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Biggest Kaziranga tiger?

smedz Offline
Regular Member


United States Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

KZT085 the biggest tiger of Kaziranga for a long time...

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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

he's enormous but i'm sure there were some bigger than him too, similar to what we saw in Dudhwa. these places have big tigers in general. tfs
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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-16-2020, 08:09 PM by Dark Jaguar )

(04-16-2020, 03:04 PM)Spalea Wrote: KZT085 the biggest tiger of Kaziranga for a long time...

He is a Kaziranga beast.

SuSpicious Offline
( This post was last modified: 04-16-2020, 11:34 PM by SuSpicious )

(04-16-2020, 03:04 PM)Spalea Wrote: KZT085 the biggest tiger of Kaziranga for a long time...

@Roflcopters @Spalea Great video. Anyways, I've had the pleasure of seeing him when I visited Kaziranga. I've written a bit about it. I'll summarize what I learned from Kaziranga.

1. He wasn't the biggest. I do admit he's the only male I've seen up close in the park. I saw a female who was built like a tank but that story is for another day. So, for me KZT085 was big. Not the biggest I've seen. but only 3-4 males have been bigger than him that I have seen in my life.

The guards and the people there told me that he wasn't the biggest. Strongest yes. To kill someone like KZT023 and rule Kohora (The prime range in the park) for a good amount of time at a place like Kaziranga is some achievement. In fact, I'd say it is one of the most difficult territories for any male to control in India.

So even though I haven't seen any other male in the park, I'd believe the guard and some of the photos we've seen to believe that bigger than him are present. But strongest he was I have no doubt about that. A guard told me that KZT023 had the aura to send adult male rhinos packing upon his arrival sometimes. I don't know how much of that is true. 

As far as the biggest is concerned I've started doubting my own theories lately. I used to think Kaziranga and Corbett should be top of the list. From the pictures though, I have started to believe that DUDHWA has the biggest males out of all. The head size is absolutely huge. And I am saying this after seeing plenty of big tigers in real life.

My plan is to visit DUDHWA once this COVID-19 crisis is over. 

I can't wait to see someone like Sathiana Male from my own eyes. That would be amazing.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(04-16-2020, 11:33 PM)SuSpicious Wrote:
(04-16-2020, 03:04 PM)Spalea Wrote: KZT085 the biggest tiger of Kaziranga for a long time...

@Roflcopters @Spalea Great video. Anyways, I've had the pleasure of seeing him when I visited Kaziranga. I've written a bit about it. I'll summarize what I learned from Kaziranga.

1. He wasn't the biggest. I do admit he's the only male I've seen up close in the park. I saw a female who was built like a tank but that story is for another day. So, for me KZT085 was big. Not the biggest I've seen. but only 3-4 males have been bigger than him that I have seen in my life.

The guards and the people there told me that he wasn't the biggest. Strongest yes. To kill someone like KZT023 and rule Kohora (The prime range in the park) for a good amount of time at a place like Kaziranga is some achievement. In fact, I'd say it is one of the most difficult territories for any male to control in India.

So even though I haven't seen any other male in the park, I'd believe the guard and some of the photos we've seen to believe that bigger than him are present. But strongest he was I have no doubt about that. A guard told me that KZT023 had the aura to send adult male rhinos packing upon his arrival sometimes. I don't know how much of that is true. 

As far as the biggest is concerned I've started doubting my own theories lately. I used to think Kaziranga and Corbett should be top of the list. From the pictures though, I have started to believe that DUDHWA has the biggest males out of all. The head size is absolutely huge. And I am saying this after seeing plenty of big tigers in real life.

My plan is to visit DUDHWA once this COVID-19 crisis is over. 

I can't wait to see someone like Sathiana Male from my own eyes. That would be amazing.
I've also got approval for Dudhwa for my next big Safari trip from the boss/GF.
We want to throw in a nepal culture trek as well. 
Let me know if you come across any good deals and I'll do the same.
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GuateGojira Offline
Expert & Researcher
( This post was last modified: 05-11-2020, 07:36 AM by GuateGojira )

(12-04-2014, 10:39 AM)GuateGojira Wrote: Just a suggestion to both of you, why you don't use centimeters or millimeters, instead of inches? Inches are a raw and unpractical type of measurement, millimeters are more exact, especially in the case of skulls.

Just to help in the debate, here are the record skulls with that of the liger skull that I post (greatest length x zygomatic wide):
* Liger skull: 432 mm x 279 mm (
* African lion: 432 mm x 281 mm (Ward, 1914).
* Bengal tiger: 413 mm x 251 mm (Hewett, 1938).
* Amur tiger: 406 mm x 286 mm (Mazák, 1983).

