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DeLaporte coalition

BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

I thinks its wise to wait and see, people tend to over-state things when they're in the mix of things. From what I've seen, which is probably a tiny amount of what footage is actually out there, doesn't seem anything is broken or life threatening. Well see.
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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

(06-02-2023, 01:48 PM)BigLion39 Wrote: I thinks its wise to wait and see, people tend to over-state things when they're in the mix of things. From what I've seen, which is probably a tiny amount of what footage is actually out there, doesn't seem anything is broken or life threatening. Well see.

The footage I saw and one of the reports from someone there is that he has a major wound on the belly and lost a lot of blood.  To me from the footage it looks like they may have castrated him as well, but hard to say.  Those on site said he did break his leg, and from his movements in the fight itself it does look like something was not working right on his hind quarter.  You are right though.  We shall see.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 06-02-2023, 05:55 PM by Tr1x24 )

Doubt that such experianced males like S.Avocas would let him go before they are sure he wont recover..

I hope im wrong.
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Panama Mapokser Online
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2023, 01:08 AM by Mapokser )

@Tr1x24 The 2 eastern Mapogos caught the old Rollercoaster in 2008 and he held his own, took no serious damage.

Then caught the surviving Manyeleti male in 2009 and he also escaped.

Mbiris also also caught Nharhu male and let him go after a beating.

PCM caught Tumbela and NK and both escaped with minor/non life threatening injuries. Tumbela was also caught by NK and Nhenha and left with only a minor limp.

Even the most brutal and experienced lions will let rivals go without dealing a serious or mortal blow all the time, but of course it doesn't mean it happened here.

Avocas had chased them once already and they know the Nkhukus are at least 5-6 so they might put the effort to finish one of them off because they understand they are under a lot of pressure.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2023, 12:34 AM by Tr1x24 )

(06-02-2023, 10:29 PM)Mapokser Wrote: PCM caught Tumbela and NK and both escaped with minor/non life threatening injuries. Tumbela was also caught by NK and Nhenha and left with only a minor limp.

PCM's as 2 never caught neither Tumbela or NK (idk who spread these things).

Tumbela foght only Nhenha, not both of them.

Yes, sometimes lions dont fataly wound their opponents, but that depends on situation.

S.Avocas are bothered by Nkhulus by quite some time now , now they caught 1 male, they prob wont let him go without making sure he cant return.

This was not some scrap over a carcass, or clash between 2 neighbouring coalitions, this is manner of S.Avocas territorial existence, which means life for them.

Also reports are not great, broken leg, big wound on stomach, blood loss.

I hope he can recover, but doubt.
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Panama Mapokser Online
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2023, 04:40 AM by Mapokser )


They did, just after attacking Nhenha again in Ulusaba, PCM attacked Tumbela, the report was ambiguous regarding if they caught him and he escaped or if he outrun them, but in the next sighting we saw him with a puncture around the shoulder.

They also caught NK around that time and he was seen with minor injuries.

Tumbela fought Nhenha and both of them in different occasions. Fight against Nhenha was around april-may, fight against both was in december, Tumbela was roaring and Birminghams went to confront him and he was seen with a minor limp on one of his hindlimbs after the fight.

We don't know exactly when/how/why lions don't put the effort to deal a huge blow in these occasions but as I speculated it might be that they don't risk injuries when the threat isn't big, if you see the examples I gave, PCM performed poorly against lone Tumbela and NK, as well as performed poorly against injured Nhenha, but just a week prior they confronted both Birminghams and dealt a huge blow to Nhenha. Why? Maybe because they thought a healthy sort of territorial/dominant coalition of 2 was a threat worth of taking risks and injuring themselves in a fight to end the threat, but lone nomads or injured males aren't so they don't risk injuring themselves to finish them off because they aren't much of a threat to begin with.

Most of the other examples I gave also follow a similar trend. It might be the reason Avocas went for the kill, because they know Nkhulus are a huge threat and they can't miss their chances.
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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

(06-03-2023, 01:24 AM)Mapokser Wrote: @Tr1x24 

They did, just after attacking Nhenha again in Ulusaba, PCM attacked Tumbela, the report was ambiguous regarding if they caught him and he escaped or if he outrun them, but in the next sighting we saw him with a puncture around the shoulder.

