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I also thought they look to be from Skybed lineage. In fact when I saw the location being Satara and the photo of the first male, I pictured the Mayambulas themselves, though he was too young to be a Mayambula.
Interesting if these 4 are sons of the Skybed sons.
(02-27-2025, 06:59 AM)Redroadmale Wrote: Hello guys, I saw a post on Facebook that said that all mjejane pride members were poached in the first week they were relocated in northern Kruger and also hippo pools pride were also poached in the span of one month. Is this true? The post says that it is confirmed by rangers but I don't know if I can believe it.
Yes some friends who went North recently said Rangers confirmed this
OMG, this is so very, very sad. How unfair that those 2 females overcame great odds, only to lose their lives with their precious cubs. The Mjejane Pride deserved better treatment.
I wonder what happened to the lone sub that was not relocated?! He was quite young, eh? Maybe he can make it to save their bloodline. (
(02-27-2025, 01:33 AM)Ngonya Wrote: The 'bigger' Southern Black Dam male that left his brother in Sabi Sands and went to Kruger teaming up with the Avoca young male.
Recently he has been seen without the company of the Avoca male and yesterday was alone close to S36 /S140 that goes to talamati not far from the riverbed section
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*This image is copyright of its original author
*This image is copyright of its original author
*This image is copyright of its original author
*This image is copyright of its original author
by Behind A Rangers Lens
Poor guy never catches a break. Something could have happened to his partner, the young Avoca Male, because he was seen limping heavily in their last update together. He could have lost another partner to severe injury. Lions that injured can get caught easily by another coalition....
(02-28-2025, 04:54 AM)Mapokser Wrote: So, regarding Kumana and Mayambula/Vlak coalitions, let's see if I can make a chronology of possible and actual interactions that happened between them in the last few weeks:
Feb 12, Vlak #2 seen on a mission, chasing towards something in the road:
Feb 16, same guide posts 1/5 Kumana after chasing a Mayambula from his territory, he doesn't say it happened on that very day though, while on the Feb 12 post he said it happened in that very morning so could it be from the same day, 1/5 Kumana chasing off Vlak #2 from his territory?
Feb 17, by David Vasconcellos, Vlak #1 in a mission, chasing towards something:
*This image is copyright of its original author
*This image is copyright of its original author
Feb 18 by Nelson Cruz, the youngest Kumana male seem injured, he has bite marks on his back:
*This image is copyright of its original author
*This image is copyright of its original author
Same day, Feb 18, by Behind a Ranger's Lens:
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*This image is copyright of its original author
Photos by the same person at this time, Alberto Scattolin.
Vlak #1:
*This image is copyright of its original author
*This image is copyright of its original author
Youngest, injured Kumana male:
*This image is copyright of its original author
*This image is copyright of its original author
On top of it, Brahim had pointed out that 2 of the injured Kumana's brothers were limping, which increases the possibility that both coalitions may have clashed after 1/5 Kumana chased 1/5 Mayambula.
There's no sighting of Vlak #4 this year, but all 5 Kumana and their father are accounted for:
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As a bonus, last year Vlak #2 had injuries that seemed more than what you'd get fighting your own brothers for mating rights:
*This image is copyright of its original author
And in late November of last year, in the first sighting of the Mayambula cubs in the Sweni pride, Vlak #2 was seen a bit skinny, limping very slightly of what it seemed a wound on his right left-hindlimb:
So maybe there's a rivalry between the 2 coalitions going for several months, or at least they had some encounters recently.
i hope all 5 Mayambula/Vlak males are alright and alive
I hate to say I knew this was going to be the case, but I knew this was going to be the case. Any lions sent to North Kruger were basically paid for. As soon as they are sent, they are dead, and parts sent off to wherever the money came from.
That lukimbi sub was under 2 he probably died. Hippo pools pride still has a few lioness that weren't relocated they are seen recently near Marloth. Lukimbi pride i think that Gardenia pride maybe a split from lukimbi originally but not sure.
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10 hours ago( This post was last modified: 9 hours ago by Tr1x24 )
Last Mazithi (ex) Pride male:
Credits: BigOnWild
*This image is copyright of its original author
Here is some great footage of him and his 3 brothers as nomads back in early 2015 around Mazithi Dam area:
Later in 2015/16 they ousted 2 famous Old Mazithi males (fathers of Mantimahles, Lubyelubye Mazithis, s79 Mazithis) and takeover this whole area, which they held until 2022/23, when 2 remaining members got ousted by Fourways/Torchwood coalition.
For what is known, they sired 3 Mazithi/Tshokwanes (some say 2/3, that dark maned male is older), 3 "young" Mazithis, possibly 5 Trichardt males (although only speculation) and possibly Mazithi Dam male.
*This image is copyright of its original author
Remaining male should be one on the right, he has cut on his nose.
So if he was around 4 there, now he should be around 14 yrs old.