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Lions of Sabi Sands

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

@Pckts I just think this lion was a stunnig animal and a great picture to start a thread, and when I hear that this is the lion weighed I think it's leagal to provide the info on the animal. 

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

@Pckts , I suggest you not to drag the debates. I already said to move on and what I only interested in is good posts about lions
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-06-2015, 10:29 PM by Pckts )

(07-06-2015, 06:05 AM)'chaos' Wrote:
(07-05-2015, 11:15 PM)'Pckts' Wrote:
(07-03-2015, 02:28 AM)'Pantherinae' Wrote: You don't have to comment every time that this lions weight is mentiond, the vet almero said that this lion was weighed, and there is a picture of a large male lion on a scale from timbawati! 
I can't see why a wildlife should lie about weighing an animal. 
when the vet says it's weighed, it's more than enough proof for me! 


I only mention it when you mention it stating that it "was weighed." You could of easily started this thread without that claim and providing any amount of information on the pride and family history that could of been great like with any of the other coalitions. The people on site during capture never weighed it, simple as that, images of the capture prove that.  Why one persons word who wasn't on site should be taken over a person word who was is confusing to me. 


Ahem............There are two different takes on this story. You, by choice, chose to discredit one, effectively suiting your
position, so why not just be honest about it. Your own personal bias clearly outweighs any objectivity you may have on
this subject. Sorry, but I call it as I see it.


"our own personal bias clearly outweighs any objectivity you may have on
this subject. Sorry, but I call it as I see it."

What is your stance then, you choose to discredit the person that was on site and is photographed with the lion and that means you are doing what exactly??
I am looking at facts not being "bias" towards one lion. Its shows your immaturity that you continue to try make this about one cat vs the other.

It wouldn't matter if it was a lion, tiger, leopard or jaguar. The rules are the same, proof needs to be there, if sunquist is photo graphed with a tiger and then says that the tiger was only estimated and somebody else says it was weighed, I am going with sunquist.
Why is that.......
Its called proof. So spare me your "bias" remarks and show me verified proof and that is all it takes.

Since Almero never returned emails sent a while back, I just sent a email to Timbavati with emails from Christine and Almero attached so they can see both and hopefully finally clear it up.


chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

~~Since Almero never returned emails sent a while back, I just sent a email to Timbavati with emails from Christine and Almero attached so they can see both and hopefully finally clear it up.

It was never clouded.

chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-07-2015, 06:02 PM by chaos )

~~Since Almero never returned emails sent a while back, I just sent a email to Timbavati with emails from Christine and Almero attached so they can see both and hopefully finally clear it up.

No doubt the principals are weary of the same redundant requests time and again. Nuff said.

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-12-2015, 05:07 AM by Tshokwane )

Another of the forces in the Sabi Sands.
The Fourways males.

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This lads are around 5 years old and one of them is son of the Majingilane, probably the oldest(Could be both of them, but it is not confirmed).
When they were still three.

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Their pride is contained in Matimba territory, and of course this led to the killing of one of the Fourways.
They came back from their exile some months ago and after a weary aproach(when they found the Styx males), soon they were roaring and vocalizing, trying to exert dominance in an "empty" territory(since the Majingilane don't patrol that area anymore) and mating with one of the breakaway Styx females(one of the Matimba ladies). Of course, when the Matimbas found them, they chased them, but the young Fourways have had a taste of power and they want more.
Wanting to find out where exactly the Majingilane are, they started to move out of their preferred area, moving more to the west.

The blue area is where they used to hang around and the blue dot is where they were at taht time, walking and hunting buffalo.

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Eventually, this led them to the territory controlled by the Sand river males. Soon, they found some females of the Southern pride and, after a show of dominance, they started to mate and spent some time with them while, on the other hand, the Sand river males are especifically being avoided by the Southern pride females.

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Is this the beginning of a takeover?
We can't be sure, but all the signs point to a future confrontation with the Sand river males. Already the fact that the females want nothing with them is a big signal, but I don' think the dominant males will give up their territory so easily. They are three, the Fourways just two and they have experience on their side, but of course the young Fourways are full of energy and the drive to conquer. Lately, the Sand river males had been having trouble hunting and this has been a constant in their lives, something that maked them smaller than other lions and also quite skinny.
It's tricky to guess what is going to happen, but I'd bet on the Fourways. They are young, strong and have already showed they are ready to be kings.

Time will tell...

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

News on the Styx males.
They found each other, and were seen in Elephant Plains feeding on a giraffe along with the breakaway females.

