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Lions of Sabi Sands

Gijima Offline
Regular Member

Quote:I think even Meercats which have the biggest murder to other causes ratio lose only 20% to interspecies violence.

Exactly. Most prides and even males avoid each other on a day to day basic. 

Quote:There were bites to some of their backs, and one female had a decent size cut to her back.
 Those tiny holes near the tail are hyenas harassing lions at a kill. And a cut is usually from a horn. Injuries from a lion fight would be the type of injuries young NK male recently received. 
Quote:Granted we can't see on DM, since he never stands up.

But he did stand up. And walk all the way in a near starvation state from Manyeleti to Djuma-- over 5km in one night. An experience we, living in a first world country can never understand. And then that same night, walked back in an even more emaciated and starved state.  But I saw those pics of him and he has no visible injuries.

United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator
( This post was last modified: 12-28-2021, 11:44 PM by BA0701 )

(12-28-2021, 10:37 PM)Gijima Wrote:
Quote:I think even Meercats which have the biggest murder to other causes ratio lose only 20% to interspecies violence.

Exactly. Most prides and even males avoid each other on a day to day basic. 

Quote:There were bites to some of their backs, and one female had a decent size cut to her back.
 Those tiny holes near the tail are hyenas harassing lions at a kill. And a cut is usually from a horn. Injuries from a lion fight would be the type of injuries young NK male recently received. 
Quote:Granted we can't see on DM, since he never stands up.

But he did stand up. And walk all the way in a near starvation state from Manyeleti to Djuma-- over 5km in one night. An experience we, living in a first world country can never understand. And then that same night, walked back in an even more emaciated and starved state.  But I saw those pics of him and he has no visible injuries.

A clear hole in the middle of the back on that same young light maned male with the bite to his tale. But you're welcome to see things however you wish, that's your perogative. Cheers man, happy New Year!

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Gijima Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 12-29-2021, 12:27 AM by Gijima )

Exactly like the bites on Silver Eye which if there were no videos you would say those were 100% lion bites. Or that cut on Stompie which is permanent.. just trying to get you to see a different perspective but sorry for trying!

United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator
( This post was last modified: 12-29-2021, 12:47 AM by BA0701 )

(12-29-2021, 12:26 AM)Gijima Wrote: Exactly like the bites on Silver Eye which if there were no videos you would say those were 100% lion bites. Or that cut on Stompie which is permanent.. just trying to get you to see a different perspective but sorry for trying!

I never said these injuries were for certain caused by a lion, I repeated what the guides on scene stated in the videos I shared.

Listen man, there literally isn't one person on these boards who knows for a fact what ocurred, and I am unaware of anyone anywhere who witnessed what happened. That implies that all of us who are commenting on the situation are simply speculating, and my speculation, or yours, is no more or less valid than anyone else's.

Btw, I intentionally did not mention Stompie's injury, because, as I learned from one of your comments, she's had that since she was a cub. So, I, like I hope so many others, learn from these boards every single day from all of the knowledgeable posters here, yourself included, and that's what keeps me coming back. Cheers @Gijima
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Gijima Offline
Regular Member

I agree with everything you said, that's why I'm surprised at your previous post with the screenshot and wishing me a "Happy New Year". I mean, thanks... happy new year to you too. 

The reason some people complained about those WE videos is because they are genuinely full of bad information, made up facts and weird comments that would confuse anyone. You will see another great example of this soon when a lioness is found with a puffy paw.

And like I shared with you about Stompie I was just merely sharing with you that guides can totally misinterpret injuries. The Nkuhumas are riddled with bumps and bites and scratches. 

I hope this forum is still a welcoming place for everyone because it seems more and more just hostile for no reason. Maybe I should post more emojis or something because nothing I said was trying to be rude to you. I was literally just explaining that we have seen this for a while now.
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(12-29-2021, 01:10 AM)Gijima Wrote: I agree with everything you said, that's why I'm surprised at your previous post with the screenshot and wishing me a "Happy New Year". I mean, thanks... happy new year to you too. 

The reason some people complained about those WE videos is because they are genuinely full of bad information, made up facts and weird comments that would confuse anyone. You will see another great example of this soon when a lioness is found with a puffy paw.

And like I shared with you about Stompie I was just merely sharing with you that guides can totally misinterpret injuries. The Nkuhumas are riddled with bumps and bites and scratches. 

I hope this forum is still a welcoming place for everyone because it seems more and more just hostile for no reason. Maybe I should post more emojis or something because nothing I said was trying to be rude to you. I was literally just explaining that we have seen this for a while now.

