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Lions of Sabi Sands

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(12-30-2021, 03:22 AM)Potato Wrote: There is also lone Nkuchuma male not too far away, with who he could also potentially form a coalition, through he probably would have much better odds for survival if he would stick with his sons insteed.

Well, that would be a silver lining for both males, in short term, Nkuhuma would be better option if we want to see Nhenha taking over some territory again, NK is 5.5 yrs old and ready for rumble immidiately..

On the other hand, Nhenha's sons are still prob 1.5-2 yrs away from that point, Nhenha would be quite old at that point.

As you said, 6 young males are much better option if we look only on surviving aspect, but NK is much better option if Nhenha wants to take some territory in near future.
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sik94 Offline

(12-30-2021, 03:22 AM)Potato Wrote:
(12-30-2021, 03:07 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Nhenha still has some options, those are his sons, maybe take his chance in Singita
There is also lone Nkuchuma male not too far away, with who he could also potentially form a coalition, through he probably would have much better odds for survival if he would stick with his sons insteed.

He could try taking over the mhangeni pride, especially if he forms a coalition with NK first. NK has been hanging around the mhangeni's but I don't think they see him as a dominant male in the area, if Nhena joins him they can definitely do something in that area.
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Poland Potato Offline

(12-30-2021, 03:30 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: but NK is much better option if Nhenha wants to take some territory in near future.
(12-30-2021, 03:55 AM)sik94 Wrote: He could try taking over the mhangeni pride, especially if he forms a coalition with NK first. NK has been hanging around the mhangeni's but I don't think they see him as a dominant male in the area, if Nhena joins him they can definitely do something in that area.
I think it is other way around. If he would join Nkuchuma male then they could campete with other coalitions right away, through outcompeting PC males (or counting on they they won't want to compete for Mhangeni pride) and counting on that Ndzenga males won't show intrest in competing for Mhangeni pride doesn't have greatest chancess to succeed, but on the other hand if he would stick with young Kambulas and he would survive this 1-1,5 years untill Kambulas will be ready to compete then being in coalition of 7 is nearly a guarantee to regain dominant position in the arena. 
Also other think is that if he would establish himself as the dominant male together with Nkuchuma male, then he would struggle with remaining in that possition. Nhenha will not be getting any younger and it is only matter of time before his health will start to deteriorate and without his help, lone Nkuchuma male won't be able to hold territory by himself. On the other hand if Nhenha would regain his dominant possition, cooperating with Kambula males, then he could just sit back and count on his sons to defend territory and pride(s). In that case regardless of Nhenha condition he would remain dominant untill his natural death as it would be very unlikelly that some coalition would push out Kambulas from their territory during Nhenha's lifetime.
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sik94 Offline

(12-30-2021, 04:30 AM)Potato Wrote: If he would join Nkuchuma male then they could campete with other coalitions right away

yeah that's what I meant.
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South Africa Slayerd Offline
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(12-30-2021, 03:07 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(12-30-2021, 12:13 AM)Slayerd Wrote: Nhenha hasn't abandoned them, he was with them a few days ago and before that. He has been following both groups, not just 1. Apparently a young male followed him back to these ones and Nhenha was aggressive with him, not allowing him near the cubs.

My point is, these 3 Kambulas and cubs are pretty much unprotected, even if Nhenha still hangs with them occasionaly, he cant do anything to protect them..

Nhenha and Kambulas are pretty much playing hide and seek atm, its not Nhenhas fault, he is outnumbered, he cant do anything yet to keep low profile between N'ws and N. Avocas and try to stick with Kambula subs. 

Just today MalaMala posted that 2 N'ws recently pushed north, roaring, Nhenha was only 1 km from them, he didn't respond, yet they heard roars in distance from N. Avocas and 2 Kruger males further north. 

This is smart from Nhenha, him trying to vocalise and trying to protect cubs is suicide against 4 males. 

We all love Nhenha, but it is how it is, 5-6 years ago, he was doing the same thing to S. Matimbas, taking advantage of numbers game.. 

Nhenha still has some options, those are his sons, maybe take his chance in Singita, idk, but his time of being dominant male in this area, is pretty much coming to an end..

I never said Nhenha was the most dominant male in the reserve, I said he didn't abandon them. He still follows them around. You're right, Nhenha can't do anything right now, he is a too great a disadvantage currently but it doesn't mean he abandoned the pride.
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South Africa Slayerd Offline
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( This post was last modified: 12-30-2021, 10:10 AM by Slayerd )

Yes if Nhenha were to join with the Nkuhuma Male, he would be able to compete immediately for territory. With his experience, he would be able to push the Plains Camp males out or go as far as to gain some of his old territory and maybe keep his cubs safe if they follow him. But as Potato said, Nhenha will age and slowly lose condition forcing the Nkuhuma male to solely protect their territory. If Nhenha waits 1,5 to 2 years for his Kambula sons however, he would be safely under their protection for a while. This means that Nhenha would still have to survive as a nomad alongside his sons for that long. By the time they're ready, he would be 13 and his condition would deteriorate. Both are good for Nhenha, one isn't so good for the Nkuhuma Male but when will the Nkuhuma Male be able to find a partner. Will he stay as lone male, if so Nhenha joining him wouldn't be a bad idea
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

I think a lot of those scenarios are just pipedreams to save Nhenha.

