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Asiatic Lion - Data, Pictures & Videos

United Kingdom Sully Offline
Ecology & Rewilding

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United Kingdom Sully Offline
Ecology & Rewilding

Not that lion centered but I thought it would be nice to post the whole thing

2016 Indian Wildlife Spectacular

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The awe-inspiring Tiger is perhaps the ultimate quarry for wildlife photographers, and we will help you get to grips with this endangered and often elusive animal . (image by Mark Beaman)

Leaders – Mark Beaman and Inger Vandyke
(Images by Mark Beaman and Mike Watson)
Tiger! Surely one of the most evocative creatures that still shares our crowded planet with us, but for how much longer? Of all the mammals that wildlife photographers dream of photographing, this one surely tops the bill! But it is not an easy thing to do, unlike, for example, Lions in Africa, Tigers in Asia are extremely rare and far more secretive, at least in most of their remaining range.
Those visiting the wildlife reserves of India are sometimes lucky enough to see a Tiger on their travels, but often views are brief and quite often there are no sightings at all. To see Tigers well it is necessary to spend plenty of time and also to visit the very best and most reliable places. Furthermore, the very best months for frequency of Tiger sightings are April and May.
In order to make those Tiger dreams come true, we will be exploring what is probably the best sanctuary in India for Tiger sightings at the present time, the little-known but brilliant Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve in Maharashtra. This huge and remote park, situated in the hill ranges of central India that were immortalized by Rudyard Kipling in the Jungle Book, protects vast tracts of largely deciduous forest which still hold many Tigers. Tadoba is currently recognized by discerning wildlife photographers as one of the very best places to go if one wants encounters with Tigers.

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Gir is one of the best places in India for observing Leopard. (Image by Mark Beaman)
In this wonderful reserve you can expect, not just hope, to get multiple sightings of these extraordinary and beautiful predators, often at close range, and sometimes one can watch them for long periods at a time! Staring into the huge, cold yellow eyes of a Tiger just a short distance away is an awesome experience, and Tadoba is where it can happen. We will explore the park by jeep and some of the Tigers are now so used to the presence of people that they seem unconcerned by their close proximity. From the well-sited lodge we use at Tadoba, with its expert guides, our group members have a good chance of sighting over 10 Tigers during a 10 days stay, and we could even see as many as 20 or more!
Tadoba holds many other large mammals, and those offering good photographic potential include the huge Gaur (or Indian Bison), the beautiful Chital (or Spotted Deer), Sambar (a large Red Deer-sized species), Nilgai (or Blue Bull, one of the world’s largest antelopes), Wild Boar, Rhesus Macaque and the characterful Hanuman (or Grey) Langur. The sanctuary also produces regular sightings of Leopard, Jungle Cat and Golden Jackal, and we even have a fair chance of coming across the rare and declining Dhole (or Indian Wild Dog) and a slim chance for the largely nocturnal Sloth Bear.

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Asiatic Wild Ass sunset at the Little Rann of Kutch (image by Mike Watson).
The reserve holds a rich selection of birdlife and amongst the species that often provide superb portraits are Indian Peafowl (the males will be in full display at the time of our visit), Lesser Adjutant (a huge stork), Crested Serpent Eagle, Crested Hawk-Eagle, Indian Scops Owl and Jungle Owlet.

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An Indian Black Buck on the run (Image by Mike Watson)
The Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve is of course the major focus of this Indian journey, but our rich tapestry of experiences will be further enhanced by spending some time in other parts of this huge country.
At the very start of the tour, we will pay a visit to the city of Agra to see and photograph the ethereal Taj Mahal, a building that represents a pinnacle of human achievement and one which epitomizes the romantic India of a bygone era that pinnacle of human achievement. The riches accumulated by the Moghul emperors were used to build awesome strongholds and some of the most fabulous palaces and monuments ever constructed. Their lives and times seem like a fairy tale to we inhabitants of a much more crowded and less simple era, but they live on in the remarkable monuments they built that now emblazon India’s rich architectural heritage.

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The Chambal River, in northern India, is famous for its bizarre Indian Skimmers. (image by Mike Watson)
Afterwards we will explore the wonderful National Chambal Sanctuary, a little-known reserve on the Chambal River that is home to two species of crocodile (the long-snouted Gharial and the thick-set Mugger), Gangetic River Dolphins, bizarre Indian Skimmers, Bar-headed Geese, Great Thick-knees and Black-bellied Terns.

