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Zoos, Circuses, Safaris: A Gallery of Captivity

Germany Sammyfrosh Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-09-2020, 01:39 PM by Sammyfrosh )

Why isn't anyone posting photos of leopards so far or are you guys willing to tell us that there's no leopard in zoos or circus? 
The list is incomplete without leopards which is the classical  pantherine cats in it's form imo.

United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

" All we have is now.. & now is a glimpse into the eyes of a King "


We have been asked over & over by people wanting to adopt Braveheart if we will make it a joint adoption rather than a one & only adoption.
So finally we have made special Bravey available as a joint adoption for a limited 10 special people at $75 per month. See just below his story for how to adopt him ??
We are not all lucky enough to be born perfect - but we all still deserve a chance at a happy & purposeful life..
Bravey and his sister Gypsy were born in November 2015. Abandoned by their mother, whose wild instincts sensed her cubs weren’t perfect (due to imperfections that would manifest later on) we decided to intervene and save these 2 cubs lives.
They both developed some bone problems quite early on in their precious lives. With lots of TLC & vetinary care little by little, within a few weeks Gypsy got better, but Bravehearts legs were becoming more bowed, even with his ongoing medical & vitamin treatment. As time went on Bravehearts leg growth was compromised.
Almost fully grown now at nearly 5yrs old Bravey has fully adapted to his disability and is the proud head of his pride of 5 girls including his loyal sister Gypsy and he is fulfilling a male lions role that nature denied him & we were able to give him.
He can hold his beautiful mane & head high and be proud to live the life he wasn’t supposed to have by wild lion standards.


United States Lioness514 Offline
New Join

I saw a recent post by Suzzie regarding her campaign posted Dec.2019 on Taigan Park and corrupt officials and chief vet. I tried to reply to her post that included a link for a petition because this park was shut down. She cited the owner of park loved his lions and tigers etc. Let me tell you if I lived in Russia or wherever it is this park is located I would have been arrested. I would have been outside the park at the enterence at that park everyday protesting long before it was closed by what she says " corrupt officials". She also cited these animals would have a very sad fate if closed because many zoos and parks won't take them. Sbe is wrong.  This is the truth what I am about to post. This park that I cannot stomach to watch on youtube and have only watched videos on this 3 times. Its straight abuse. This man only cares about the money he gets from visitors that have obviously never been taught on animal abuse or they don't know anything about lions and how they live in the wild or even if they are born in captivity. To put this many lions in one enclosure and I dont care if it is 200 acres or hectors  is beyond unnatural.Its disgusting. When I first saw visitors with small children lined up against the fence looking at this I covered my mouth in horror. Male lions will live with a pride of females and be the sole protector for all of them unless he left his original pride he was born into with his brother or brothers and they would have had to all been 2 yrs. Old, reason being when their mane starts to grown at 2 he poses a threat to his father and it also stops inbreeding so he kicks them out and kicked out by their father at the same time thats when they form a coiliation to which they roam and hunt together until they find a female pride and then they fight the reining protector to the death usually and any cubs if they're are any are immediatly killed so the females immediatly  go into heat then they carry out their blood line. They have females and very very few I believe I saw one or two with 20 males. Omg I am horrified. That is why they all have scars on their faces, hind legs and quarters and pretty much all over. It is not normal or natural to put all these male lions in the same caged area together if u notice the paler looking lions have more scars that is because a darker mane brings more females they will gain the attention of a female quicker than a lighter mane. This is abuse its beyond abuse its torture for them. So I am so glad they were closed down. The officials are not corrupt by doing this with the chief vet. They are saving these lions, tigers and btw tigers are solitary animals only getting together for mating they will then never see each other again unless they mate again after the cubs leave their mother. And zoos and parks I do not believe for one second these so called corrupt officials had any intention on bringing them or trying too bring them to places like that they will find sancturies for them and transport well many and I mean many airlines have already transported many many tigers and lions for free to the sanctuary.Dont believe me then check out Four Paws International who risk their lives to rescue ,example Siyra and also Gaza strip. LionsRock in South Africa takes in lions from zoos as well they take care of them for the rest of their lives and are also taking in tigers which are not native to South Africa. . I have no affilation with them i live in the USA but I do care about Big Cats and the fate of their species..And if you who are reading this care if your grandchlldren are ever going to be able to see them then do not sign any petition to keep them open because then you are just as bad as the dirtbag who makes them live like this. They were put on Earth to run free in the tall grass not be locked up with 20 other lions in a cage. LOOK UP ON YOU TUBE, I AM A LION, FROM LIONSROCK. ONLY THEN WILL YOU UNDERSTAND. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN PETITION
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Oman Lycaon Offline
أسد الأطلس

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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Tim Furfie: " Joao and Daseep the Sumatran Tigers. Taken at Dudley Zoo"

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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Tim Turfie: " Iblis the Asiatic Lion prowling on a wetter day earlier this year. Taken at Chester Zoo "

Tim Turfie: " Goshi the Jaguar prowling. Taken at Chester Zoo "

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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Tim Furfie: " Napo the jaguar on the prowl. Taken at Chester Zoo "

Tim Furfie: " Goshi the Jaguar on the prowl on a darker day. Taken at Chester Zoo "

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Malaysia scilover Offline

(09-13-2020, 02:03 AM)Spalea Wrote: Tim Furfie: " Joao and Daseep the Sumatran Tigers. Taken at Dudley Zoo"

I swear this so so beautiful. The eyes brought out the beauty.
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Finland Shadow Offline

These photos aren´t from a zoo, but I decided to make an exception since nice photos of other big cats recently, but no leopards. 

While I have no problem admitting, that male lion can be considered as the most majestic big cat, in terms of beauty it´s difficult to find any other big cat as perfect as leopard. Pure beauty and naturally in many other ways too a perfect big cat, even though not the biggest. Only more beautiful big cat, when looking at face alone is cheetah, imo. But overall for me leopards represent perfection and beauty what comes to big cats. These photos are from one rare couple to see.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Photos and story from here:
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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Tim Furfie: " Bernie the Andean bear. Taken at Chester Zoo "

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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
 amur - leopard and tiger
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Oman Lycaon Offline
أسد الأطلس

The leopard looks persian .
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

looks amur to me,the persians tend to have longer faces,more grayish color  @Lycaon

Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

Angry Cerrado jags.

Maya cerrado female angry as usual and Xingú young cerrado male.

at 20 secs ( -8:53 ) - Thats the feeling of being attacked by a cerrado female jaguar on lunch time.

at 1:14 min ( -8:00 ) - Angry Xingu male, the more Leandro approaches him the higher his stress gets and the more Tiger-like his vocals sound.

at 7:50 min ( -1:25 ) Back to angry Maya.


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