The Mhangeni pride has cubs to protect and are doing quite well in the circumstances. Aslong that cub is alive, they wont let anyone near. Nhenha if he weret o take over would just kill that cub, father some new cubs, but likely wont last long enough to protect them. It wiould be a huge setback for the pride.

The Nkuhuma male is slowly trying to gain he Mhangeni trust. Its not likely he would like Nhenha just popping up. He would rather see him as a rival.

His sons would be a better option, but they are just starting out their nomadic life. We dont know of Nhenha is able to keep up with them. They already seem sceptical of the idea of draging pops along, so if he cant help they will likely just abandon him. 

Them joining up and taking back Kambulas could be oroblematic for those aswell. As it means most of the viable mates will be related.

Ultimately  it may just be that his chapter in Sabi Sands is complete.
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Poland Potato Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-30-2021, 03:09 PM by Potato )

(12-30-2021, 10:08 AM)Slayerd Wrote: With his experience, he would be able to push the Plains Camp males out 

The odds from such potential confrontation would probably be on the side  of younger and probably stronger PC males and that is one of the issues of making coalition with Nkuchuma male. They could compete right away for some territory, but it won't be easy to succeed in it at all.
(12-30-2021, 10:08 AM)Slayerd Wrote: or go as far as to gain some of his old territory

He can not even dream about it since the coalition of 4 is in charge there.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

Its point less now to discuss against who or if Nhenha with NK or his sons in coalition are stronger then other coalitions, because those coalitions are just speculation for now, might not even happen.

WildRev Offline
Regular Member

(12-30-2021, 11:16 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: They already seem sceptical of the idea of draging pops along, so if he cant help they will likely just abandon him. 

What footage makes you think they're sceptical ?

Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

He is mostly seen trailing them and a distance away rather than directly bonding (Playing, nuzzling etc). That is more typical of a lion trying to join a coalition than one that is already in one. 
Nor is it typical for coalitions to have such a big age difference. So if it does happen, it would be a rare event. 

I could always have missed some footage though.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-30-2021, 05:33 PM by Tr1x24 )

(12-30-2021, 05:23 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: He is mostly seen trailing them and a distance away rather than directly bonding (Playing, nuzzling etc). That is more typical of a lion trying to join a coalition than one that is already in one. 
Nor is it typical for coalitions to have such a big age difference. So if it does happen, it would be a rare event. 

I could always have missed some footage though.

I think you overexaggerate based of "walking behind and on distance", thats what male lions do, adult male lions dont "cuddle" with subadult/cubs and females.. 

From videos we saw, nobody from that gruop showed anything towards Nhenha that he is not welcome, in fact subadults are prob happy to see him with them in these times when other males are in the area.
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South Africa Slayerd Offline
Regular Member

(12-30-2021, 02:04 PM)Potato Wrote:
(12-30-2021, 10:08 AM)Slayerd Wrote: With his experience, he would be able to push the Plains Camp males out 

The odds from such potential confrontation would probably be on the side  of younger and probably stronger PC males and that is one of the issues of making coalition with Nkuchuma male. They could compete right away for some territory, but it won't be easy to succeed in it at all.
(12-30-2021, 10:08 AM)Slayerd Wrote: or go as far as to gain some of his old territory

He can not even dream about it since the coalition of 4 is in charge there.

I didn't mean his whole territory but some isn't out of the possibility. Especially because the N'was are showing it's difficult to maintain that large a territory especially when Gore is showing weakness. I also wouldnt say the PC males are stronger lions. Nhenha was chasing them by himself months ago and his physical appearance itself might just scare them off. But as @Tr1x24 said, it's useless to speculate who is stronger
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South Africa Slayerd Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 12-30-2021, 09:09 PM by Slayerd )

(12-30-2021, 05:23 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: He is mostly seen trailing them and a distance away rather than directly bonding (Playing, nuzzling etc). That is more typical of a lion trying to join a coalition than one that is already in one. 
Nor is it typical for coalitions to have such a big age difference. So if it does happen, it would be a rare event. 

I could always have missed some footage though.

I don't know why you keep pushing that narrative. There is nothing to say they don't enjoy his presence. In fact they are the ones showing him affection, not the other way around and one of them even followed him to the other portion of the pride.
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WildRev Offline
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(12-30-2021, 07:02 PM)Slayerd Wrote: I didn't mean his whole territory but some isn't out of the possibility. Especially because the N'was are showing it's difficult to maintain that large a territory especially when Gore is showing weakness. 

How are N'was showing any difficulties so far ?
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