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A weird, fish-eating Gharial slips quietly into the water. They are still commonly seen at one of their last strongholds, the wonderful Chambal River (image by Mike Watson).
The next stage of our Indian journey will take in three national parks in the state of Gujarat in western India. The Little Rann of Kutch is home to most of the remaining Indian Wild Asses (or Onagers), Lesser Flamingos, the lovely Indian Courser and many other interesting creatures. To the northeast lies Velavadar National Park where we will enjoy close-up encounters with the beautiful Blackbuck, surely one of the most striking antelopes of all. We could even sight a Grey Wolf  or a Striped Hyaena here. Finally we will round off our journey through Gujarat with a visit to Gir National Park, famous as the last place where the Asiatic Lion survives. This attractive sanctuary also harbours many other interesting animals, in particular Leopard and Chowsingha.

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Way too cute! Asiatic Lion cubs at Gir Forest (image by Mike Watson).

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Large male Indian Lion at Gir (Image by Mike Watson)
Day 1  The tour begins this morning at Delhi, from where we will travel southwards to the historic city of Agra. Here we will make our way to the incomparable Taj Mahal, a mausoleum of ethereal beauty built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, that really does live up to its reputation and more. This immense building seems to float on its white marble plinth whilst inside the light filters gently down to softly illuminate the jewel-encrusted tombs of the emperor and his beloved. The Taj Mahal is positioned at the edge of the city, immediately above the Yamuna River and happily the far bank of the river is still undeveloped, making for an unspoilt backdrop to this deservedly celebrated monument. After our visit to the Taj Mahal we will head for a small but comfortable and welcoming lodge near the Chambal River for a two nights stay.
Day 2  Today we will explore the National Chambal Sanctuary. The sanctuary is situated on the border between Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh states. Here the Chambal River, the last unpolluted major river in northern India, flows between low erosion cliffs as it approaches its junction with the Ganges. The sanctuary, which also includes part of the state of Rajasthan further upstream, was set up to protect the healthy population of crocodiles that survives here, and also a population of the highly endangered Gangetic River Dolphin.
By taking two boat trips on the river, we should be able to closely approach and photograph the crocodiles as they sun themselves on the sandbars, both the long-snouted Gharial and the more conventionally-shaped Mugger. Typically one encounters large adult male Gharials with a bulbous protrusion on the end of their snout, smaller adults and immatures and even tiny juveniles, all with long rows of fine teeth on display and streamlined, thinly plated bodies that contrast with the more conventional and fearsome-looking teeth and heavy armoured plating of the thick-set Muggers. We also have an excellent chance of seeing the blind Gangetic River Dolphin and we may even be lucky enough to watch them jumping exuberantly, although sometimes they show little more than their backs.
The most notable bird species of the Chambal is the localized Indian Skimmer and we should be able to watch these bizarre creatures living up to their name as they flap across the river, intermittently dipping their ‘broken’ bills into the water, or flocking on small islets. Other photographic attractions include the declining Red-naped (or Indian Black) Ibis, the handsome Bar-headed Goose, Bonelli’s Eagle (often drinking at the river’s edge), the hulking, huge-eyed Great Thick-knee, the noisy River Tern and the uncommon Black-bellied Tern. There is often a photogenic Brown Hawk-Owl in the lodge gardens.
Day 3  Today we will return to Delhi and take a flight south to Ahmedabad. From the capital of Gujarat state we will head a relatively short distance westwards, our goal the salty ‘wastelands’ of the Little Rann of Kutch, where we will stay for two nights in a small but welcoming lodge run by a family of local landowners.
Day 4  At its southern edge the Thar Desert gradually gives way to the vast saline flats that form the Great Rann of Kutch and the Little Rann of Kutch. These flats, which were once part of the Gulf of Kutch (it is said Alexander the Great embarked from a port in the gulf at the end of his abortive campaign to conquer northwestern India), are still inundated by the sea during the monsoon months. The Little Rann of Kutch is the last stronghold of the Indian Wild Ass (or Onager), which is now protected by the 4954 square kilometres (1913 square kilometres) of the Wild Ass Wildlife Sanctuary. The open flats of the Rann are a wild place, but offer little in the way of sustenance, even to a wild ass, but the bushy and grassy areas towards its periphery are a different matter and here we shall surely encounter a good number of attractive Indian Wild Asses. The endearing little Bengal (or Indian) Fox may also be encountered. Our photographic safaris here will be by means of an open-topped 4×4 truck.
At the edge of the Little Rann are a number of wetlands and here we could encounter both Greater and Lesser Flamingoes (this region of India is the only area outside Africa where the latter species breeds). Other potential subjects for photography include Great White Pelican, Western Reef Egret, Black-headed Ibis, Eurasian Spoonbill, Woolly-necked Stork, the attractive Painted Stork, Asian Openbill (an extraordinary stork with a bill adapted to cracking the shells of pond snails), Comb (or Knob-billed) Duck, the stately Sarus Crane, Black-necked Stilt, Pied Avocet, Marsh Sandpiper, Slender-billed Gull and Gull-billed Tern.
