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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Big herbivores!

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Antarjit Singh‎ 
Man vs Wild.

Corbett | 2018.

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Black and white rhinos at Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya. 

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Buffalo with huge horns!

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Finland Shadow Offline

(01-16-2019, 02:35 PM)Pantherinae Wrote: Buffalo with huge horns!

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Looks like older one, might be one of those cape buffalos weighing even almost 1000 kg as heaviest individuals are know to be. And before someone say, that they are not 1000 kg, notice, that I wrote almost Wink
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(01-16-2019, 06:08 PM)Shadow Wrote:
(01-16-2019, 02:35 PM)Pantherinae Wrote: Buffalo with huge horns!

*This image is copyright of its original author

Looks like older one, might be one of those cape buffalos weighing even almost 1000 kg as heaviest individuals are know to be. And before someone say, that they are not 1000 kg, notice, that I wrote almost Wink

The cape buffalo bulls in givskud and Borås zoo both exceeded 1 ton, weighed on a car scale. I guess that they might be heavier in captivity, but both bulls where smaller than some wild idividuals I have seen in framing in muscle. 
I don’t think it’s easy to weigh the large bovines in the wild, how do they weigh them? I have no idea, but I’m 100% sure that there are bulls over 1000kg in the wild.
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Finland Shadow Offline

(01-16-2019, 06:34 PM)Pantherinae Wrote:
(01-16-2019, 06:08 PM)Shadow Wrote:
(01-16-2019, 02:35 PM)Pantherinae Wrote: Buffalo with huge horns!

*This image is copyright of its original author

Looks like older one, might be one of those cape buffalos weighing even almost 1000 kg as heaviest individuals are know to be. And before someone say, that they are not 1000 kg, notice, that I wrote almost Wink

The cape buffalo bulls in givskud and Borås zoo both exceeded 1 ton, weighed on a car scale. I guess that they might be heavier in captivity, but both bulls where smaller than some wild idividuals I have seen in framing in muscle. 
I don’t think it’s easy to weigh the large bovines in the wild, how do they weigh them? I have no idea, but I’m 100% sure that there are bulls over 1000kg in the wild.
I think so too personally, but I have seen in published articles etc. figures like 960 kg. Of course there is not so much importance if some animal is 960 and some other like 1050 kg when we are talking about weight about a ton. Same as when we are talking about lions or tigers, it doesn´t matter so much if one is 180 kg and another 220 kg, both are about 200 kg and when looking quickly it can be difficult to say the difference.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Ricky Patel‎


tusker... wandering in the midst of grassland... beside the ramganga river...birds flying over his harmony with his trunk...

Jim-Corbett National Park 
December 2018

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Latest Sightings - Kruger

33 Elands were running all over the place and then relaxed on the other side of the dam.
S50, Grootvlei dam
Near Shingwedzi
Vis 5/5
Tinged by Deon and Jacques

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Sanju Offline
Senior member
( This post was last modified: 01-26-2019, 12:48 PM by Sanju )

Big Tusker

UNEARTHING TIM: The Battle to Rescue an #Amboseli Icon
Reposted from @biglifeafrica . Mondays don’t start much worse than this: a big bull #elephant stuck in the mud deep in the Kimana swamp. Our hearts sank. An aerial view confirmed the worst: Tim, one of Africa’s largest and most magnificent elephants, clearly in serious trouble.
Big Life rangers responded immediately, but the outlook wasn’t good. Tim was up to his neck in mud and immobilized, with no chance of escaping on his own. Nor was there a way for a vehicle to get close to him. Failure—Tim’s death—was a real possibility.
Everyone got to work. How do you pull a 6-ton object out of a suction pit, when that object is alive, thrashing, and has no idea the people around him are trying to help? Tim was understandably aggressive, stressed, and tiring fast.
Luckily, support was on the way from all over Kenya. A @KenyaWildlifeService tractor had been steadily chugging in from Amboseli since the alert was sounded, and our experienced friends at @DSWT were also wrapping their heads around how to pull Tim out. The answer was going to be a 300m long tow strap, flown in from Nairobi.
The tractor ultimately had to approach from the far side, where the land was drier/firmer. Two Big Life Land Cruisers and the tractor pulled, the tow strap went tight, and then… the strap snapped.
After more pulling, and more strap breakages/repairs, the tractor and vehicles finally managed to pull Tim onto firmer footing. But he was too worn out from the ordeal to even stand.
The vehicles kept pulling slowly, knowing that his life depended on it. Finally, in the last light of the day, Tim stood. As the crowd cheered, he shrugged the tow straps off before slowly heading back toward @KimanaSanctuary. The rangers stayed with him until he was safely back on protected land.
Rangers are keeping an eye on Tim, and he appears to be fine. We’re not quite sure how many lives Tim has left, but we’ll continue doing our best to make sure that he lives each of them to the fullest!
A huge thanks, as always, to KWS and DSWT, and to our supporters around the world. Without you, stories like these might not have such a happy ending.
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United States Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

About #429: very nice and epic story ! It's the little morning here, the first story of the day I read . Very happy for this huge tusker, long live Tim !
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Sanju Offline
Senior member

2 Southern White Rhino's Fight - Hippo gets out of the Way !

Serious Rhino Fight next to the road cause Hippo to flee from water. "When we entered the Park it was about the first sigting for the day.We were there first and realy thought the Rhino was going to kill the second one.We came across two rhinos which seemed to be fighting and the one was lying on the ground while the other one was constantly stabbing it with its horn. This was quite disturbing to see as you can imagine and at one stage we thought that the one was going to be killed for sure. The injured rhino eventually had a chance to get up and tried to escape but the other rhino chased him. They ended up in a small pond and to our surprise there was a hippo who quickly realised that it would be better to find a different pond to relax in. The rhinos were exhausted and seemed like they didn't have any energy left to continue their scuffle. The whole ordeal was quite traumatic to see and I really hope that I never have to witness anything like this again. The screams of the injured rhino was a horrible sound to witness." Susan Meyer(Video Taker)
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Sanju Offline
Senior member

(click to play the vid)

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International Elephant Project
It's truly heart-warming ? to see so many elephants coming together in the Bukit Tigapuluh ecosystem in Sumatra ??

Sakban is one of the members of the Elephant Conservation and Monitoring Unit, funded by the International Elephant Project. Here he is explaining that the herds of Ginting, Cinta and Freda have all come together to feed.

Ginting, Cinta and Freda all have GPS collars and this is how they are monitored and protected. These three lovely ladies are all in our elephant adoption program ??.

You can help ensure these precious elephants are protected by joining our elephant adoption family at:
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Sanju Offline
Senior member

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast


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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Looks photoshopped
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