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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Tigers hunting and killing large pachyderms

India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast
A 20-year-old female elephant has been killed by a tiger in the Corbett Tiger Reserve (CTR), a forest official said.
The half-eaten body of the pachyderm was found by a forest patrolling team on Friday morning, Uttarakhand Chief Wildlife Warden Srikant Chandola said.
‘Rare incident'
“The killing of elephant calves by a tiger is a common incident in jungles, but this is a very rare incident when the tiger has attacked and killed an adolescent elephant,” he added.
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India Vegeta San Offline

Thanks for starting this thread @brotherbear!

Here's a list of 100% legit, confirmed records of tigers killing adult Elephants and Rhinos, including Bulls. (Chronological order) Even some accounts of tigers mauling and severely injuring adult Elephants.


*This image is copyright of its original author

Wildlife photography is not only about beautiful birds and lovable mammals. And Tiger is not a cuddly pussycat who you pet at home. However adorable and graceful it may look, Tiger is actually a lethal killing machine and the top predator in its habitat. All animals, big and small, are prone to become food of the Tiger.

In the forests of Assam, this Male Tiger at its prime killed an adult rhino, four or five times its own weight, that was grazing in a swamp and was in a relatively vulnerable position. The tiger sprang on to the top of the rhino from the higher bank of the swamp and broke the rhino’s neck before it could put up much of a fight! The tiger then gorged himself with its prize prey allowing many images and poses.

A few events in the forest are truly unforgettable and rank as rarest of the rare! This is one of them.

On this International Tiger Day, let us all take a solemn pledge to do our best to save the wild tigers of India and their habitats under threat.

Credit to Rajarshi Banerji



41 Elephants die in Kerala forests...

"Wild Elephants have died due to attacks by tigers, inter-conflict between jumbos, electrocution and because of other natural causes, he said."

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:  At least 41 wild elephants have died in Kerala's forest ranges in the last six months however, none of these deaths were due to weather drought conditions or due to the lack of food and water in the forest, according to Forest Minister K Raju in a written reply in the Assembly.

More specifically, these are the elephants who died to tigers in the keralas forests:

"Tigers kill six Elephants in Kerala Wayanad, as drought triggers fierce water war"

"Eighteen elephants have died in Kerala’s Wayanad wildlife sanctuary over the past four months, including at least six in tiger attacks that officials say could have been triggered by bitter turf wars over scarce water."

"While six elephants were killed by tigers, two tuskers died fighting each other."


Bengal tiger and Rhino found dead.

After the terrible incident of losing three one-horned rhinos in three days in Kaziranga, the park again mourned the death of one more rhino and a Royal Bengal Tiger. However, this time the reason for the death is not poaching but a brawl between the two animals which unfortunately lost their lives in the fight. The carcasses of the two animals of endangered species were found lying next to each other on Tuesday, Nov 7, 2017, by the forest officials in the Bagori Range of the park.

The forest officials suspect the reason to be the fight between the two animals on the account that the rhino’s horn and the body parts of the tiger were intact. While the dead tiger is said to be a sub-adult male of about two-and-a-half years old, the rhino was a female of around 20 years. According to officials, another possible reason of the death of the animals could be that an adult tiger might have killed the rhino, and the sub-adult tiger strayed into the adult tiger’s territory and eyed a share of the rhino meat, reluctant to share, the older tiger might have killed him as well. The officials suggest this theory after finding fresh tiger droppings close to the two carcasses.

Tiger predation is a common case in Kaziranga National Park, however, the death of both the animals is the rarest sight in the reserve. There have been around 472 rhinos dead due to tiger predation in Kaziranga National Park between the year 1982 and 2014 and the highest casualties of around 26 rhinos were reported in the year 2004.

Here's another official news report mentioning the same incident:


Tigers have hunted down two elephants, including a young one, last month in Kerala forests.