Areas of dry cultivation and wasteland hold two more specialities that make nice photographic subjects; the attractive Yellow-wattled Lapwing and the beautiful Indian Courser, while the lovely Rosy Starling can sometimes be found in large, approachable flocks at the edge of villages.
Day 5  After an early morning excursion at the Little Rann we will travel southwards to Velavadar (or Blackbuck) National Park, situated near the Gulf of Cambay to the north of Bhavnagar, where we will stay for two nights. In the late afternoon we will have our first safari in the park.
Day 6  Velavadar (or Blackbuck) National Park is one of the last areas of relatively undisturbed grassland in Gujarat and is famous for its large herds of elegant Blackbucks, which we will be able to see and photograph at close range (the males, with their long, spiral horns, are especially striking, and the backdrop of tall, dry grass, ranging from yellowish-white to reddish-brown in colour, is especially pleasing).
The park is also well known for sightings of Grey Wolf, which we have a good chance of seeing (on one visit we watched one chasing a herd of Blackbuck, causing utter confusion and panic!). Sometimes they are close enough to photograph. This is also a good place for photographing the splendid Nilgai or Blue Bull, a large antelope. We might also encounter Striped Hyaena, but the chances are only modest. This 34 square kilometres (13 square miles) sanctuary also holds some interesting birds, in particular the localized Sykes’s Lark. Towards the end of the afternoon large numbers of Montagu’s Harriers and smaller numbers of Pallid and Western Marsh Harriers arrive over the grasslands preparatory to roosting here, making for an impressive sight.
Day 7  We will have another chance to explore Velavadar early this morning before we head southwestwards to Gir National Park for a three nights stay at a comfortable safari lodge. This afternoon we will commence our exploration of Gir.
Days 8-9  Gir (or Sasan Gir) National Park protects 1412 square kilometres (545 square miles) of mainly dry deciduous forest, acacia-dominated scrub jungle and grasslands amongst the rocky hills of southern Gujarat. Originally protected by the Nawab of Junagadh, the area became a national park and wildlife sanctuary in 1965. Gir is most famous as the last haunt of the endangered Astiatic Lion, a close cousin of its African relative and a species that once extended from Greece to central India, but is now reduced to a small surviving population in just this one national park in Gujarat! It is of course the Asian Lions of Gir that have brought us here and we shall be concentrating on getting good images of these interesting creatures during our visit. The lions take both natural prey inside the park (especially Chital or Spotted Deer, Sambar and Wild Boar, and also domesticated cattle belonging to the local Maldhari herders in the surrounding wildlife sanctuary, where local people have access rights. Reduced to only about 20 individuals by the early 20th century, the number of Lions has now recovered to over 400. We will use open-topped jeeps to explore the sanctuary, concentrating on finding the Lions. We should all have at least a couple of encounters during our visit and we will be hoping in particular for fine shots of an adult male with a bushy blackish mane.
Gir is also a good place for coming across both Leopard and the little Chowsingha (or Four-horned Antelope), as well as the commoner Golden Jackal and the attractive little Chinkara (or Indian Gazelle).
A wide variety of bird species inhabit the park and birds of prey in particular, including Indian, White-rumped and Red-headed Vultures, and both Tawny and Crested Serpent Eagles, provide good subjects.
Day 10 After a final excursion at Gir, we will drive northwards to Rajkot and catch a flight to Mumbai for an overnight stay.
Day 11 This morning we will continue our journey with a flight to Nagpur in central India. From there we will drive southeastwards through partly cultivated and partly forested terrain to the edge of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve in the state of Maharashtra for a nine nights stay at a comfortable jungle lodge. We should arrive in time for our first jeep safari into the reserve this afternoon.
Days 12-19 
The Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve (sometimes referred to as Tadoba National Park) covers a vast area of forest in northeastern Maharashtra state. The reserve has an area of 625 square kilometres (241 square miles), is mostly clothed in teak, sal and bamboo forest and holds a good population of over 60 Tigers, as well as Leopards, Indian Wild Dogs and other important mammals. In recent year it has sprung from obscurity owing to the quality and frequency of its Tiger sightings. Tadoba is an amazing and rapidly up-and-coming destination for the wildlife photographer.
We shall be spending most of our time in the park itself, where the habitat diversity is excellent and the density of Tigers high. Each day we will make morning and afternoon excursions into the park by jeep (but please note that the park is closed on Tuesdays), exploring a range of habitats including tall sal and teak forest, patches of evergreen forest and a number of wetlands including a large lake, marshes and pools. Large grassy meadows, the sites of former villages and their surrounding cultivation and pastureland, dot the park and in the early morning these meadows can be covered in low-lying mist, creating some beautiful landscapes. In places hills rise high above the rolling forests.
