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Coalitions of Kruger National Park

Canada Mdz123 Offline

South Shishangeni, another snip-tailed and dark-maned beast

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Brahim Offline

Coloured version of Lower sabie male with Lubyelubye. 
Also smallest Lower sabie male seen looking bigger. All yesterday. Credit: Foxy on safari

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Brahim Offline

1/3 males around Mlondozi. Comprised of this male here and his brother and an old male. Seen yesterday on the S29. These were the 3 guys seen previously around S128.
Credit: Foxy on Safari

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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(11-12-2022, 01:24 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: 1/3 males around Mlondozi. Comprised of this male here and his brother and an old male. Seen yesterday on the S29. These were the 3 guys seen previously around S128.
Credit: Foxy on Safari

Are those this 3?

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 11-13-2022, 01:28 PM by Tr1x24 )

Old Lubyelubye (father) with his brother, Smudge Matshapiri, in 2013 with their natal s79/Nwatimhiri pride (big thanks and credit to Ahmed for this photos and info) :

(all photo credits to their respective owners)

Old Lubyelubye 

*This image is copyright of its original author

Smudge Matshapiri 

*This image is copyright of its original author

Together with pride 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

They obiviously separated soon after, Lubyelubye went east towards Lubyelubye pride which he took over, while Smudge west towards Sabi Sands. 

Not sure where Mohawk Matshapiri comes in the picture, but there where 3 young males in the pride, 1 was significantly younger :

*This image is copyright of its original author

They are all sired by legendary Old Nkuhlu/Nwatimhiri males :

*This image is copyright of its original author

Some people taught that Old Lubyelubye is one of this males, but he is not, he is their son.

They also sired Wide-Nose/Ubuso Ndhzenga, who was prob born as Old Lubyelubye and Matshapiri left the pride, or was just small cub then.

DM Fourways and his gradfather Old Nkuhlu/Nwatimhiri :

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

So, when we are talking about Nwatimhiri pride, i want to point out another thing. 

Its about Kinky Tail "Lubyelubye".

In fact it looks like that he comes from Nwatimhiri pride, post by Leo Vantage in August 2018 :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Now, who would sire him im not sure, he is prob born around mid to late 2015.

Around that time takeover happen as Jock males beat/pust aging old Nkuhlu/Nwatimhiri males.

Also him being from Nwatimhiri pride, prob rules out Old Lubyelubye as father, as he was with Lubyelubye pride at that time.
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Brahim Offline

@Tr1x24 Yeah exactly same male when they chased that darkmane male last year
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Brahim Offline

@Tr1x24 is that for sure though, because he's seen at Lubyelubye rocks their core territory maybe its a mistake. I thought Kinkytail mum is a known lioness, not sure though
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(11-13-2022, 02:26 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: @Tr1x24 is that for sure though, because he's seen at Lubyelubye rocks their core territory maybe its a mistake. I thought Kinkytail mum is a known lioness, not sure though

Well idk, i assume Leo Vantage knows about those lions.

Is there actually any evidence that he comes from Lubyelubye pride, besides that he was seen hanging around Lubyelubye rocks with 1-2 females as young male?
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Brahim Offline

I don't know either but there's Photographers who have posted saying he's from Lubyelubye pride and also even posted a lioness in the pride saying its his sister
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Brahim Offline

Mjejane recently at Biyamiti
Credit: Ronel Badenhorst

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Brahim Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-13-2022, 06:39 PM by Brahim )

Both Mjejane recently, looks like they got at least 3 lioness.
Credit: CD Tours

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Canada Mdz123 Offline

Biyamiti male

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Canada Mdz123 Offline

Satara male
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Poland Potato Offline

Singita KNP October update

• Lion sightings have continued to be phenomenal during October. The summer rains have not yet arrived, and as such the N’wanetsi and Sweni Rivers along with the Gudzane drainage system attract large concentrations of animals to the concession, resulting in abundant prey for the lions.
 • The Mananga Pride have made at least six confirmed buffalo kills, and probably a few more that we did not find. Both portions of the pride have been seen virtually daily, sometimes together, when the feeding frenzies are taking place. The two Shishangaan males are still the rulers of their domain and are regularly seen with the pride. Seeing over 25 lions lying sprawled out near their kills remains an aweinspiring sight. 
• The Shishangaan Pride of seven females has also provided countless hours of viewing this month, often accompanied by the two Trichard males who are the dominant territorial males in the southern parts of the concession. For weeks the speculation as to the location of a den-site has been a talking point between the guides and, on the 24th of October, we managed to get the first view of the three new additions to the pride. This is a very vulnerable time for the survival of the cubs, and we can only hope that they become part of the 20% of lions that reach adulthood. The hope of their survival has become even greater because one cub is a white lion, and there are currently only three, wild, free-roaming white lions in Africa.
 • For a week during the month, two lionesses from the Mountain Pride were viewed moving around a valley that still has rocky pools of trapped water. The young Mountain Pride male was also seen alone a few times. Late in the month, the remaining six Mountain Pride females made an appearance and were found a few hundred meters from where the Mananga Pride was feeding on a freshly killed buffalo bull. 
• A coalition of five large males is being seen more often in the north, and this could spell some trouble for the aging Shishangaan males who, at over 15 years of age, are well past their prime. 
• Members from the reported coalition of seven males in the south are also frequently making their appearances in the concession. When not seen attempting to increase their territorial range into the concession, these males have been found regularly with a large pride we have been calling the Southern Pride along the H6 road leading from our airstrip to the lodge. • The Maputo male has been found a handful of times, without his coalition partner the Kumana male, who we last saw in poor condition in September. His absence may indicate that age caught up with him, and he may no longer be alive. 
• A big surprise was the reappearance of the Xirombe male lion who has been missing for several months. He was viewed for a few days feeding on a kudu kill, and for a good while afterward, as he rested and digested his meal.

Also some pictures in full raport:
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