Full-grown adult female Rhino killed by a tiger and a full-grown adult MALE Rhino was also killed by a tiger:

"The late Monday night killing is the third instance of a rhino being killed by the roaming big cats in the last 14 months since the killing of a 35-year old male rhino November 2011 followed by that of a young adult in December 2011. A female rhino named Himrani was attacked and injured by a tiger on December 1, 2011 but managed to survive due to the efforts of the park authorities."


Tiger kills male tusker Elephant in Eravikulam national park.


Tiger attacks and critically injures a Bull tusker Elephant, after it had already killed a buffalo!

2008 & 2007

"Royal Bengal tigers, which usually prey on baby rhinos, have begun killing adult ones in Kaziranga National Park since the last fortnight."

Tigers killed 20 rhinos at Kaziranga last year, while this year eight rhinos have fallen prey to the big cats.

"The worrying part is that tigers have begun killing full-grown Rhinos. Earlier it was only the calves the tigers used to attack but now the full grown rhinos are being targeted,” said Bankim Sharma, the divisional forest official of the park."

"Last evening, three tigers, probably a mother and her two grown calves, attacked an adult rhino near the East Haldhibari anti-poaching camp in the Kohora range of the park"

"On February 26, a pregnant rhino was killed by tigers at Rutikhowa beel under Bagori range."


Elephant dies after a fight with a tigress:


Tiger attacks and severely mauls and badly injures a protective mother Elephant, after killing her calf:

*This image is copyright of its original author


Here's Colonel Kesri singhs account from his book: "The Tiger of Rajasthan"..where a tiger killed a big Bull tusker Elephant in a fight, in Assam:


*This image is copyright of its original author

"Some three or four years ago a tiger, having killed a baby elephant, was attacked by a tusker. Instead of trying to get clean away the tiger came at the elephant from the flank or rear, and having got on to his back raked and tore at him with his claws. The fight went on for a long time, the tusker apparently trying to dislodge the tiger by running under and against trees. He seems to have succeeded in this at least once, but only for the tiger to recover and return to the attack...In the morning the area was examined and the story reconstructed from the copious signs left about the area. The aggressor had had the best of it, for the party found the remains of the elephant calf and the dead tuskers huge bulk, atrociously torn, but the tiger had disappeared." 

'Death by a thousand cuts'.


Here's the legendary Jim Corbett's account of a pair of tigers that killed a BIG BULL TUSKER Elephant in a fight:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

The same incident can be found in  Valmik Thapar's "Tiger: The Ultimate Guide"- pg.140

*This image is copyright of its original author


Tigress DEEPLY LACERATES the heads of two Elephants and the hind-quarters of a third Elephant:

*This image is copyright of its original author


Here's a video of an injured adult Rhino that was mauled and lacerated by a tiger, proving that tigers do attack adult Rhinos:

"The Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids"

Biologist, Sunquist states: Tigers are capable of killing adult rhinos and elephants!

*This image is copyright of its original author

These are all 100% legit, confirmed records of tigers killing full-grown adult Elephants and adult Rhinos, including Bulls. All accounts have been reported by wildlife officials, forest departments, legit official news reports and renowned naturalists and wildlife trackers like Jim Corbett and Kesri singh, who are considered authorities on tigers.
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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast

As you can see Vegeta San, I am a bear fan, but not even the biggest grizzly ever could bring down these humongous beasts. I have the highest respect for the big cats. Incredible!
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India Vegeta San Offline

(09-05-2018, 03:18 PM)brotherbear Wrote: As you can see Vegeta San, I am a bear fan, but not even the biggest grizzly ever could bring down these humongous beasts. I have the highest respect for the big cats.

Yeah I know. You're one of the honest bear fans I've ever seen.

Thanks for your respect on bigcats, by the way!

Mexico Shir Babr Offline
Regular Member

Members discussed that "tiger killed a healthy adult rhino with a JUMP" claim, and everybody was skeptical about it, specially by the nature of the claim and not suspiciously, the person making it refusing to show proof of it. How that turned into a "100% legit record"? Did he finally released the images, because I'd love to see.
6 users Like Shir Babr's post

chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

(09-05-2018, 09:30 AM)Vegeta San Wrote: Thanks for starting this thread @brotherbear!

