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Poll: Which Continent has the top Predators??
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Which Continent has the TOP Carni/Omnivorous among Asia,Africa and America?

India Vinay Offline

Asia:Tigers,Asian Lions,Leopards,Cheetahs,Snow leopards,Dholes,5 types of Bears and Wolves

Africa:African Lions,Leopards,Cheetahs,Af Wild dogs and Wolves

Americas: Wolves,Bears,Jaguars and Cougars 

First is Asia then which one comes second Africa or America?? 

Europe,Antarctica and Australia have very few Carni-Omnivorous so i excluded them and Joined two Americas.  Lol
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast


Tigers (all subspecies), Asiatic lions, Bears (several subspecies), leopards (several subspecies), snow leopards, Cheetah, clouded leopards, several smaller felids, wolves (several subspecies), Hyenas (i guess 2 subspecies), jackals, dholes, foxes, crocodilians (saltwater, mugger etc), several species of birds of prey (vultures, eagles etc), lizards (komodo dragons, water monitor lizard etc), snakes (reticulated python, king cobra etc), several species of mustelids.

Did I miss anything, if so kindly add them too
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India Vinay Offline

(01-16-2017, 07:14 PM)Apollo Wrote: Asia:

Tigers (all subspecies), Asiatic lions, Bears (several subspecies), leopards (several subspecies), snow leopards, Cheetah, clouded leopards, several smaller felids, wolves (several subspecies), Hyenas (i guess 2 subspecies), jackals, dholes, foxes, crocodilians (saltwater, mugger etc), several species of birds of prey (vultures, eagles etc), lizards (komodo dragons, water monitor lizard etc), snakes (reticulated python, king cobra etc), several species of mustelids.

Did I miss anything, if so kindly add them too

How did you vote only one option?? 

Asia is Top but i want to know second best Africa or America!!
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Yes i voted one option.
I voted for Asia.
Second comes Africa.
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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast

I voted Asia - All tigers live in Asia - Brown bears ( seven sub-species that I can count at the moment ) - leopards - wolves - other less predatory bears.
Second place Africa - Lions - leopards - spotted hyenas.
Both Africa and Asia have their share of extreme reptiles.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-16-2017, 11:55 PM by Pckts )

Extremely subjective...

Since it is, my vote goes to Africa.

No place on Earth has the density of large Herbivores and Carnivores, and thus,
No other place on Earth can offer the greatest wildlife spectacle, the Great Migration!
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United States Polar Offline
Polar Bear Enthusiast

If we're talking about the individual number of carnivore and herbivore species, then Asia. If talking about density of each, then Africa.
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

As concerns the number of species: Asia.

As concerns the number of involved animals: Africa, no contest.
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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast

Number of large predator and omnivore species, Asia. Huge herbivore prey, Africa.
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India Vinay Offline

(01-16-2017, 11:49 PM)Pckts Wrote: Extremely subjective...

Since it is, my vote goes to Africa.

No place on Earth has the density of large Herbivores and Carnivores, and thus,
No other place on Earth can offer the greatest wildlife spectacle, the Great Migration!

Africa has large density of Herbivores because less population and huge land mass Vs Highly populated Asia.

Great migration is about Herbivores of-course some Carnivore follows them still ... 

Carnivorous or Omnivorous or both Asia is top hands down and Africa has huge variety of herbivorous. Happy
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-17-2017, 11:56 PM by Pckts )

(01-17-2017, 08:53 AM)Vinay Wrote:
(01-16-2017, 11:49 PM)Pckts Wrote: Extremely subjective...

Since it is, my vote goes to Africa as well as suffering every bit as much as anywhere else when it comes to human encroachment and deforestation.

No place on Earth has the density of large Herbivores and Carnivores, and thus,
No other place on Earth can offer the greatest wildlife spectacle, the Great Migration!

Africa has large density of Herbivores because less population and huge land mass Vs Highly populated Asia.

Great migration is about Herbivores of-course some Carnivore follows them still ... 

Carnivorous or Omnivorous or both Asia is top hands down and Africa has huge variety of herbivorous. Happy

Africa also has a large density of Carnivores as well.

The great migration contributes to more predations than any other event on land, every single carnivore in Tanzania in some way or another will benefit from it.