Let's just put this to rest. If you wish, we can continue through PMs. I didn't take what you said harshly, or any other way than it was intended, just as my responses were with the same intention. Just casual discourse, that has gotten a little long in the tooth so to speak. Cheers my friend!
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DE_66 Offline

(12-29-2021, 01:10 AM)Gijima Wrote: I agree with everything you said, that's why I'm surprised at your previous post with the screenshot and wishing me a "Happy New Year". I mean, thanks... happy new year to you too. 

The reason some people complained about those WE videos is because they are genuinely full of bad information, made up facts and weird comments that would confuse anyone. You will see another great example of this soon when a lioness is found with a puffy paw.

And like I shared with you about Stompie I was just merely sharing with you that guides can totally misinterpret injuries. The Nkuhumas are riddled with bumps and bites and scratches. 

I hope this forum is still a welcoming place for everyone because it seems more and more just hostile for no reason. Maybe I should post more emojis or something because nothing I said was trying to be rude to you. I was literally just explaining that we have seen this for a while now.

Bringing up Brothers in Blood and your overall tone was condescending and unnecessary.  You don't need to use emojis to show you're not being rude, just think about how your words will be interpreted before you hit send.  A lot of people were bashing the WildEarth guides, your posts seemed more towards another user.  We now know that wasn't your intent, but that's how it seemed.

DE_66 Offline

(12-28-2021, 02:33 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(12-28-2021, 01:17 AM)Timbavati Wrote: I hope. Those Plains Camp males are turning into good looking lions.

Singita didn't stated anything yet, but are 2 Nkuhumas (Ridge Nose and Amber Eyes) now completely split off and under control of 2 PC males?

Nkuhumas are also hard to follow these days, looks like they are split in 3 gruops, 2 old females with PC males, 2 with subs and 3 younger with cubs.

Nkuhumas, Talamatis and Kambulas are in complete mess right now, spliting all over the place.

Truer words were never spoken.  And not just in the Sabi Sands.  I never thought I'd say this, but lion dynamics might be a little too exciting right now.
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Argentina T I N O Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-29-2021, 03:21 AM by T I N O )

Wow, I saw the injury of the Nkuhuma lioness, it looks serious.
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(12-29-2021, 03:14 AM)DE_66 Wrote:
(12-28-2021, 02:33 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(12-28-2021, 01:17 AM)Timbavati Wrote: I hope. Those Plains Camp males are turning into good looking lions.

Singita didn't stated anything yet, but are 2 Nkuhumas (Ridge Nose and Amber Eyes) now completely split off and under control of 2 PC males?

Nkuhumas are also hard to follow these days, looks like they are split in 3 gruops, 2 old females with PC males, 2 with subs and 3 younger with cubs.

Nkuhumas, Talamatis and Kambulas are in complete mess right now, spliting all over the place.

Truer words were never spoken.  And not just in the Sabi Sands.  I never thought I'd say this, but lion dynamics might be a little too exciting right now.

It's pure insanity right now. It seems there's conflict, missing lions, and split up prides spread all over the place. Really hard to keep up with it all, and I cannot imagine being on the ground trying to track the action.
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Gijima Offline
Regular Member

(12-29-2021, 02:59 AM)DE_66 Wrote:
(12-29-2021, 01:10 AM)Gijima Wrote: I agree with everything you said, that's why I'm surprised at your previous post with the screenshot and wishing me a "Happy New Year". I mean, thanks... happy new year to you too. 

The reason some people complained about those WE videos is because they are genuinely full of bad information, made up facts and weird comments that would confuse anyone. You will see another great example of this soon when a lioness is found with a puffy paw.

And like I shared with you about Stompie I was just merely sharing with you that guides can totally misinterpret injuries. The Nkuhumas are riddled with bumps and bites and scratches. 

I hope this forum is still a welcoming place for everyone because it seems more and more just hostile for no reason. Maybe I should post more emojis or something because nothing I said was trying to be rude to you. I was literally just explaining that we have seen this for a while now.

Bringing up Brothers in Blood and your overall tone was condescending and unnecessary.  You don't need to use emojis to show you're not being rude, just think about how your words will be interpreted before you hit send.  A lot of people were bashing the WildEarth guides, your posts seemed more towards another user.  We now know that wasn't your intent, but that's how it seemed.