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I'm curious about how much they have learned from the last days. After all, not everyday you get beaten up and almost die, so I'm sure they will be a bit more wary now, knowing the Matimba males.
But I also wonder if this is the kick in the butt they need to finally be more serious towards life and start to actively search for a territory of their own, maybe challenging the Matashpiri males or the Fourways males or, who knows, maybe even the very same Matimbas(if they catch one alone, and good luck with that).
What is certain is that we have several months coming of amazing lion action.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Remembering the Shaw’s Maleby Adam Bannister on March 23, 2011in Wildlife
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Remembering the past often helps to explain current events. Hence, I feel it useful to wind back the clock a few years and write about a great lion of the past.The Shaw’s Male (aka Rollercoaster Male) was born into the Castleton Pride in 1996. The same pride which ultimately gave us the Tsalala Pride. Once a coalition of 6, the Shaw’s Males looked, at times, to be en-route to greatness. This was cut short, however, by impeding lion attacks. Between 2001 and 2006 these 6 males had been whittled down to just 2. Although they did suffer numerous setbacks this did not stop them from becoming dominant over the Selati (2003), Sparta (2006) and then Styx (2007) Prides. Sadly, in June 2007, a crocodile at Londolozi killed one of the remaining two brothers. A harsh reminder of the ingenuity of these reptiles and the vulnerability of even the great ‘Kings of the Jungle’.
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Shaws Male by Lee Ann HeringerThe lone Shaw’s Male continued to control the Sparta and Styx pride well into his old age but the loss of his brother was telling on his physical condition. Daily scraps and hunts left him ragged and without a coalition to fall back on, he started struggling. It was during this time, mid 2008, that the Tsalala Young Male (see previous blog post) had ventured off by himself into Sparta and Dudley. After a short while he would meet up with the Sparta Pride and the aging Shaw’s Male. Textbooks will tell you that the Shaw’s Male should have killed this new male. He was of a new blood line and was young, aspiring and a direct threat to the Shaw’s Male’s position and rank. Yet age soon started catching up with the Shaw’s Male and the slow downward spiral began. He shocked us all by accepting the Tsalala Young Male into the Sparta Pride: a move interpreted by many as a form of ‘adoption’.The repercussions were huge as he suddenly had the backing of a young, strong, creative and ambitious male. An understudy and sidekick! This would help him hunt buffalo and protect his pride. This move proved crucial in the lengthening of his tenure of the crown. But by May 2009 he started loosing control, first of the Styx Pride and then of the Sparta Pride. We would often find him wondering around like a battle-scarred warrior, but he fought nobly and became an expert at scavenging food. People’s hearts warmed to a lion destined for doom and gloom, but not ready to concede defeat to neither old age nor the marauding Mapogo Males in the north.
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Shaws Male by Lee Ann HeringerBy late 2009 he was in a very poor state and on the 1st January 2010 the Shaw’s Males was no more. He had lived an amazing life. He had left an incredible legacy.This sudden death would change the lion dynamics in the Sabi Sands, especially with regard to the Sparta Pride. The Breakaway Sparta Pride would form and mate with the Mapogo (see previous blog post). It would also leave the Tsalala Young Male, then aged about 4,5 in a very difficult position. He was still not sexually mature but had almost, by default, been handed the power to the throne.The understanding of the context in which the Tsalala Young Male now finds himself make for an interesting conjecture. The question we are all asking is what will become of the Tsalala Young Male? Will he take on the role of being the dominant Sparta Pride male, a position made all the more difficult by the fearsome Majingilane coalition (see previous blog post) or will he club together with the other sub-adult males in the pride and move away as a coalition in their own right? Perhaps then they can buy their time, put on some weight and strength and come back to claim their stake. We look on intrigued as Lion Warfare continues!Images by: Lee Ann Heringer
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

It appears the time for the Sand River males

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is almost over, at least as dominant males. 
Today was posted in the Sabi Sabi facebook page that the Charleston males

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have been seen roaring and scent marking in what is part of Sand river territory, "sending one of the Sand River males running for the hills" as they wrote.
If you recall, already one of the Sand river males had a confrontation with one of the Charleston males over a kill, with the youngster making a fairly good stand against the older male.

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Now, both those actions of roaring and scent marking are a very powerful statement, sending their intentions of staying for good in the territory.

In a related subject, the same is happening for the Fourways males. They had their honey moon with lionesses of the Souther pride, and then they left them to find each other, strenghten their bonds and keep going in their conquest of the Sand river territory.

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I'm beginning to wonder if the confrontation between the young males, any of them, and the Sand river males will take place, but if it doesn't, it's good to know that this good looking lads are bringing new blood to the territory, and hopefully soon we will have some lovely cubs carrying Fourways and Charleston blood.
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Canada GrizzlyClaws Offline
Canine Expert
( This post was last modified: 07-31-2015, 12:09 AM by GrizzlyClaws )

The fighting Sand River male and Charleston male did grunt a lot like tiger, these sounds are quite unusual for lion.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-31-2015, 12:50 AM by Tshokwane )

These sounds are usually heard when they argue with each other, especially when eating. Maybe it's unusual because there are few videos showing lions fighting one on one, or maybe because it wasn't a "real" fight, but more a show of dominance. Either way, the same sounds, especially that high pitched sound,  are heard in the fight where the Mapogo males kill the 5th Majingilane, and also in other video posted in the Mapogo thread were the males were trying to kill cubs of the Styx pride, this time the females were making that sound, towards each other and towards the males. 
This is, at least, what I've noticed.
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lioncrazy Offline
Regular Member

Just watched a video about the majigilanes males chasing a matshipiri male away I couldn't upppload the video sorry guys if it someone could would be great
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lioncrazy Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 08-16-2015, 12:07 AM by sanjay Edit Reason: To show video )

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

I put this post in the wrong thread so, sorry about that. Here is the right place.

The Fourways males continue to cement their hold in former Sand river territory, and this time they spent a lot of time with one of the Southern pride females, the one called Mandleve or Floppy ear, they shared a kill.
Of course, as females do, she rejected the advances of the males particularly the bigger one who was interested with her, and eventually the males moved off while she started calling, maybe to make contact with the other females of the pride.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

A little more on the extended honeymoon of the Fourways males and the females of the Southern Pride.
Sabi Sabi P.Reserve:The orange-eyed Fourways male was in the company of a different Southern Pride lioness this morning. Both showed signs of full bellies and were seen mating.

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