As we patrol the park tracks we will be keeping a constant lookout for Tigers. The best times of day are early morning and late afternoon, when Tigers can regularly be found walking along the tracks or stalking across the meadows, or even drinking or taking a bath in one of the pools.
We will be using open-topped jeeps to explore Tadoba, with skilled local driver-guides who are experts on the geography of the park and have an intimate knowledge of the park’s Tigers and other key creatures. Our driver-guides seem to have a feel for where a Tiger will appear, so we should have a high chance of multiple encounters. We could watch one of the huge territorial adult males on patrol, at times walking right past the jeeps showing utter indifference to our proximity, or strolling past the cubs he fathered last year and showing equal disdain (to the distress of the cubs, who clearly want dad to stop and play!). We could find some well-grown cubs playing around in the meadows or woodland, chasing each other, stalking imaginary prey or running around with an old bone in their mouths. Or perhaps a female sprawled in the shade with her younger cubs around her, glaring balefully at these interlopers in her world. On other occasions we might watch Tigers drinking or even bathing in a forest pool. Tiger movements are of course unpredictable, so it is quite possible to go for some time without seeing one, and then have a fantastic series of magical, close-range encounters in succession! It is all a matter of chance with these incredibly beautiful carnivores.
Although Tigers dominate the scene at Tadoba, they would not be there were it not for a healthy population of prey animals. We should also have some good opportunities to photograph the beautiful Chital (also known as Axis or Spotted Deer), which is much the commonest large mammal in the park and we will soon get used to their yelping calls, which rise in pitch when they sight a Tiger.
The other really conspicuous species is the Hanuman (or Grey) Langur – they are everywhere in the park, sitting in playful, rowdy groups by the roadside or climbing high in the trees. (The local form is now sometimes treated as a distinct species: Northern Plains Grey Langur.) Monkeys often make for great ‘photo ops’ and the langurs, the Bandar Log of Kipling, with their long, long, curling tails, graceful loping movements and cheeky faces fringed by a ruff of hair are certainly rich subjects. Mothers with small babies are commonly met with and often pose unselfconsciously for some really gooey shots! (Or try long distance telephoto shots of sunlit solitary monkeys sat by the roadside, or crossing a dusty, shadowy track). There are so many possibilities here.
The huge Gaur (or Indian Bison) can be seen regularly here and we are likely to come across a herd of these placid bovines feeding in the forest, or wandering across the track in front of our jeep. Close-ups of the massive heads and horns of these impressive beasts are often the shots that make the most impact.
Tadoba is a good place for Leopard sightings and we have a reasonably good chance of at least one encounter during our visit. Tadoba also hosts packs of Dholes (or Indian Wild Dogs) and the chances of seeing a group of these attractive predators is pretty reasonable, although they tend to be quite unpredictable in their movements. When encountered, the dogs are often quite unafraid, continuing to go about their business together, whether hunting or some other kind of social interaction, regardless of the presence of a jeep or two. This is also surely one of the best places in India for seeing Sloth Bear, although the chances during a single visit are only fair.
Other mammals that are regularly encountered at Tadoba include Rhesus Macaque, Golden Jackal, Ruddy Mongoose, Jungle Cat, Wild Boar, Indian Muntjac (or Barking Deer), Sambar, Chowsingha (or Four-horned Antelope), Nilgai (or Blue Bull), Northern Palm Squirrel and Indian Hare. There are slim chances for Indian Porcupine, Ratel (or Honey Badger) and Small Indian Civet. Marsh Crocodiles (or Muggers) can be found in some of the wetlands.
Although it is the prospect of close encounters with Tigers and other large mammals that will have brought us to Tadoba, this extensive park is an excellent place for birds too. The dry Sal forest and clumps of bamboo that dominate the park and its buffer area hold a wide variety of species and amongst those that may offer good photographic opportunities are the huge Lesser Adjutant, Crested Serpent Eagle, Grey-headed Fish Eagle, White-eyed Buzzard, Crested Hawk-Eagle, Indian Peafowl (which should be displaying at the time of our visit, a magnificent sight), Grey Junglefowl, the delightful Indian Scops Owl, the quizzical little Jungle Owlet, Crested Treeswift, Indian Roller, Green Bee-eater, the striking White-naped Woodpecker, Black-rumped Flameback and the huge Stork-billed Kingfisher. Sometimes a Brown Fish Owl or a Mottled Wood Owl can be seen roosting close to the park roads, but at other times they move position and disappear for weeks on end. Tiger kills attract dwindling numbers of White-rumped, Indian (or Long-billed) and Red-headed Vultures. The impressive Malabar Pied Hornbill can also be found here.
On Tuesday when the park is closed we can still have some interesting photographic opportunities. There is a wetland area that we can visit and anyone who fancies an interesting cultural experience can explore the local village where the friendly Gond tribal people are usually happy about being photographed as they go about village life. Indeed the children want to be in every photograph!
Day 20  After a final jeep safari at Tadoba we will return to Nagpur airport, where the tour ends this afternoon. (There are flights from Nagpur to Mumbai and Delhi.)

