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Lions of Sabi Sands

Poland Potato Offline

(06-15-2020, 11:45 PM)Hairy tummy Wrote: The othawa male ran from HB aswell Didnt he?

Nah, he didn't. They didn't have any run in yet (officially reported at least). Neither of this two males seem to want to confront another.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(06-15-2020, 11:45 PM)Hairy tummy Wrote: The othawa male ran from HB aswell Didnt he?

Well i wouldn't say he run away, he and Mhangeni pride retreat from Othawa territory after HB showed up with his roars..
Othawa male as a lone male cant take a fight vs even 1 of Bboys or N. Avocas, because he doesnt know if the other male is near by...
He is doing great job as a lone male so far..
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Poland Potato Offline

"Mbiris where almost 4 when they chased Mapoza"

Mbiris are born in late 2013 and they chassed Mapoza in December 2016.

"Othawa male to this day at over 5 yrs old runs away from single BBoy, even if he has the size.. "

They only such situation happened when he wasn't even 3 and half and was chassed by Nhenha. 

"It depends of the single individuals, but 3 yrs old lions will 99% of the time run away from dominant male..

Some lions over 4 yrs old will run away, even if they have numbers.."

True, but I speak about potential situation when youngsters are cought or cornered and have to fight. Depend on the direct indyvidual 3-4 years old youngster can be bigger or even already way bigger than adult male and so has touls to fight. Moreover fight 2vs1 in lion world is impossible for single male which in such situation always will be outflanked and mauled.

"These 2 in a half a year might not run, because they are very big lions, we'll see.."

So they are born in early 2018? Is it confirmed info?
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

You guys have great knowledge, love coming on here to learn more about lions
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(06-16-2020, 12:55 AM)Potato Wrote: So they are born in early 2018? Is it confirmed info?

No, i meant : these two, in a half a year might not run, not that they are 2 and half Joking

They are born somewhere in 2017,prob mid 2017..
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-16-2020, 01:13 AM by Tr1x24 )

Fourways pride male :

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

Exciting lion day at Londolozi :

*This image is copyright of its original author

First, in the morning Othawa male chased "unknown" pride in river bed close to Camp, rangers still dont know who he chased (Kambula pride was far south) , might be Styx pride, or maybe Nkuhumas as they where seen on a zebra kill further north.. 

Then, Tinyo later that day was found with Kambula(infertile) lioness mating just 500 m from where Othawa male was previously spotted,after that lioness was calling and roaring, she might be searching for Othawa male with who she is also mating with.

Othawa male:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author


*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Matimbalani Offline
Regular Member

(06-16-2020, 01:40 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Exciting lion day at Londolozi 
I'm worried about the Tsalala lionesses and I hope she stays safe with her cub. Three prides converging on her territory can't be good. BBoys need to stamp their authority in the area.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(06-16-2020, 02:09 AM)Matimbalani Wrote: I'm worried about the Tsalala lionesses and I hope she stays safe with her cub. Three prides converging on her territory can't be good. BBoys need to stamp their authority in the area

The thing is that north and west of Camp is not BBoys territory, and Nhenha is too little with Tsalala to protect her... Tsalala is in the sandwich between 3 coalitions, Avocas from the north, Othawa west and Bboys south, and 3 massive prides, Kambulas, Nkuhumas and Mhangenis, and of top of that, she cant move east because thats Torchwoods prides territory, which is the strongest pride in Sabi Sands, with 14 adult lions moving around... 

So basically, Tsalala is in the worst area to be in Sabi Sands rn, and things will only get worse with Kambulas subadults growing up ...but she is surviving so far..
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South Africa Slayerd Offline
Regular Member

No 2-3 year old will stand up to a dominant male. Lions don't just avoid fights because of numbers but because a dominant male can easily tear through a young lions neck or spine. An older male has alot of power and size. If Nhenha catches one of the two, he can seriously injure them. Tinyo in fact tore through one of their paws so that young male is limping.

Also I disagree that the Tsalala is in a bad spot. Her territory is extremely flexible and surrounded by rivers. Nhenha even crosses the river when he goes to see her. Her only threat is the Kambula rn.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(06-17-2020, 10:37 AM)Slayerd Wrote: No 2-3 year old will stand up to a dominant male. Lions don't just avoid fights because of numbers but because a dominant male can easily tear through a young lions neck or spine. An older male has alot of power and size. If Nhenha catches one of the two, he can seriously injure them. Tinyo in fact tore through one of their paws so that young male is limping.

Also I disagree that the Tsalala is in a bad spot. Her territory is extremely flexible and surrounded by rivers. Nhenha even crosses the river when he goes to see her. Her only threat is the Kambula rn.

Ty @Slayerd for sharing the same toughts, i've been saying the same thing, otherwise young lions would not run from dominant males if they have numbers, they are running for a reason, dominant male is much more powerful and as you said can break a spine or heavy injure a young male before the numbers would matter..

For Tsalala, she is in a bad spot because theres many other lions and prides around, for example lone Sparta lioness and her cub has nowhere near as many lions around her area, the same goes for Ximhungwe lioness and her cub in southwest Manyeleti, chances are much higher for those 2 lionesses to succeed than Tsalala have..
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

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Poland Potato Offline

(06-17-2020, 10:37 AM)Slayerd Wrote: No 2-3 year old will stand up to a dominant male. Lions don't just avoid fights because of numbers but because a dominant male can easily tear through a young lions neck or spine. An older male has alot of power and size. If Nhenha catches one of the two, he can seriously injure them. Tinyo in fact tore through one of their paws so that young male is limping.

Also I disagree that the Tsalala is in a bad spot. Her territory is extremely flexible and surrounded by rivers. Nhenha even crosses the river when he goes to see her. Her only threat is the Kambula rn.

In 1vs1 it is fatal injures are very unlikely. Also in such fight it is nearly impossible to get grip on the spine of oponent. Moreover if young male has a backup of his brother then older male very well might be screved. At the age of 3 males have most of their growing behind them and at such point they very well can match adults. Of course at that point they are on avarage yet not as strong as avarage adult, but talking about adult easy killing or killing at all youngster is very exaggerated I would say. Ealier in the discusion there was an ask for official reports of 3 years old beating adult. Perhaps now we should present oficial reports of adult males killling 3 years old males in one on one combat. Problem is that I do not think any such exists.
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Whos the male with the fourways?

sik94 Offline

(06-18-2020, 01:18 AM)Hairy tummy Wrote: Whos the male with the fourways?

Don't know if they have been officially named but there are 2 males, both look quite impressive and look to be in their prime.
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