Please check that all the skulls from the wild are "Record" specimens (which means that they are not the norm), while that of the liger, we simply don't know if it came from a large or a small specimen, or even its sex.

Hope this helps.

This post, from 2014, used what were the biggest skull recorded for tigers and lions. However, at 2020, much of that information has been changed.

The liger is still the same, but the African lion not. In fact, we know now that the measurement of 432 mm NEVER EXISTED and it was an exageration from Rowland Ward Records of Big Game of 1914 (and even before). In fact, Roosevelt & Heller (1914) already clarified the issue, showing that the skull in fact measured 408 mm in greatest length. Also they showed that that skull came from a captive specimen, not a wild one, and this is also the same record skull used by Patterson (2004) in his famous graphic of lions skulls in page 114. At the end, the longest lion skull record in hunting records is one from a South African lion of 419 mm in greatest length (Bryden, 1899) and the longest lion skull in scientific records (from a wild specimen, so Mazák's skull is discarted) is a male from Ngamiland that measured 401 mm (Roberts, 1951). Interesting is to say that the longest is not the widest skull, nor even the biggest in condylobasal length.

On the Bengal tiger side, the skull of 413 mm from Hewett (1938) has been discarted as it was measured "over the bone", suggesting that it was probably not measured in straight line "between perpendiculars". So, in this fashion, the biggest Bengal tiger skull in hunting record is a skull of 406 mm in greatest length (Hawkins, 1954). On the scientific side, the biggest measured by Mazák (1981) was a skull of 378 mm, but the Calcuta Museum reported a skull of 381 mm and Dr McDougal (1979) reported another skull of the same length in Nepal.

On the Amur tiger, nothing changed.

So the new list of skull records, using only scientific sources, will be:

* Liger skull: 432 mm x 279 mm (
* African lion: 401 mm x 247 mm (Roberts, 1951).
* Bengal tiger: 381 mm x 279 mm (McDougal, 1979).
* Amur tiger: 383 mm x 268 mm (Mazák, 2013).

Now, using the hunting records, apparently measured "between perpendiculars" (including the mandible? How knows...) are:

* Liger skull: 432 mm x 279 mm (
* African lion: 419 mm x ? mm (Bryden, 1899).
* Bengal tiger: 406 mm x 267 mm (Hawkins, 1954).
* Amur tiger: 406 mm x 286 mm (Mazák, 1983).

Hope this helps for future references.
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United States Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

" Tiger in Rain, Kaziranga. "

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Canada Balam Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

Huge KZT085 in 2014

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Stripedlion2 Offline

Does anyone have the average weight and the maximum weight of these tigers or is it unknown? They look huge but we have to see the weights to know for sure .

Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 08-21-2020, 05:28 PM by Shadow )

(08-21-2020, 05:13 AM)Stripedlion2 Wrote: Does anyone have the average weight and the maximum weight of these tigers or is it unknown? They look huge but we have to see the weights to know for sure .

Estimations and guesses. I have never seen any reliable and solid weights. Practically any big cat can look huge in photos, especially when it is there alone with nothing good to compare with. Are some of these tigers really huge or average, impossible to say only from some photos. For sure some are bigger than others, but what does it mean in weight is a good question. When looking at some big tigers (mentioned as big in different articles) same tiger can have estimations like 250 kg,300 kg or even more. So nobody knows in reality. That´s why I´m quite cautious to take estimations too seriously unless there is some well known expert who has seen certain tiger personally and in close range. Even then weight can be questionable, but at least then there is educated estimation and expert opinion, that some tiger really is exceptionally big in comparison with others. Same goes with other animals too of course.
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Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-03-2020, 10:09 PM by Shadow )


I deleted thread Kaziranga tiger weights made by you, since this thread is just the same thing. You can ask for weights here. It´s no problem to make a thread if there is something new. But there are already so many threads concerning tigers, that I would recommend to look around before creating a new one, because most likely there is already a good thread available to discuss.

ganidat Offline

*This image is copyright of its original author

Anyone has the original high resolution of this image?

Greatearth Offline

There's no way to know tigers in KAziranga since they are not easy to see.

ganidat Offline

(04-04-2021, 10:05 PM)ganidat Wrote:
*This image is copyright of its original author

Anyone has the original high resolution of this image?

Anyone know whether this was Hairyfoot or some Kaziranga tiger?

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