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Nilgai at Velavadar (Image by Mike Watson)
Accommodation & Road Transport:
The hotels/lodges are mostly of good or very good standard. All rooms have private bathrooms. The lodge at the Little Rann of Kutch, where we spend two nights, is simple but charming and very pleasant and all rooms have private bathrooms. Road transfers are by cars or small coach, but we use jeeps (with up to 4 or 5 participants in each) inside most of the sanctuaries (we use an open-topped truck at the Little Rann of Kutch). Roads are very variable, but average mediocre.

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The Jungle Owlet may be tiny, but it makes up for the deficiency by sheer boldness. (image by Mark Beaman)

The walking effort is easy throughout.

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Chital fawn surprised to find a hitch-hiker; in this case a Black Drongo come to hunt insects disturbed by the fawn. (Image by Mark Beaman)
Typically it will be warm or hot, dry and sunny (although early mornings are sometimes cool). Although overcast weather is not infrequent, rain is uncommon at this season.

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The Taj Mahal truly is incomparable, in spite of its many visitors. Late afternoon is the very best time for photography. (image by Mark Beaman)
Photographic Equipment:
For the larger mammals and the crocodiles a 200mm or 300mm will often be the most useful lens, but we also recommend a 400, 500mm or 600mm lens for many bird shots, mammal close-ups etc. (If your budget does not run to prime lenses, a high quality 100-400mm or similar zoom can be a great alternative.) Alternatively, you can get wonderful results with a high quality digital compact camera with a 20x or higher  optical zoom. If you have questions about what equipment you ought to bring, please contact us.

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United Kingdom Sully Offline
Ecology & Rewilding

Jun 25, 2013
Travel | Gir in Sasan, Our First Sight of Asiatic Lions in Wild Part - 4

*This image is copyright of its original author

Continued from Part -3
The Safari system is pretty organized in Gir if you have prior booking for the rooms as well as for the safari.
Each safari cost INR 2000 including guide charges which is mandatory. I already read about people facing troubles in sightings lions in shared gypsies with noisy & cramped rides. We did not share our gypsy with anyone and did all are safaris by ourselves.

The booking office opens at 5.30 AM, while th visitors start queuing up for getting the permit as early as 4.30AM.
I was up by 5AM, ordered tea from the cafeteria inside the complex and was ready for my permit. I got the permit at 5.45 AM without hassles as I had already booked the Safari earlier.

*This image is copyright of its original author

We were the first to enter the Gir forest on both the days which gave us an added advantage to spot the lions and other animals.

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The drive was filled with spotted deer, Sambhar, Neelgai, peacocks and pea fowls.

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We then saw foot-marks of a pride of lions and started following....

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And this is what we saw...a pride of 6 lions. Two males and 4 females, peacefully resting after a hearty meal in night. Two female lions were gorging on the leftover catch.

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Watching the king of jungle from so near is really scary....both the children were slightly nervous and kept on asking me to sit quietly and stop clicking pictures...the click sound from camera may disturb lions.

