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Birmingham Coalition Male Lineage

Canada Mdz123 Offline

(11-16-2022, 12:15 AM)sundarbans Wrote: Is it possible for male lions to lose size? Nhenha used to be a massive lion and usually towered over his coalition mates. But here he looks to be the same size as NYM. Has he lost some condition?

 Male lions cant lose size after they reach their maximum size. They can only lose weight. In this case, Nhena is no where near as impressive and muscular as he was in his prime. Additionally NyM is also a very tall male.
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Poland Potato Offline

(11-16-2022, 12:15 AM)sundarbans Wrote: Is it possible for male lions to lose size? Nhenha used to be a massive lion and usually towered over his coalition mates. But here he looks to be the same size as NYM. Has he lost some condition?
1. That Nhenha looked impressive in comparison to his 3 brothers (or rather two as Mfumo was similar size male to Nhenha), doesn't mean he will look impressive in comparison to other 800 males within KNP. Coalition is just marginal fraction of overall population and so you can' say: the lion x is big withn his coalition so he must be also massive in comparison to overall population. 
2. Lion can lose weight, he can not lose height of course.
3. Nhenha at the poin he was joining up with Nhuhuma male was in great condition and probably as large as ever. Nkuhuma male simply is not far behind him in term of body size.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(11-16-2022, 12:46 AM)Mdz123 Wrote: Nhena is no where near as impressive and muscular as he was in his prime.

I wouldn't say "nowhere near", Nhenha is still in excellent shape. Yes, maybe not as muscular as in prime years, but mass is still there. 

Problem is that people where use to see Nhenha dwarf his brothers, especially Nsuku and Tinyo (he and Mfumo where not see together as often anyways), so people "assumed" that Nhenha will dwarf every lion, but Nkuhuma male is bigger then both Tinyo and Nsuku, he would also look significantly bigger than them just as Nhenha did.
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1999gc8 Offline
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( This post was last modified: 11-16-2022, 12:24 PM by 1999gc8 )

(11-16-2022, 12:15 AM)sundarbans Wrote: Is it possible for male lions to lose size? Nhenha used to be a massive lion and usually towered over his coalition mates. But here he looks to be the same size as NYM. Has he lost some condition?

Honestly I think Nhena is still comparable to his prime at his biggest and NKM is considered to be large as well. I remember the footage of Nhena chasing either the Styx or NKM by himself when Tinyo was still alive and from the side profile in that footage I think his size is pretty much the same now and in great condition and I think that was nearly two years ago. I'm no expert but I feel like he's held on to his condition and overall bulk really well and for his age doesn't look he's deteriorated in size and looks very healthy.
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RookiePundit Offline
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From fairly recent footage of Nkuhuma being chased by Plain Camp males, which are tanks, we can tell he is quite tall. PC males' mass is probably greater, but Nkuhuma was noticeably taller than them - not on the same frame side by side but at the same place few seconds apart. I don't remember him being significantly bigger than Styx Young Male, but maybe he was, interesting what specimen woud SYM grew into, shame we will never know
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sik94 Offline

Aren't Blondie and Dozie the gradfathers of NYM? His mother being around 12 when she died in 2019 does mean the timelines do line up. They were pretty impressive males and Mfumo wasn't small either, I think NYM is just a big lion. I don't think Nhena has lost much of his size, he's not THAT old yet. I wouldn't be surprised if NYM was a full match for even prime Nhena.
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Chris Offline
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The Club footed Ndhzenga male, one of the subadult males from the Kambula pride and the two lionesses with two cubs scuffle over a Buffalo kill. Kambula male showed that he has no fear in the adult male and is nearly the same size as him.
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Hopefully, the eldest two will join the other 4 soon
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(11-17-2022, 08:40 AM)Chris Wrote: The Club footed Ndhzenga male, one of the subadult males from the Kambula pride and the two lionesses with two cubs scuffle over a Buffalo kill. Kambula male showed that he has no fear in the adult male and is nearly the same size as him.
Old footage.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

The 4 Kambula brothers on Singita now w their sister.  Hoping they stay alert and clear of the PCMs

“ My second favourite lions in the reserve, 4 ntsevu subadult resting after finishing they’re Gnu kill“

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Tonpa Offline

No 5 by Andrew Taylor

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

“ pride subadults on the move and walking down to the Sand River for a drink after enjoying a recent Buffalo kill with very full bellies at Londolozi,South Africa in October 2022.”

Credit: Anthony Goldman

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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

“ After a quick water break, this Ntsevu Sub-adult returned to help his brothers and sister finish off a buffalo that they had killed in the Sand River right next to camp! Ntsevu sub-adult males are growing rapidly and have done well to get by in the same area they grew up in and are now becoming highly effective hunters“

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Georgia Dreadlocks Offline

*This image is copyright of its original author
Ntsevu/Kambula sub adults

 C - Anthony Goldman
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Kambula young males caught buffalo at Londolozi :

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