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Talamati/Msutlu Pride

United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(09-17-2024, 07:02 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: I’m wondering where has Tiyelele Talamati been.   I have not seen any sightings in two weeks of her.   Has anyone seen her?

Been wondering the same thing, my friend. Concerned for the old gal, and the Talamati name.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

(09-17-2024, 07:02 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: I’m wondering where has Tiyelele Talamati been.   I have not seen any sightings in two weeks of her.   Has anyone seen her?

There was that report during a WildEarth segment that she had been seen mating with the 'Nkuhuma males' (most likely Nkuhuma and Talamati), but I can't remember how long ago that was now. But it was recent.

Though of course visual confirmation would be better.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(09-17-2024, 07:54 PM)NLAL11 Wrote:
(09-17-2024, 07:02 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: I’m wondering where has Tiyelele Talamati been.   I have not seen any sightings in two weeks of her.   Has anyone seen her?

There was that report during a WildEarth segment that she had been seen mating with the 'Nkuhuma males' (most likely Nkuhuma and Talamati), but I can't remember how long ago that was now. But it was recent.

Though of course visual confirmation would be better.

She might still be in the West as it was said that’s where the mating was taking place. I’m not completely sure that was Nkuhuma and Khanya thinking about it now, but more the Kambulas. Nor am I sure she meant West in terms of Western Sabi Sands but just West of her, so more towards EP where Kambulas have been hanging around for a while. 

It wouldn’t make much sense for both Nkuhuma and Khanya to finally get a mating female and then leave suddenly after unless they were chased by PCMs. Kambulas, however, have been mating with multiple females for weeks now and have been seen interacting with her.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

(09-17-2024, 08:11 PM)KM600 Wrote:
(09-17-2024, 07:54 PM)NLAL11 Wrote:
(09-17-2024, 07:02 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: I’m wondering where has Tiyelele Talamati been.   I have not seen any sightings in two weeks of her.   Has anyone seen her?

There was that report during a WildEarth segment that she had been seen mating with the 'Nkuhuma males' (most likely Nkuhuma and Talamati), but I can't remember how long ago that was now. But it was recent.

Though of course visual confirmation would be better.

She might still be in the West as it was said that’s where the mating was taking place. I’m not completely sure that was Nkuhuma and Khanya thinking about it now, but more the Kambulas. Nor am I sure she meant West in terms of Western Sabi Sands but just West of her, so more towards EP where Kambulas have been hanging around for a while. 

It wouldn’t make much sense for both Nkuhuma and Khanya to finally get a mating female and then leave suddenly after unless they were chased by PCMs. Kambulas, however, have been mating with multiple females for weeks now and have been seen interacting with her.

Kambulas would make much more sense. The possibility of it being the Nkuhuma and Talamati males seemed a bit implausible. You're right she did say 'the west' but again 'west of Djuma' would make more sense than the western sector.
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criollo2mil Offline

Msuthlu cubs seen by Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve
Posted 21 September 2024
Photo Credit: Ruan Mey
 The youngest members of the Msuthlu pride are still going strong.

Private account so I will paste the photo here

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criollo2mil Offline

Great news,,,,,Tiyelele has re-emerged.    Sighted this morning

“ Tiyelele Talamati ❤️
21 September 2024
Nkorho Bush Lodge

She is near a juvie elephant carcass.”

Attached Files Image(s)
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(09-21-2024, 10:55 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: Great news,,,,,Tiyelele has re-emerged.    Sighted this morning

“ Tiyelele Talamati ❤️
21 September 2024
Nkorho Bush Lodge

She is near a juvie elephant carcass.”

Thank goodness, very happy to see her.
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criollo2mil Offline

There is a sighting making circles among the community of a YM that some believe to be the missing Talamati son of S8 male.  

In speaking w several contacts that are good with IDs, there seems to be a split in opinions about accuracy of this claim.    Here is the sighting and if you could please take a look and help if we can.

Attached Files Image(s)
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Panama Mapokser Offline

I hope it's him, but that sounds unlikely.

Poster also claims he's Tiyelele's nephew, but we we have no idea if he was a son or nephew.
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Rui Ferreira Offline
Regular Member

(09-26-2024, 10:03 PM)Mapokser Wrote: I hope it's him, but that sounds unlikely.

Poster also claims he's Tiyelele's nephew, but we we have no idea if he was a son or nephew.

I dont know if I or someone else can find evidence but I believed it was well known that she was her aunt and not mother, might be wrong after all
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(09-26-2024, 08:58 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: There is a sighting making circles among the community of a YM that some believe to be the missing Talamati son of S8 male.  

In speaking w several contacts that are good with IDs, there seems to be a split in opinions about accuracy of this claim.    Here is the sighting and if you could please take a look and help if we can.

That would be tremendously awesome news, if it is him. Sorry, but I am not the one to aid in the ID, though many here are, I have a hard enough time ID'ing my favs, if the camera angle isn't just right. Laughing 

Though, being a realist, I have my doubts. There appears to be a new scar on his face, as well, but if that is him, that could have happened 5 minutes after he was last seen, for all we know, so that doesn't help.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Some photos of the Talamati subadult for comparison, face doesn't look similar IMO, but whisker spots does:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

(09-26-2024, 10:50 PM)Rui Ferreira Wrote:
(09-26-2024, 10:03 PM)Mapokser Wrote: I hope it's him, but that sounds unlikely.

Poster also claims he's Tiyelele's nephew, but we we have no idea if he was a son or nephew.

I dont know if I or someone else can find evidence but I believed it was well known that she was her aunt and not mother, might be wrong after all

Some people claimed that, but there's literally no evidence, no proof, nothing, we simply have no idea which subs belonged to which female, current one or the Matimba daughter.
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Cath2020 Offline
Regular Member

It was stated by one of the guides on Wild Earth that posted on Youtube (he might have filmed the video, too) that she was the 'aunt' to the remaining few subs left (those alive at the time).

Rui Ferreira Offline
Regular Member

(09-28-2024, 04:21 AM)Cath2020 Wrote: It was stated by one of the guides on Wild Earth that posted on Youtube (he might have filmed the video, too) that she was the 'aunt' to the remaining few subs left (those alive at the time).

Its tough beliving many things wild earth guides say sadly 
Last time I checked one of their lives  BDM was as old as Mohawk and was enjoying his " last few years"
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@Cath2020 Rangers aren't always correct depending on the situation, like this one.

Fans are much more likely to figure out such things but never could, rangers aren't the best to know exact age of cubs or who's the mother, they don't care much or pay much attention to such things.

For example, MalaMala and Londolozi don't have any idea which Kambula/Ntsevu females are mothers to the Kambula males, not even get their ages exactly right, but fans does. Elephant Plains and Londolozi don't agree on the mothers of the original Manghenis, and the list goes on.
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