They also caught NK around that time and he was seen with minor injuries.

Tumbela fought Nhenha and both of them in different occasions. Fight against Nhenha was around april-may, fight against both was in december, Tumbela was roaring and Birminghams went to confront him and he was seen with a minor limp on one of his hindlimbs after the fight.

We don't know exactly when/how/why lions don't put the effort to deal a huge blow in these occasions but as I speculated it might be that they don't risk injuries when the threat isn't big, if you see the examples I gave, PCM performed poorly against lone Tumbela and NK, as well as performed poorly against injured Nhenha, but just a week prior they confronted both Birminghams and dealt a huge blow to Nhenha. Why? Maybe because they thought a healthy sort of territorial/dominant coalition of 2 was a threat worth of taking risks and injuring themselves in a fight to end the threat, but lone nomads or injured males aren't so they don't risk injuring themselves to finish them because they're much of a threat to begin with.

Most of the other examples I gave also follow a similar trend. It might be the reason Avocas went for the kill, because they know Nkhulus are a huge threat and they can't miss their chances.

They just don't make Kinky Tail's anymore do they.  You are a male?  You are in my territory?  I'm just going to eat you!!!

Canada Liner Offline
New Member

Is it me or do the lions in Mara and Serengeti seem to go for the kill more often? Bob`s killers ensured he was gone as did the Logol killers and many others.

Panama Mapokser Online
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2023, 05:09 AM by Mapokser )

@Liner I think this is a case of cherry picking, you can find countless examples of Kruger lions killing their enemies too.

At best we could say Mara lions turn territorial earlier and get in these conflicts earlier, which wouldn't be a surprise because we know from studies that eastern african lions develop quickier.

@T_Ferguson Even the most ferocious lions like him share this behavior. As I said Rollercoaster and Manyeleti both survived getting caught by Mr.T and KT, they didn't even suffered any serious injuries it seems.

Also we shouldn't forget that the 2 Gijimas ousted Mr.T and KT from Djuma. The Mapogos heard their roars and ignored them, they could sense the Gijima's strength and only ( a bit reluctantly ) chased them off when Gijimas showed up in their core territory while they were feeding on a carcass with 2 lionesses, and it was Mr.T who decided to charge, Shaka followed after him.

Another Shaka, the Mbiri one, who's a Mapogo on steroids, has also ran from 2 Nharhu males together with his brother, his brother had a limp but still. In another occasion, it was said an old Ross male chased him off a carcass.

It doesn't matter how strong a lion is, he will still be a lion, not a robot, and therefore there will be days he won't be as confident as he normally is.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

1 of the Trichart males was caught and escaped with his life. Many males are caught and escape. Olobor in the Mara was caught also, took a good beating, you could see Spikey and Enkuroto grabbing his leg and really going to town, he ended up without broken leg. Then we have Baba Yao, Nhena  and most rescent Old Lubey with visible broken or severely damaged legs. Im just saying people over exaggerate if they see a little blood or limping. Well see  hope  Dreads pulls through.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

(06-03-2023, 05:07 AM)Mapokser Wrote: At best we could say Mara lions turn territorial earlier and get in these conflicts earlier, which wouldn't be a surprise because we know from studies that eastern african lions develop quickier.

Totally subjective and these are opinions. Nobody can say that even if they study them because its totally random. Same lions, slightly different area but same situations.  These comparisons between Kruger and Mara areas are, IMHO, meaningless. What is it 2 countries separate Kenya and S. Africa; and Tanzania is basically the same as Kenya. It also reminds me of the mane comparisons. Theres no difference if you compare the lions. Such a silly debate.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

So I just discovered that Dreadlocks was attacked by S. Avocas, and was in bad condition, I hope he is Ok and can recover
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lionuk Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-28-2023, 07:11 PM by lionuk )

Great to see Dreadlocks in Skukuza today in a great condition. It seems he's recovering very well with a slight limp.
Vid credit: Anna Matirsn

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Poland Potato Offline

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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(06-29-2023, 10:44 AM)Potato Wrote:

Hmm very odd he is roaring he has no pride so he’s not territorial right now probably still injured too maybe so the nhkulus will reunite with him? Hopefully the southern avocas don’t hear
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