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History's most brutal killers, the Majingilane Male Lions

chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

(04-10-2018, 05:38 PM)Tshokwane Wrote: I was just reading a study on masculinity and manhood rites of passage, and a paragraph took my attention, and made me think of the lads.

Becoming a Man: By William Buckner.

In his book How Can I Get Through To You? (2002), author Terrence Real describes visiting a remote village of Maasai pastoralists in Tanzania. Real asked the village elders (all male) what makes a good warrior and a good man. After a vibrant discussion, one of the oldest males stood up and told Real;

I refuse to tell you what makes a good morani [warrior]. But I will tell you what makes a great morani. When the moment calls for fierceness a good morani is very ferocious. And when the moment calls for kindness, a good morani is utterly tender. Now, what makes a great morani is knowing which moment is which! (Real, 64)

Wise words, indeed!
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

Credits: Elephant Plains

Saturday,7 April 2018
One of the Majingi male lions resting at Shirley`s crossing
Sunday,8 April 2018
One of the Majingi male lions resting on Gowri main road
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Dulini.

Majingilane Update....

We are sadden to report that 'Scarnose' has passed away. He was found in the area around Singita earlier today.

We knew that the end of the Majingilane reign is near, but nevertheless it is heartbreaking to actually see it unfold.

May Scarnose rest in peace knowing that the Majingilane will forever be remembered as a powerful coalition and may their offspring carry on their legacy.....

RIP Mighty King.......
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Good bye, commander.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Russian Federation George Offline
New Member

Good bye my king!!
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

(04-12-2018, 01:54 AM)Tshokwane Wrote: Credits to Dulini.

Majingilane Update....

We are sadden to report that 'Scarnose' has passed away. He was found in the area around Singita earlier today.

We knew that the end of the Majingilane reign is near, but nevertheless it is heartbreaking to actually see it unfold.

May Scarnose rest in peace knowing that the Majingilane will forever be remembered as a powerful coalition and may their offspring carry on their legacy.....

RIP Mighty King.......

ScarNose is my fav in this coilation
I remember just few months ago he put in line (Avocas and Tsalalas on a buffalo carcass)
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United States ShakaMapogo Offline

(04-12-2018, 01:54 AM)Tshokwane Wrote: Credits to Dulini.

Majingilane Update....

We are sadden to report that 'Scarnose' has passed away. He was found in the area around Singita earlier today.

We knew that the end of the Majingilane reign is near, but nevertheless it is heartbreaking to actually see it unfold.

May Scarnose rest in peace knowing that the Majingilane will forever be remembered as a powerful coalition and may their offspring carry on their legacy.....

RIP Mighty King.......

Scar Nose was my favorite lion of all times... it’s strange reading that... I’m not able to take it in. I was working on a painting of him today and I thought all day about where he could be... 
Farewell my King.
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Guatemala Shaudimela Offline

Hacia el mausoleo eterno donde ya descansan otros grandes reyes leones ? allá junto con tu hermano HipScar asciende oh rey ScarNose a la espera de los otros dos reyes dieron nombre a una leyenda llamada Majingilane!

Towards the eternal mausoleum where other great lion kings are resting ? there along with your brother HipScar ascend oh king ScarNose waiting for the other two kings named a legend called Majingilane!
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Guatemala Shaudimela Offline

Larga vida a los Reyes  Majingilane

Long life to the Majingilane Kings
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United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

RIP scar nose, at least now you are no longer in any pain. May your legacy live on, you are a legend.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

RIP the Scar Nose, One of the coalition along with mapagos that draw my interest in Lion from completely new perspective. Because of them I was able to understand them from completely new angle
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

So sad, but he wrote his name and power in the History of the best lions...

@Tshokwane: hermano me entristece en sobremanera está noticia,  he seguido de cerca los últimos acontecimientos, aún cuando lo nieguen  muchos, Scarnose y sus hermanos han hecho historia pura.
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Canada stronghold Offline

Rest in Peace King Scarnose. The Majingilanes will be complete again soon. You will be with your brothers again.
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sik94 Offline

Scarnose really had this know it all and seen it all vibe about him. This also shows that the western block is not such a good place to be from a hunting point of view, game can come through only from 1 side and as a result if you are a lion you better hope there is enough game in the area to hunt. The end came quite abruptly and I am still a little confused about the whole hunting situation. All the buffaloes had left the area I heard?
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover


*This image is copyright of its original author
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