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What a majestic walk...The dry forest is a perfect cameo for these lions.

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And then came a moment when our gypsy was in between a pair of two young lions who were sitting on both sides of the track. They sat there facing each other looking at our gypsy and giving perfect poses.
My daughter was scared and asked the guide to take pictures who willingly did the job.

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The driver then asked us to sit firmly as we had to cross the lions sitting on both sides of the track. The nervousness on my daughter's face is seen in the picture...."Do we really need to cross, can we change track mom"? was her question.

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And then we crossed, our gypsy almost touching the lions who looked up and gave a strange look. focus...Ah-oh we already crossed....Huh...
My hands are still trembling when I write about those moments. The mixed feeling of fear, anxiety and excitement is hard to describe in words.
And we had our first sight of the Asiatic lions in the wild!

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Our driver crossed the two lions and stopped a few meters away for us to get a better view and take pictures. The male looked majestic with his golden coat glistening with the morning crimson rays of sunshine. The innocent look in his eyes, elegant and confidence posture made sure he rules the forest.

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This guy figured out that we are a bunch of crazy visitors and are done with our shoot....and the king finally dozed off. 

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This was an amazing experience for children who were still in a state of shock and breathing hard for having a brush off with the king of beast face-to-face.
Everyone who starts off to a wildlife safari has a dream of sighting these majestic animals. Though there are many amazing animals & birds on the way, every eye would still reach as far as the land is seen, head would rotate 360 degrees in anticipation, to get a glimpse of the king of the jungle.
We were thrilled to have come across a rare sighting of a leopard hunting for deer, a pride of 12 lions lazying around after a hearty meal and 2 young lions sitting next to our gypsy.

Pack your bags and head out….Gir is calling…growllllll

PS; I am not a wildlife photographer and my pictures certainly do not justify how majestic and graceful the king of jungle look.
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India sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Awesome looking male lion from Gir national park. Image own by Abhay Joshi‎
Big Asiatic lion from Gir national park
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Vinit Arora Wildlife Photography:
" Its the eyes which says everything you just need the mind to read them. "

A lazy lion rest under a shaded tree with his eyes open, waiting for another dawn.
At Gir National Park, Gujarat, India, June, 2016.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(05-04-2016, 05:54 PM)Hsanjay Wrote: Awesome looking male lion from Gir national park. Image own by Abhay Joshi‎

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

From the Gir National Park Gujarat, credits to Bhavya Joshi.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Lean and Mean machine... Credits to ‎Ajay Parmar‎.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-11-2018, 06:58 PM by Rishi )

Pradeep Singh

The REAL Officer of Gir..... 

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

"The Lion King" 

Gir National Park
June 2016. Credits to Karan Mota.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Taken in June 2016, credits to Keyur D Nandaniya.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 08-18-2016, 01:30 AM by Pckts )

The Lion Queens of india

Check out the leopards that are set to be released,
Those suckers are no joke!!!

The Last Lions of India Doc

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(08-18-2016, 01:05 AM)Pckts Wrote: Check out the leopards that are set to be released,
Those suckers are no joke!!!

So true. And I love the sound of those growls.

It's like they hate you with an unrivaled intensity. I would not like to be in the recieving end of that hate.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Jigar Pandya:
"It's been a long day without you, my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began I'll tell you all about it when I see you again...
There comes my bro !"

Felt very happy and fortunate to have photographed and seen these two Lions. The one sitting was calm and relaxed while the other Lion was full of energy and aggression. Hope this coalition would be intact and strong as it was at the time when this image was captured.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Jigar Pandya:
Reminds me of Caesar and Hercules.

I wish I could take complete image of him in an open space but it was a very hot day and he was relaxing that entire evening between bushes near a water hole. Hope to see him in the coming days.

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Eyes fixed on the target (which was a Male Sambhar).

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Welcome to WILDFACT forum, a website that focuses on sharing the joy that wildlife has on offer. We welcome all wildlife lovers to join us in sharing that joy. As a member you can share your research, knowledge and experience on animals with the community. is intended to serve as an online resource for wildlife lovers of all skill levels from beginners to professionals and from all fields that belong to wildlife anyhow. Our focus area is wild animals from all over world. Content generated here will help showcase the work of wildlife experts and lovers to the world. We believe by the help of your informative article and content we will succeed to educate the world, how these beautiful animals are important to survival of all man kind.
Many thanks for visiting We hope you will keep visiting wildfact regularly and will refer other members who have passion for wildlife.

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