleti again and maybe that is the reason that the Young Mbiri Male is in the southern part of the Mbirhi Pride territory avoiding those 2 unrelated male to him.
They really hold quite a big territory to Ngala concession with the Mabotlel Pride to Kruger with the Birmingham Pride and they somewhat hold some parts of the northern parts of Manyeleti.
Both looking quite thin here in this video (seems like this videos is 2 or more days late) but the other day they are with the Mabotlel Pride on a buffalo kill.

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Panama Mapokser Online

They were deep in Mandevu's territory, not their own territory ( though they might consider that their territory as well ).

They're old and it doesn't seem like they have great genes for longevity like the Ross males, so at their age they struggle to keep themselves in great condition, they lose muscle mass quickly and it is hard for them to recover and maintain it.

This started as soon as they turned 10yo and got in those fights in late 2023/early 2024. Even after they recovered enough strength to beat the Guernsey/Avoca coalition, they still were never the same again... Still, it doesn't matter, they became territorial very early on, they don't need to reach 13yo in top shape like the Ross males did.

Ranger thought they might be under pressure in the north, from Monwaganes maybe, reason why they spending so much time in Manyeleti, but we know they aren't under any pressure so all is good for them.
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South Africa Rabubi Offline
Regular Member

(02-04-2025, 08:52 AM)Mapokser Wrote: They were deep in Mandevu's territory, not their own territory ( though they might consider that their territory as well ).

They're old and it doesn't seem like they have great genes for longevity like the Ross males, so at their age they struggle to keep themselves in great condition, they lose muscle mass quickly and it is hard for them to recover and maintain it.

This started as soon as they turned 10yo and got in those fights in late 2023/early 2024. Even after they recovered enough strength to beat the Guernsey/Avoca coalition, they still were never the same again... Still, it doesn't matter, they became territorial very early on, they don't need to reach 13yo in top shape like the Ross males did.

Ranger thought they might be under pressure in the north, from Monwaganes maybe, reason why they spending so much time in Manyeleti, but we know they aren't under any pressure so all is good for them.

"Still, it doesn't matter, they became territorial very early on, they don't need to reach 13yo in top shape like the Ross males did."

With reference to this comment on the Mbiri Males and the conversation we all had about the PCMs a few days ago, I am seriously wondering if there is a real tradeoff between early development/territoriality and longevity among male lions.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(02-04-2025, 02:24 PM)Rabubi Wrote: With reference to this comment on the Mbiri Males and the conversation we all had about the PCMs a few days ago, I am seriously wondering if there is a real tradeoff between early development/territoriality and longevity among male lions.

I dont think so.

HB Matimba developed very early on, and he reached 14 yrs of age, same as S.Shishangeni, who is still alive.

I think diseases (almost all Kruger lions have some sort of disease) and how it affects lions is key for longevity, alongside genes.

Healthy males with good genes will reach 13-14 yrs without a problem, if nothing happens to them.
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Panama Mapokser Online

It might be a thing.

Mbiris also got injured a lot throughout their lives which may add to their aging.

Or it might be just genetics and they just lack genes associated with longevity.
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(02-04-2025, 09:28 PM)Mapokser Wrote: It might be a thing.

Mbiris also got injured a lot throughout their lives which may add to their aging.

Or it might be just genetics and they just lack genes associated with longevity.

These boys have, for sure, been in more than their fair share of serious battles.
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South Africa Rabubi Offline
Regular Member

(02-04-2025, 09:28 PM)Mapokser Wrote: It might be a thing.

Mbiris also got injured a lot throughout their lives which may add to their aging.

Or it might be just genetics and they just lack genes associated with longevity.

That's definitely possible. The Mbiri males have been through some wars over the years so it could be that the toll these wars have taken on these males is showing.
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