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Amur Tigers

Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 10-31-2018, 06:44 PM by Wolverine )

Good news:


*This image is copyright of its original author

"Number of Amur tigers could increase from current 570 to 700 till 2022-2023. That was told to RIA News Agency by the director of Russian branch of WWF Igor Tcestin.
Tcestin said that only 15-20 ago the number of Amur tigers in its lowest point touched 350.
"We are targeting a new goal, a new coordinated task to increase the number of tigers to 700 till 2022-2023. This will be a 2 fold increase, something we couldn't even dream a 20 years ago." - he mentioned.
The head off Russian WWF also said that increase in tiger numbers will be impossible without protection of the cedar-broad leafed forests in Primorskij and Habarovskij regions where live the tigers. Also we need to increase the numbers of hoofed animals.
Tcestin sais that the word is not about the expansion of already existed protected areas but about a new rules for managing of the forest industry and fight with poaching.
Russia is the only country in the tiger areal where the nimber of this animal increased considerably from the middle of the 20th century and is stable during last 25 years. Now thye country is inhabited by 570 tigers."
18 October 2018, chanell ""
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Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-05-2018, 08:18 PM by Rishi )

This is old news, but something positive from China too.

Then here one nice video about siberian tigers, old but nice:

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Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 11-10-2018, 09:35 AM by Wolverine )

American media empire Netflix is currently making a film about the Amur tigers in the Sihote Alin state reserve. The film will be released in 2019. Some photos behind the camera:

*This image is copyright of its original author


*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Romania GreenForest Offline

Need of the hour for Amur tigers is introduction of Captive Gene pool. The current stock of tigers are from handful of smaller gene pool tigers. They are highly inbred. They will never get olden day amur tigers size. To attain glorious Pre-1950 golden period of amur tigers, tigers from captive gene pool must be introduced into wild. What's the point of having good genetic diversity in captivity if not captive gene pool is not introduced into wild ? I wish Russian Government & WCS  join hands to release captive gene pool into wild.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Amur 's of the Russian Far East
Tiger in China!

ENG: Amur tiger was spotted in the province of Heilongjiang, China. Can it be one of the tigers from the Russian territory?

Video taken from Birding Beijing twitter

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Jeffrey Offline
Regular Member

Amur tigers in the land of the leopards national park

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Canada Wolverine Away
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Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 12-09-2018, 12:01 PM by Wolverine )

Bikin national park

In China Amur tiger has attacked horse-breeding farm, the horse's carcass was found in the mountain:

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Sanju Offline
Senior member
( This post was last modified: 12-21-2018, 12:31 PM by Sanju )

In this video, A recent Amur tiger sighting is recorded. He looks robust and amazing too!

BTW the channel is of professional hunter J Alan Smith who carelessly hunts wild animals (mostly endangered) all over the world and recklessly for his fun and trophy, many people support him and his expeditions and they really enjoys it. He broadcast/telecast his hunts in his YouTube channel "J Alan Smith". he does this by collaborating illegally with that respective country's governments. Thank god in this video, the Russian govt didn't allow him to hunt Amur tiger but he was on a bear hunt (Ussuri Brown Bear/Black Bear) luckily he hunted an Amur white lipped bear/Asiatic Black Bear in this video.

No matter but we had an amazing recent Amur tiger sighting in HD!
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Sanju Offline
Senior member
( This post was last modified: 01-05-2019, 10:43 AM by Sanju )

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A massive Amur male with huge skull in Russia's far east Sikhote-Alin mountain range. (Probably 260 kg???)
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-05-2019, 10:53 AM by Rage2277 )

*This image is copyright of its original author
 amur art
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Siberian tiger family caught on camera in NE China
A family of five wild Siberian tigers was caught by an infrared camera in Hunchun, northeast China’s Jilin Province.

Spotted in May last year, the mother tiger could be seen taking care of her four playful tiger cubs in the 50-second video, according to the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park.

The park covers two Chinese provinces and borders Russia and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It covers an area of more than 1.46 million hectares.

China has intensified protection efforts for Siberian tigers, which led to rising numbers of the big cat. In 2018, three families of Siberian tigers were spotted in Hunchun alone, including seven tiger cubs.

Siberian tigers, otherwise known as Amur or Manchurian tigers, mainly live in eastern Russia, northeast China and the northern part of the Korean Peninsula.
By the end of 2017, at least 27 adult tigers and 42 Amur leopards had been reported to roam in Jilin Province, and their numbers are stable.
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Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member

Tiger "Tihon", Land of the Leopard" NP

Tihon says video is one of the oldest tigers in the area, his teeth were very sick, due to big pain he started hunting dogs on the border with China, scientists caught him and healed his sick teeth. On the video are shown dental procedures:

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Canada Wolverine Away
Regular Member

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Jeffrey Offline
Regular Member

4 Siberian Tiger cubs seen playing in rare new video footage

Land of the leopard national park

“For the first time, a phototrap recorded four young cubs of the [endangered] cat on video at once, showing their usual life, full of exploration, games and relaxing rest,” the park’s YouTube page said.

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