Here's a list of 100% legit, confirmed records of tigers killing adult Elephants and Rhinos, including Bulls. (Chronological order) Even some accounts of tigers mauling and severely injuring adult Elephants.


*This image is copyright of its original author

Wildlife photography is not only about beautiful birds and lovable mammals. And Tiger is not a cuddly pussycat who you pet at home. However adorable and graceful it may look, Tiger is actually a lethal killing machine and the top predator in its habitat. All animals, big and small, are prone to become food of the Tiger.

In the forests of Assam, this Male Tiger at its prime killed an adult rhino, four or five times its own weight, that was grazing in a swamp and was in a relatively vulnerable position. The tiger sprang on to the top of the rhino from the higher bank of the swamp and broke the rhino’s neck before it could put up much of a fight! The tiger then gorged himself with its prize prey allowing many images and poses.

A few events in the forest are truly unforgettable and rank as rarest of the rare! This is one of them.

On this International Tiger Day, let us all take a solemn pledge to do our best to save the wild tigers of India and their habitats under threat.

Credit to Rajarshi Banerji



41 Elephants die in Kerala forests...

"Wild Elephants have died due to attacks by tigers, inter-conflict between jumbos, electrocution and because of other natural causes, he said."

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:  At least 41 wild elephants have died in Kerala's forest ranges in the last six months however, none of these deaths were due to weather drought conditions or due to the lack of food and water in the forest, according to Forest Minister K Raju in a written reply in the Assembly.

More specifically, these are the elephants who died to tigers in the keralas forests:

"Tigers kill six Elephants in Kerala Wayanad, as drought triggers fierce water war"

"Eighteen elephants have died in Kerala’s Wayanad wildlife sanctuary over the past four months, including at least six in tiger attacks that officials say could have been triggered by bitter turf wars over scarce water."

"While six elephants were killed by tigers, two tuskers died fighting each other."


Bengal tiger and Rhino found dead.

After the terrible incident of losing three one-horned rhinos in three days in Kaziranga, the park again mourned the death of one more rhino and a Royal Bengal Tiger. However, this time the reason for the death is not poaching but a brawl between the two animals which unfortunately lost their lives in the fight. The carcasses of the two animals of endangered species were found lying next to each other on Tuesday, Nov 7, 2017, by the forest officials in the Bagori Range of the park.

The forest officials suspect the reason to be the fight between the two animals on the account that the rhino’s horn and the body parts of the tiger were intact. While the dead tiger is said to be a sub-adult male of about two-and-a-half years old, the rhino was a female of around 20 years. According to officials, another possible reason of the death of the animals could be that an adult tiger might have killed the rhino, and the sub-adult tiger strayed into the adult tiger’s territory and eyed a share of the rhino meat, reluctant to share, the older tiger might have killed him as well. The officials suggest this theory after finding fresh tiger droppings close to the two carcasses.

Tiger predation is a common case in Kaziranga National Park, however, the death of both the animals is the rarest sight in the reserve. There have been around 472 rhinos dead due to tiger predation in Kaziranga National Park between the year 1982 and 2014 and the highest casualties of around 26 rhinos were reported in the year 2004.

Here's another official news report mentioning the same incident:


Tigers have hunted down two elephants, including a young one, last month in Kerala forests.


Full-grown adult female Rhino killed by a tiger and a full-grown adult MALE Rhino was also killed by a tiger:

"The late Monday night killing is the third instance of a rhino being killed by the roaming big cats in the last 14 months since the killing of a 35-year old male rhino November 2011 followed by that of a young adult in December 2011. A female rhino named Himrani was attacked and injured by a tiger on December 1, 2011 but managed to survive due to the efforts of the park authorities."


Tiger kills male tusker Elephant in Eravikulam national park.


Tiger attacks and critically injures a Bull tusker Elephant, after it had already killed a buffalo!

2008 & 2007

"Royal Bengal tigers, which usually prey on baby rhinos, have begun killing adult ones in Kaziranga National Park since the last fortnight."

