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Lions of Sabi Sands

Panama Mapokser Offline

@Bruh what If the male in question was collared then it isn't anyone we know of because there wasn't any collared male lions in Sabi Sands since forever.

If he wasn't collared, say some lioness in the pride was, then if you can get the year this male was weighed, then we could guess who it might have been.

Anyway, 280kg with a near empty stomach is around record numbers, I wouldn't imagine even HB to have weighted so much.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

‘1-6 The Southern Pride
7-9 NK and Khanya
10-12 Msutlu Pride’

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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(12-03-2024, 11:16 PM)KM600 Wrote: ‘1-6 The Southern Pride
7-9 NK and Khanya
10-12 Msutlu Pride’

Has there ever been a pride to rebuild as quickly as the SP, especially when considering she was down to just herself? It took incredible perseverance on her part, and some luck, finding two males that would accept her two female subs. Absolutely incredible story!
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Bruh what Offline

@Mapokser I believe it's a collaring operation on one of the females or whatever,maybe to remove,or to collar. It could be that they were collaring a female within the pride,but also darted the male and others to check on them for TB and rabies as they often do and weighed them. (like with mapogos they were tested for tb and rabies and weighed according to rob). 

We didn't get to the date part but it would've surely been helpful to know when it was. Anyway it is a veterinarian so he's not cappin.
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(12-04-2024, 12:05 AM)Bruh what Wrote: @Mapokser I believe it's a collaring operation on one of the females or whatever,maybe to remove,or to collar. It could be that they were collaring a female within the pride,but also darted the male and others to check on them for TB and rabies as they often do and weighed them. (like with mapogos they were tested for tb and rabies and weighed according to rob). 

We didn't get to the date part but it would've surely been helpful to know when it was. Anyway it is a veterinarian so he's not cappin.

Firstly, a lot of people have no idea what cappin' is (I am not one of them), so plain English would be appreciated, so that everyone might follow along. Secondly, I do not believe anyone is accusing anyone of lying, simply saying more information is clearly needed. I don't know he is a veterinarian, I have no idea who he is, and when a claim like this is made, which lacks so much vital information, of course it is going to be questioned. Surely there must be some mention of this, outside of simple texts, somewhere, a wildlife journal and the like, there must be some record.
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Fenix123 Offline
Regular Member

Floppy ear and Kambula lioness

Credits to Dale Walden 

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Philippines sunless Offline
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( This post was last modified: 12-04-2024, 10:49 AM by sunless )

Tumbela and a Curious Hyena

Credits to Ebenezer Field Guide (ranger_ebz)
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Philippines sunless Offline
Regular Member

SBDM sleeps the night in Nkorho Live Cam

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Vietnam WIND-772 Offline
New Member
( This post was last modified: 12-04-2024, 07:45 PM by BA0701 )

(12-04-2024, 07:51 AM)Fenix123 Wrote: Tai cụp và sư tử cái Kambula .

Tác giả: Dale Walden 

FE is so handsome.

Whose son is he in N'waswitshaka?
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Canada Robot00 Offline
Regular Member

(12-04-2024, 07:51 AM)Fenix123 Wrote: Floppy ear and Kambula lioness

Credits to Dale Walden 

I wondered if I've remembered correctly but didn't floppy have a brother or two? If only one of them was still here, they'd be awesome together.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(12-04-2024, 12:12 PM)Robot00 Wrote: I wondered if I've remembered correctly but didn't floppy have a brother or two? If only one of them was still here, they'd be awesome together.

He had few, all got killed as subs by other lions.
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Philippines sunless Offline
Regular Member

Singita Report Sabi Sand: November 2024

**Ximunghwe Pride**
The rise of the Ximungwe Pride, two lioness and two female almost sub-adult offspring could possibly be responsible for the Tsalala cubs demise, as they seemed to have laid claim to the Tsalala lioness’ rocky kingdom which is Tavangumi koppies. They push further east now which has forced the Tsalala lioness to occupy the area around Taylor’s Crossing and beyond.

**Tsalala Pride**
Sadly it has been confirmed that the Tsalala lioness, the lioness who gave birth and did her utmost to raise her three cubs close to our camps has been unsuccessful in her first attempt at raising her litter. It is not clear what/which predators killed them but the fact that they have not been seen in over a month and she has been mating again with the Plains Camp lions confirms their fate.

**Mhangeni Pride**
The Mhangeni Pride are looking strong as they have been securing regular large prey items like buffalo and zebra.

**Kambula Pride**
We had a sighting of the Kambula Pride, which is a breakaway of the Mhangeni Pride from many years back. The pride is 17 members strong, and they have been searching for the buffalo herds that now are feeding in the southern grasslands.

**Plains Camp Males**
The Plains Camp males have been providing great viewing this month and have been sighted many times on Singita, some of these sightings have been from the decks of Ebony and Boulders Lodge.

Credits to Singita
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(12-04-2024, 10:47 AM)WIND-772 Wrote:
(12-04-2024, 07:51 AM)Fenix123 Wrote: Tai cụp và sư tử cái Kambula .

Tác giả: Dale Walden 

FE is so handsome.

Whose son is he in N'waswitshaka?

Hello, my friend, I fixed your post, by translating it to English. If you could, please, try to do that when you post. Thank you!

United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(12-04-2024, 10:15 AM)sunless Wrote: Tumbela and a Curious Hyena

Credits to Ebenezer Field Guide (ranger_ebz)

Sadly, that is never a good sign. He has also been losing condition even faster, since his hip bones have worn through. This sucks.

Philippines sunless Offline
Regular Member

(12-04-2024, 07:51 PM)BA0701 Wrote: Sadly, that is never a good sign. He has also been losing condition even faster, since his hip bones have worn through. This sucks.
He really needs to get out of West and team up with Nkuhuma2016 Male and Talamati Male or with SBDM or Skorro Breakaway Male (is he still in the North?) or maybe with Kruger and S. Avoca or the 2 Nkuhuma Young Male (the other 1 is from the breakaway). There are many males for his selection but seems his decision to stay in the West is holding him back and taking a toll to his body.
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