Carnivorous specie types are more or less the same in africa or india, but Omnivores of course would be different since you pretty much seclude any animal in Africa outside of Chimps and a few others, take away Bears from the equation and Asia is in the same boat as africa.
And while Asia may have this wide array of species, they are spread much further. Their territories overlap but the odds of them competing against one another aren't as high as Africa where the terrain is much easier to trek and thus all animals encounter one another throughout all of africa.
Every where that has lions will also have hyena and leopard, wild dog and cheetah would also be there if their numbers haven't been so drastically decimated by man.
The same cannot be said for Asia, Some places may have tigers and bears, other will have neither and again others will have different sub species and so on... It's just a much more diverse ecological location. Asia is a land of Forests, Jungles, Mountains, Grassland, Swamps etc.
And thus each species that is adapted for said locations will thrive there, while it may be more diverse, the density is not comparable to Africa, which offers much more similar terrain throughout the Continent.
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India Vinay Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-18-2017, 02:10 AM by Apollo )

(01-17-2017, 11:53 PM)Pckts Wrote: Carnivorous specie types are more or less the same in africa or india, but Omnivores of course would be different since you pretty much seclude any animal in Africa outside of Chimps and a few others, take away Bears from the equation and Asia is in the same boat as africa.

And while Asia may have this wide array of species, they are spread much further. Their territories overlap but the odds of them competing against one another aren't as high as Africa where the terrain is much easier to trek and thus all animals encounter one another throughout all of africa.

Every where that has lions will also have hyena and leopard, wild dog and cheetah would also be there if their numbers haven't been so drastically decimated by man.The same cannot be said for Asia, Some places may have tigers and bears, other will have neither and again others will have different sub species and so on... 

Every where that has tigers will also have hyenas, leopards, dholes,wolves and bears ... Again Asia beats Africa 

Africa has 2 Panthera Big Cats
Asia    has 4 Panthera Big Cats.Tiger,Leopard,Snow leopard and Asiatic lion.

Africa has 2+ Crocodile sub-species!!

Asia has 3+ - Salt,Mugger and Gharial!


The only difference is Asia is highly fertile land and so it supports huge population unlike grass lands and rain forests in Africa.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-18-2017, 01:15 AM by Pckts )

(01-18-2017, 12:36 AM)Vinay Wrote:
(01-17-2017, 11:53 PM)Pckts Wrote: Carnivorous specie types are more or less the same in africa or india, but Omnivores of course would be different since you pretty much seclude any animal in Africa outside of Chimps and a few others, take away Bears from the equation and Asia is in the same boat as africa.

And while Asia may have this wide array of species, they are spread much further. Their territories overlap but the odds of them competing against one another aren't as high as Africa where the terrain is much easier to trek and thus all animals encounter one another throughout all of africa.

Every where that has lions will also have hyena and leopard, wild dog and cheetah would also be there if their numbers haven't been so drastically decimated by man.The same cannot be said for Asia, Some places may have tigers and bears, other will have neither and again others will have different sub species and so on... 

Every where that has tigers will also have hyenas, leopards, dholes,wolves and bears ... Again Asia beats Africa 

Africa has 2 Panthera Big Cats
Asia    has 4 Panthera Big Cats.Tiger,Leopard,Snow leopard and Asiatic lion.

btw Tiger is miles ahead of Lions. 

Africa has 2+ Crocodile sub-species!!

Asia has 3+ - Salt,Mugger and Gharial!

Again, Salty is miles ahead of any Crocodile on earth. Ha Ha


The only difference is Asia is highly fertile land and so it supports huge population unlike grass lands and rain forests in Africa.

Do you really want to compare the quantity of Hyena with Tigers to Lions and Hyena?
There is only one species of hyena that shares territory with Tigers and its a very modest version of the Spotted hyena, it lives in much smaller groups, usually only a couple of individuals and its seen only on very rare occasions.

Dholes are still completely outnumbered compared to AWD and they do not pose any threat to tigers, same as AWD to lions, thus they do not compete.

Bears and Wolves do share land with tigers, but very little of it now and they certainly do not have as many encounters with one another compared to Lions with Hyena.

Your Tiger statement and "asia beats africa" aren't even worth discussing.

Now on to Crocs
Salties and Nile crocs are more or less the same size yet the waters of africa force the wildlife to be in contact with Nile Crocs far more often. Nile crocs also contribute far more deaths to lions than muggers or salties do to tigers.
And if you think that a nile wouldn't attack a tiger as quickly as it would a lion, you're really reaching.
A mugger and Gharial contribute 0 to death of big cats I have seen, at least adult ones.

You don't mention hippos either, yet they could be the most dangerous inhabitant of fresh water in Africa and if including salt water, the GWS certainly has his place.

In regards to land fertility, that is baseless.
Africa supports the greatest diversity of large land mammals on earth, it sustains far more large mammals than any other place, it's not even comparable.

So once again, this topic is completely Subjective.
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover


About #12: You are like a child in front of figurines of lion, tiger, leopard, saltie, nile croc and you decree that all asian predator are miles ahead of african predator, and of course without any scientific reason and proof. Try to leave the school playground boy ! How old are you ?
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United Kingdom tigerluver Offline
Feline Expert
( This post was last modified: 01-18-2017, 01:11 AM by tigerluver )

@Vinay , no more phrases around the line of "tiger is better than lion." You've been asked nicely many times.
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