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Lions of Manyeleti

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(5 hours ago)Gavskrr Wrote: In parts it has a tragic ending like its cousins/brothers (I don't know for sure the connection) from the south of Tumbelas, it's a very bad outcome, we can only hope knowing how strong these felines are and have an above-average recovery, they're still in the game, it would be good join the pride but I don't know how far away they are.

Yea, Thanda Impi male offprings really had hard time as adults, neither Tumbelas and Tintswalos couldnt fulfill their potential because of factors they couldnt control, shame.

Even if Mandevu doesnt have some internal damage (big if), he needs food immidiately to recover, but looks too weak to search for Mbiris, who might be too far away, or even with Mbiri doesnt look promising..
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South Africa Rabubi Offline
Regular Member

(5 hours ago)Tr1x24 Wrote: Do they have any evidence if it was really Mbiris?
Mongawanes are not far away either.

Regardless, very sad for Mandevu, his adult life was prime example how hard is to be territorial male lion.

Had 3 brothers, 1 disappeared, Lambile got sick, Ncile snared, he was basically lone protector of his area for almost 2 years, constantly getting bullied and invaded by Mbiris. Few times in a fight with other males. Finally Ncile recovered, they looked great and expanded in Kruger, only for another blow as Ncile prob got killed.

He returned back, only options he had is to accept Nzuri, but looks like they didnt have time for him to mature, because of constant pressure from the north.

Mandevu is great and brave lion, but unfortunatley looks like (tragic?) saga of Tintswalo males is coming to an end.

As @Gavskrr mentioned, they probably suspect the Mbiris due to history and location but it could very well be the Mongawane males who mauled Mandevu.

With both Mandevu and Tumbela looking to be on death's door, sadly, it looks like the end is truly near for the Thanda Impi sons as a whole. Which is tragic, considering how well they started and how well they were progressing but life in the African wilderness just dealt them back-to-back misfortunes.
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Philippines sunless Offline
Regular Member

(5 hours ago)Tr1x24 Wrote: Do they have any evidence if it was really Mbiris?
Mongawanes are not far away either.

Regardless, very sad for Mandevu, his adult life was prime example how hard is to be territorial male lion.

Had 3 brothers, 1 disappeared, Lambile got sick, Ncile snared, he was basically lone protector of his area for almost 2 years, constantly getting bullied and invaded by Mbiris. Few times in a fight with other males. Finally Ncile recovered, they looked great and expanded in Kruger, only for another blow as Ncile prob got killed.

He returned back, only options he had is to accept Nzuri, but looks like they didnt have time for him to mature, because of constant pressure from the north.

Mandevu is great and brave lion, but unfortunatley looks like (tragic?) saga of Tintswalo males is coming to an end.

I think its not just the Tintswalo Males that are unlucky but the whole lions in Manyeleti, with Mbiri Pride and their past dominant males like Ncila, Orpen, etc. all live to a short life, with Nharhu Pride they are quite unlucky as we do not know what happened to others Red Road sons (maybe snares as the location is Manyeleti), for the Imbali Pride we all know what happened to S8 and Talamati Pride shame on to what happened to them, Manyeleti seems to be black hole for the lions .
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 4 hours ago by Mapokser )

@Rabubi last sighting of Mbiris were at Ngala at the same time Mandevu was also found at Ngala, injured.

Minor wounds on Scar's nose and maybe face:

*This image is copyright of its original author

@Tr1x24 I thought Mongawane were the culprits because Titnswlaos were last seen in Orpen with 2 Skorro females.

But Mandevu injured in Ngala at the same time as Mbiri, with at least Scar having some facial scratches that were as fresh as Mandevu's injuries, also in the vid, Matt says, while wondering where Nzuri was, that he heard that Mandevu fought alone, so it's likely the Ngala rangers arrived in the post-fight and could conclude it happened there and between Mandevu and Mbiris, and Matt was hearing it from Ngala rangers.

@Gavskrr injury on Torchwood's face is from early February.

