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Avoca Male Lions and Their Male Lineage

Brazil Ngonya Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: Yesterday, 09:22 PM by Ngonya Edit Reason: added PCYM )

Southern Avoca sons in KNP

The Sand River young males

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

on the same slideshow, im not entirely sure if this third boy is also a Sand River young male

*This image is copyright of its original author

by Antonia - Nico Graf

Another of the Southern Avoca sons
The Plains Camp young male 

*This image is copyright of its original author

by Cynophilist
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Portugal Rui Ferreira Offline

(Yesterday, 09:07 PM)Mapokser Wrote: Over 50km I think.

But anyway, amazing news.

I don't think Mohawk still has some fire left to be territorial, I think he abandoned his sons because he didn't like the competition when they got that first female, I think he's retired and only wants to spend his last years peacefully.

But if he has some fire left that some other old lions showed to take opportunities and become territorial again, like Nhenha, it'd be perfect for everybody here.

An extra lion, even if old and not as strong, would be a massive help for the NKs who are not only just 2 males, but one of them isn't even 5yo.

If Mohawk helps with scent-marking and roaring, he could be the extra help they need to fully establish themselves, and when Mohawk dies, his sons wouls be already an impressive, confident and established duo.

If I understand it, they are somehow neighbors to the 3 Imbali and one NK stalemated an Imbali male months ago, so 3 males roaring could convince the Imbalis to not seek conflict.

This territory should also be close to the Nkhulus because they have cubs with the PC pride who has territory around Rhino Post, and Nkhulus are 5-6 strong.
We know for sure that PC are Nkuhlus 
As for Kruger Nkuhumas 
What Pride is left in the area that they could get? Fourways? 
I dont see them challeging Imbalis for any of the prides soon

Panama Mapokser Offline

Nkhulus ousted the S.Avocas and took their territory.

S.Avoca main pride was PC pride and the Sand River pride was borderline abandoned by them. Some Nkhuku would spend time in Kruger round Rhino Post as well if I'm not mistaken so it was always speculated that they had taken over the PC pride.

Recently a PC lioness was seen with new cubs sired by Nkhulus.

There's no pride around there for them that I'm aware of, but they were with what seemed to be a Mantimahle female, and now were with 2 females so maybe some small breakaway will form under them.

Challenging the Imbalis indeed look unrealistic, even if by some stroke of luck they get an Imbali alone.

But Imbalis have their hands full with many prides and lionesses, if the NK can convince them through roars to not seek conflict, it'll be more than enough.

Portugal Rui Ferreira Offline

(Yesterday, 10:20 PM)Mapokser Wrote: Nkhulus ousted the S.Avocas and took their territory.

S.Avoca main pride was PC pride and the Sand River pride was borderline abandoned by them. Some Nkhuku would spend time in Kruger round Rhino Post as well if I'm not mistaken so it was always speculated that they had taken over the PC pride.

Recently a PC lioness was seen with new cubs sired by Nkhulus.

There's no pride around there for them that I'm aware of, but they were with what seemed to be a Mantimahle female, and now were with 2 females so maybe some small breakaway will form under them.

Challenging the Imbalis indeed look unrealistic, even if by some stroke of luck they get an Imbali alone.

But Imbalis have their hands full with many prides and lionesses, if the NK can convince them through roars to not seek conflict, it'll be more than enough.
Noticed now I forgot to put a " ?" On my first question ups
Tysm for the info 
A small Breakaway Pride would be enough for them at this point, as already mentioned, Chela's Boy isnt even 5 years old or barely 
It would be a great start for them to get dominant pride male dynamics and confidence to later challange future coalitions 
Mohawk on that aspect is very helpfull for them, experience is never enough and who got it more right now if not their own father

United States adamstocks16 Offline

Is that a recent pic of the young Plains Camp Male? If it is then all those facial scars he had a couple of months ago have healed up really well.

United Kingdom KM600 Offline
Senior Member

(Today, 02:11 AM)adamstocks16 Wrote: Is that a recent pic of the young Plains Camp Male? If it is then all those facial scars he had a couple of months ago have healed up really well.

Speaking of the Plains Camp Male, it’s suspected the scars he received might have been via a confrontation with Lubyelubye Kinky Tail as they were together trying to establish dominance over one another. Assuming he won that confrontation and that’s why he was able to get that lioness, that’s one mighty strong lion at such a young age still. A perfect scenario would be he either joins the 3 Sand River Pride boys or both Nkuhuma males and potentially Mohawk. Will it happen tho, prolly not.  Video of that altercation I was mentioning: 


United States T_Ferguson Offline
Regular Member

Mohawk found his boys!!!

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Ttimemarti Offline
Regular Member

Unfortunately once his older brother finally came to the northern sabi sands Mohawk left and purple eyes son hasn’t found his brothers but Mohawk did I guess that means he is gone so so sad
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United States afortich Offline

Mohawk Avoca 


Go131810 Offline
Regular Member

(10 hours ago)Ttimemarti Wrote: Unfortunately once his older brother finally came to the northern sabi sands Mohawk left and purple eyes son hasn’t found his brothers but Mohawk did I guess that means he is gone so so sad

I have been wanting to ask. The two young Nukhuma male lions are Ridge nose son and other Nukhuma male lion is his brother who is blonde son?

Go131810 Offline
Regular Member

(7 hours ago)Go131810 Wrote:
(10 hours ago)Ttimemarti Wrote: Unfortunately once his older brother finally came to the northern sabi sands Mohawk left and purple eyes son hasn’t found his brothers but Mohawk did I guess that means he is gone so so sad

I have been wanting to ask. The two young Nukhuma male lions are Ridge nose son and other Nukhuma male lion is his brother who is blonde son?
Yes is strange how Mohawk leaves when the Northern Avoca male lion is in the north. I wonder if they have seen each other. I was wondering if Mohawk wanted to bond with the Black Damn male or he did, but he could not stay with Mohawk. I wonder if it is what made Mohawk go to Kruger, but he is with his sons that is good. Then maybe later he would go back to the Nukhuma lionesses. He looks good.

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