Aren’t personal comments supposed to be addressed through PMs? Please, can we stop jumping in with new personal comments on topics that people already moved on from? Especially trying to be offended for someone else isn’t necessary. I’m sure BA, if he felt offended by Brothers in Blood, can speak for himself. Let’s move on. I think everyone here would rather talk lions including myself.
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South Africa Wyld@Heart Offline
Regular Member

For what it's worth, from my experiences encountering Kruger lions many times during my visits over the last 15 years I personally have the opinion that those marks were caused by other lions; the cut along the back of one of them looks to be a laceration from a stray claw, the holes from teeth marks and the swollen paw on the young male from a mauling.  I personally think too many of those youngsters had marks on them to have been a scuffle with hyenas and although it's possible that a large clan could have outcompeted them at a carcass I think it unlikely to have caused such distinctive scratches and tooth marks. The Talamatis are in a state, DM looks to have lost condition significantly enough to assume that the prime adult lionessss of the Talamati no longer see him as a viable mate and protector and the scuffle might very well be with them themselves resulting in not so significant wounds but a definite 'go your own way' in lion terms. For anyone thinking a young lioness would not get that treatment one would look at Lagertha, for example, who was kicked out of the Ngati pride which is her natal. It happens, and in my times in the Kruger I have seen splinters occur in a pride after a scuffle. 

Why? Lion behavior is still incredibly unpredictable and as much as we know and follow them they still do things that just don't fit our understanding of them. Imo, the sub adults and the two oldest no longer form part of a pride with the other lions of the Talamati and DM, with his brothers formerly far south of him now pushing north, Imbali to the East and North of him as well (?) and other fitter males such as Red Road just beyond that, he has had little choice but to stay with this group and operate in a relatively small area between the Manyaleti and the Sabi Sands. For the subadult males this is likely to be a permanent schism and so too with DM unless he can make a comeback and improve condition although with the females there is always a possibility of a rejoining.

Again, this is only my opinion and I will be happy to be proven wrong and of course respect any differing opinions. Peace.
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(12-29-2021, 03:37 AM)Wyld@Heart Wrote: For what it's worth, from my experiences encountering Kruger lions many times during my visits over the last 15 years I personally have the opinion that those marks were caused by other lions; the cut along the back of one of them looks to be a laceration from a stray claw, the holes from teeth marks and the swollen paw on the young male from a mauling.  I personally think too many of those youngsters had marks on them to have been a scuffle with hyenas and although it's possible that a large clan could have outcompeted them at a carcass I think it unlikely to have caused such distinctive scratches and tooth marks. The Talamatis are in a state, DM looks to have lost condition significantly enough to assume that the prime adult lionessss of the Talamati no longer see him as a viable mate and protector and the scuffle might very well be with them themselves resulting in not so significant wounds but a definite 'go your own way' in lion terms. For anyone thinking a young lioness would not get that treatment one would look at Lagertha, for example, who was kicked out of the Ngati pride which is her natal. It happens, and in my times in the Kruger I have seen splinters occur in a pride after a scuffle. 

Why? Lion behavior is still incredibly unpredictable and as much as we know and follow them they still do things that just don't fit our understanding of them. Imo, the sub adults and the two oldest no longer form part of a pride with the other lions of the Talamati and DM, with his brothers formerly far south of him now pushing north, Imbali to the East and North of him as well (?) and other fitter males such as Red Road just beyond that, he has had little choice but to stay with this group and operate in a relatively small area between the Manyaleti and the Sabi Sands. For the subadult males this is likely to be a permanent schism and so too with DM unless he can make a comeback and improve condition although with the females there is always a possibility of a rejoining.

Again, this is only my opinion and I will be happy to be proven wrong and of course respect any differing opinions. Peace.

Speaking of Lagertha, do we know why she was kicked out, what the story is on that? I have seen a few videos of her recently, but am unaware of what led to that. As you mentioned it's a very odd situation, for sure.
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

Speculation in the video is that this injured lioness, possibly broken leg, may be of the Talamati Pride.

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South Africa Wyld@Heart Offline
Regular Member

(12-29-2021, 07:44 AM)BA0701 Wrote: Speaking of Lagertha, do we know why she was kicked out, what the story is on that? I have seen a few videos of her recently, but am unaware of what led to that. As you mentioned it's a very odd situation, for sure

Very strange situation and according to JP, the WE guide who does the bushwalk segment at Pridelands, her mother died and she lost her status and was kicked out thereafter. No information as to why other than the death of her mother appeared to be the catalyst of that situation.
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