Matt said he heard that Mandevu fought [Mbiris] alone, I can only imagine from Ngala's rangers.
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Poland Potato Offline

(6 hours ago)sunless Wrote:
Just saw an update of Mandevu in Twitter!!!
You can watch here at FB as seems like they upload first in FB then Youtube.
Seems like the Mbiri Males would start to eat him as looking at his injury in his belly as it resembles on what they did to the Guernsey Male. Seems like 1 male got a hold of him in the head while the other male started to bite him in his belly and hind legs, but still really hoping for him to pull through this injuries he have gotten.

Here is the Youtube Video:

Uh, those are some really nasy wounds, especially those on his head...
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Anyway I'm not the most optimistic person I think he may survive this.

He walked from Ngala to Manyeleti, isn't limping and has some mass left. Generally it's the back injuries that kills, facial and head injuries rarely results in death, if his belly injury isn't that deep he may end up surviving.

It's also weird that, although he has that belly injury, most of his injuries are in the face and head, generally when lions are caught 2v1 they barely get facial injuries, if any, their hindlimbs and back are what takes the brunt of the damage.

I wonder if Mandevu was 1v1 for most of the fight while the second male was away, possibly chasing Nzuri?
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Philippines sunless Offline
Regular Member

(4 hours ago)Potato Wrote:
(6 hours ago)sunless Wrote:
Just saw an update of Mandevu in Twitter!!!
You can watch here at FB as seems like they upload first in FB then Youtube.
Seems like the Mbiri Males would start to eat him as looking at his injury in his belly as it resembles on what they did to the Guernsey Male. Seems like 1 male got a hold of him in the head while the other male started to bite him in his belly and hind legs, but still really hoping for him to pull through this injuries he have gotten.

Here is the Youtube Video:

Uh, those are some really nasy wounds, especially those on his head...

Yes the guide in the video said that the head injury is deep and hopefully it did not damage his brain tissue or pierce his skull.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 4 hours ago by Tr1x24 )

(4 hours ago)Mapokser Wrote: I wonder if Mandevu was 1v1 for most of the fight while the second male was away, possibly chasing Nzuri?

Theres no way he sustained those belly injuries in 1vs1.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(4 hours ago)Mapokser Wrote: Anyway I'm not the most optimistic person I think he may survive this.

He walked from Ngala to Manyeleti, isn't limping and has some mass left. Generally it's the back injuries that kills, facial and head injuries rarely results in death, if his belly injury isn't that deep he may end up surviving.

It's also weird that, although he has that belly injury, most of his injuries are in the face and head, generally when lions are caught 2v1 they barely get facial injuries, if any, their hindlimbs and back are what takes the brunt of the damage.

I wonder if Mandevu was 1v1 for most of the fight while the second male was away, possibly chasing Nzuri?

I think it was likely 2 males on him from the start, cos with injuries like that, no matter how serious, it wouldn’t have taken long to inflict. It’s hard to imagine a scenario where either one of the Mbiris / Mongawanes does all the damage to his head and the second male doesn’t come in to finish him, getting his ‘fill’ of the action.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the coalition lost focus on him due to the presence of Nzuri or whoever was around at the time, not necessarily Nzuri fighting them off him, but rather the same males choosing to pursue him instead.
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MrLoesoe Offline

What makes it even more tragic - conditional on Mandevu not surviving, which, unfortunately, I think is realistic - is the impact this can have on Nzuri, the young pride male and the remaining cub. IF Nzuri is even alive. The young pride male for sure will not be accepted by other males that can now freely roam the Mbiri pride area, mid-northern Manyeleti. He had to flee last time Mbiri males visited the pride not too long ago.

Fortunately the pride's cub was 'accepted' by Mbiri males but other males can now also venture in the area much more easily (unless Mbiri males really decide to make Manyeleti their standard place / territory), such as Red Road and Nharus and/or even Red Road's son who sometimes meet eachother around Tintswalo lodge. Or Mongawanes or even the upcoming Monwana coalition. So danger from all sides basically for Nzuri, the young pride male and the cub. Only hope is that Nzuri is still alive (+ uninjured) and he can become a nomad soon together with his younger half brother.
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United States Cath2020 Offline
Regular Member

The VERY unlucky sons of the Thandi Impi Coalition....such very, very unfortunate endings for the lot of the males, 100%.  All of Sizanani's sons are gone, and looks like Skoro's remaining boys will also end soon,  sadly (barring miracles)
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United States afortich Offline

Any update on Nzuri??
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