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The Tumbela Coalition

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(06-14-2021, 06:40 PM)Potato Wrote: Ok, then we have differnet definitions. For me the most improssive looking (impressive fighting spirit is yet different think) is combination of body size and shape, facial look and look of the mane. I am personally not impressed by Skorro Jr by any meassure.  For me at the moment, as Nhenha is getting older (his face does not look quite as good as when he was in his prime and his mane is not as big and stunning, he was beautiful lion when was in his prime) and the Othawa male is gone is DM Avoca (good looking, at least over avarage body size and the impressive mane). After him Nhenha (still looking quite good despite age), Amahle (good looking fella) and the Torchwood male (already looking very good). Later on I believe Othawa and Talamati males will dominate such debates if they do not move out of SS althrough Nkuchuma males ain't looking too bad either. 

Ok, them we have different definition, for me even a not that big male can be impressive, if he is bulky and muscular with great mane and big head for example..

I didn't say that Skorro Jr is now one of the most impressive, or even close, yet that he might be in a year or two in his prime years, by that time Nhenha and possible DM might not be in good shape anymore.. Agree, Amahle will be another one for that contest and we still dont know where Torchwood, Styx/NK, PC boys or those young males you named will end up, some of them will not stay in Sabi Sands.. 

(06-14-2021, 06:40 PM)Potato Wrote: On that sighting HB looked like zombie, skin and bones, barely alive even

Yes, but his bone structure didn't get smaller..

(06-14-2021, 06:40 PM)Potato Wrote: I would say he is at least as tall as those two mentioned, but significantly heavier builded and therefor the largest of N'was.

He is definitely smaller in height then Gore and around the same as Wide Nose,which is hard to tell.

Gore if not injured, would be the most impressive Nwaswitshaka, but its a question if he will ever reach his potential.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Skorro Jr and Limper :

Photo Credits : arend brink

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Tonpa Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-15-2021, 04:31 PM by Tonpa )

Tumbela males and one Othawa female took down a giraffe

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lionuk Offline

Tumbela 1/3 seen today
Photo credits: Ulusaba

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Psyckoo Offline
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Tumbela Othawa & their cubs these last days...
Credit : Alyssa, Ryan Johnson & Ranger Stu

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Psyckoo Offline
Regular Member

So according to Ranger Stu the 3 cubs of Sassy are females, a good news even if a male or two would have not be a bad think...
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Serbia criollo2mil Offline

(06-23-2021, 03:17 PM)Psyckoo Wrote: Tumbela Othawa & their cubs these last days...
Credit : Alyssa, Ryan Johnson & Ranger Stu

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This is actually great news.   The Othowas desperately need to rebuild.  The two eldest lionesses are likely not having any more cubs.  There’s no telling if Gingerella returns.  These three cubs are now vitally critical.
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Duco Ndona Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-23-2021, 11:40 PM by Duco Ndona )

Its very good news. 

The Othawa Pride is in a very bad shape. 
Auntie lioness is infertile. Juniors Mom loses cubs so fast I am starting to wonder if she is is having birthing issues, while Gingerella very likely will end up one of those lone "Leopard" lionesses that roam the reserve.
Leaving only Sassy to grow the pride. So if something were to happen to her. The Pride is history.

So them having 3 female cubs gives some new hope for the pride.

Male cubs would only add more risk in my opinion. They would waste resources on lions that will leave the pride anyway. They could bully the girls out of the food they need to grow during shortages and there is always the risk for a repeat of what happened to Gingerella.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(06-23-2021, 11:37 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Its very good news. 

The Othawa Pride is in a very bad shape. 
Auntie lioness is infertile. Juniors Mom loses cubs so fast I am starting to wonder if she is is having birthing issues, while Gingerella very likely will end up one of those lone "Leopard" lionesses that roam the reserve.
Leaving only Sassy to grow the pride. So if something were to happen to her. The Pride is history.

So them having 3 female cubs gives some new hope for the pride. While Male cubs would only add more risk in my opinion.

Yea, i still think that 4 Othawa subadults will return in western sector, even if briefly (nomadic lions at the beginning of nomadic life often return back in their natal area) and then lets hope that young female bumps into the pride and they accept her.
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RookiePundit Offline
Regular Member

It wouldnt be a bad thing if all cubs this round of litters would be females, considering it is likely not all cubs will make it to adulthood, it is really needed for replacement of aging females and it would be nice if Othawas would become a full fledged pride in their little corner of Sabi Sands. The opposite would be unfortunate, for once it is still uncertain if the sub-adult female would come back to rejoin the pride/Sassy and the pride might end up being Sassy as sole female sooner or later. Plus in that case all male litter(s) could quickly become hard to feed over time. The situation for a lone male cub might be hard once he is ready to disperse, as Sabi Sands by that time might be quite contested again, there are promision future coalitions growing up and few fairly young coalitions to stay like Ndzhengas, although we never know for sure what can happen, and he or they would likely have to sneak through some of them. Unless Singita remains bit of a safe haven for nomadic individuals due to Mhangenis being quite unsuccesful lately in many ways. On the ohter hand I understand the draw of following a story of yet another Thanda Impi descendant underdog journey.
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Duco Ndona Offline

Yeah. There is currently no shortage if it comes to young males roaming and older coalitions. 
Which is a pity as there are only so many prides out there, so only a few get live up to the hype. 

Its a very disturbing game of musical chairs. So its for the better that there will be one less future coalition out there for them to worry about.
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Poland Potato Offline

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RookiePundit Offline
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It might be just me but on some picture Skorro Jr. reminds me more Sizanani than Skorro :)
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United Kingdom Mabingilane Offline
Regular Member

Junior's Mother has 3 new cubs! 
Born a few weeks after Sassy's litter of 3 female cubs. 

Talk about rebuilding the Othawa Pride! Now we have 3 females and 6 cubs! 
Well done to the Nharu/Tumbela males! They have had it really rough over the years. Glad they are now Fathers of a growing pride. 
Btw. The new litter of 3 has at least one male cub apparently.
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Tonpa Offline

Dominant Tumbela by Kaveer Joshi

*This image is copyright of its original author
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