Tigers killed 20 rhinos at Kaziranga last year, while this year eight rhinos have fallen prey to the big cats.

"The worrying part is that tigers have begun killing full-grown Rhinos. Earlier it was only the calves the tigers used to attack but now the full grown rhinos are being targeted,” said Bankim Sharma, the divisional forest official of the park."

"Last evening, three tigers, probably a mother and her two grown calves, attacked an adult rhino near the East Haldhibari anti-poaching camp in the Kohora range of the park"

"On February 26, a pregnant rhino was killed by tigers at Rutikhowa beel under Bagori range."


Elephant dies after a fight with a tigress:


Tiger attacks and severely mauls and badly injures a protective mother Elephant, after killing her calf:

*This image is copyright of its original author


Here's Colonel Kesri singhs account from his book: "The Tiger of Rajasthan"..where a tiger killed a big Bull tusker Elephant in a fight, in Assam:


*This image is copyright of its original author

"Some three or four years ago a tiger, having killed a baby elephant, was attacked by a tusker. Instead of trying to get clean away the tiger came at the elephant from the flank or rear, and having got on to his back raked and tore at him with his claws. The fight went on for a long time, the tusker apparently trying to dislodge the tiger by running under and against trees. He seems to have succeeded in this at least once, but only for the tiger to recover and return to the attack...In the morning the area was examined and the story reconstructed from the copious signs left about the area. The aggressor had had the best of it, for the party found the remains of the elephant calf and the dead tuskers huge bulk, atrociously torn, but the tiger had disappeared." 

'Death by a thousand cuts'.


Here's the legendary Jim Corbett's account of a pair of tigers that killed a BIG BULL TUSKER Elephant in a fight:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

The same incident can be found in  Valmik Thapar's "Tiger: The Ultimate Guide"- pg.140

*This image is copyright of its original author


Tigress DEEPLY LACERATES the heads of two Elephants and the hind-quarters of a third Elephant:

*This image is copyright of its original author


Here's a video of an injured adult Rhino that was mauled and lacerated by a tiger, proving that tigers do attack adult Rhinos:

"The Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids"

Biologist, Sunquist states: Tigers are capable of killing adult rhinos and elephants!

*This image is copyright of its original author

These are all 100% legit, confirmed records of tigers killing full-grown adult Elephants and adult Rhinos, including Bulls. All accounts have been reported by wildlife officials, forest departments, legit official news reports and renowned naturalists and wildlife trackers like Jim Corbett and Kesri singh, who are considered authorities on tigers.

I myself believe any full grown tuskers or rhinos killed by tigers, would be either elderly or ill. I also believe more tigers die in encounters with healthy said animals than said animals themselves. With that being said, it's entirely possible a tiger could prevail, only in very rare instances. Just my humble opinion.
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India Vegeta San Offline

(09-05-2018, 08:13 PM)Shir Babr Wrote: Members discussed that "tiger killed a healthy adult rhino with a JUMP" claim, and everybody was skeptical about it, specially by the nature of the claim and not suspiciously, the person making it refusing to show proof of it. How that turned into a "100% legit record"? Did he finally released the images, because I'd love to see.

I don't understand what you talking about. 

Everybody skeptical? Really? 

Those came from official newspaper articles and the officials mentioned there are still alive. So they're indeed 100% legit.

And don't you see the famous biologist Mel.sunquist quote, where he stated tigers are capable of killing adult elephants and rhinos?

Do you need images for a super rare incident occurred in dense forest with strict rules. Sure, you can get if you stay in the jungle for a ten or more to film that, if you allowed to be.
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India Vegeta San Offline

(09-05-2018, 08:31 PM)chaos Wrote: I myself believe any full grown tuskers or rhinos killed by tigers, would be either elderly or ill. I also believe more tigers die in encounters with healthy said animals than said animals themselves. With that being said, it's entirely possible a tiger could prevail, only in very rare instances. Just my humble opinion.

Not really. If they animal died was suspected to be a sick or injured individual, they will definitely mention that on their post mortem reports. And gives atleast information to media, like this account.

"Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (Biodiversity), felt that it was unusual for a juvenile elephant to be killed by tiger. Though incidents of elephants attacking cubs had been reported, killing of juvenile was uncommon.

The reduced prey base in the evergreen forest might have forced the tiger to hunt the elephant. The animal might have been sick and weak, making it vulnerable to the attack, he said." 

But it's not in those reports. And there's no dead tiger in this process.

It's not that difficult to imagine what happened. Just like we saw lion attacking buffalo, rhino or hippo. Predator leaps on prey and maul it to death. 
But tiger hunting is a bit more serious than Lion hunting. Probably won't leave until death...
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United States Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover
( This post was last modified: 09-06-2018, 12:22 PM by Rishi )

Here we go again ! We have to read and suffer kilometers of biased accounts about adult tusker elephants and adult rhino killed by insatiable and invulnerable tigers. Avid tigers wanted to slaughter any big opponents living around it.

I think the tiger is, individually, the most extant accomplished predator on land. But you don't do it any favors by upholding the merciless predator myth. No one true scientist would take himself seriously such sentences or titles like "death by a thousand cuts" (read #2). That is ridiculous and laughable.

The only honest and valid account I reproduce here is from the #1 given by @brotherbear : 
A 20-year-old female elephant has been killed by a tiger in the Corbett Tiger Reserve (CTR), a forest official said.
The half-eaten body of the pachyderm was found by a forest patrolling team on Friday morning, Uttarakhand Chief Wildlife Warden Srikant Chandola said.
‘Rare incident'
“The killing of elephant calves by a tiger is a common incident in jungles, but this is a very rare incident when the tiger has attacked and killed an adolescent elephant,” he added.

It speaks about an adolescent elephant, that is the fact. 

You're lending some human attributes (appetite for power and massacre) to the tiger. It's called anthropomorphism.
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Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-06-2018, 09:04 AM by Rishi )

(09-05-2018, 08:13 PM)Shir Babr Wrote: Members discussed that "tiger killed a healthy adult rhino with a JUMP" claim, and everybody was skeptical about it, specially by the nature of the claim and not suspiciously, the person making it refusing to show proof of it. How that turned into a "100% legit record"? Did he finally released the images, because I'd love to see.

Yes... exactly. Opinions are on hold until he publishes more details.

@Vegeta San No. just because it's from a media article doesn't mean it's "100% legit". The article was written based on his account & FB post... first go through the original discussion on it here in Tiger Predation thread.
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Germany Jeffrey Online
Regular Member

If a tiger "kills" an adult elephant or rhino. It will take days and most likely die cuz of blood loss or infection due to their wounds. Tigers are known for killing young/calves of rhinos and elephants and learn how to deal with the adult one's. In some cases tiger's attacked and eventually killed adult rhinos and elephants.
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Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-06-2018, 01:27 PM by Rishi )

(09-05-2018, 08:31 PM)chaos Wrote: I myself believe any full grown tuskers or rhinos killed by tigers, would be either elderly or ill. I also believe more tigers die in encounters with healthy said animals than said animals themselves. With that being said, it's entirely possible a tiger could prevail, only in very rare instances. Just my humble opinion.

Recently i came across a fine video on YouTube & while watching it i noticed something interesting!

At 1:40 the female rhino has wounds on her haunch that looks like tiger claw & bite marks. The calf seems unharmed though. There's a chance that a tiger attempted to hamstring the mother instead of going for the calf.

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India Vegeta San Offline
Rainbow  ( This post was last modified: 09-06-2018, 12:50 PM by Rishi )

(09-06-2018, 12:49 AM)Spalea Wrote: Here we go again ! We have to read and suffer kilometers of biased accounts about adult tusker elephants and adult rhino killed by insatiable and invulnerable tigers. Avid tigers wanted to slaughter any big opponents living around it.

I think the tiger is, individually, the most extant accomplished predator on land. But you don't do it any favors by upholding the merciless predator myth. No one true scientist would take himself seriously such sentences or titles like "death by a thousand cuts" (read #2). That is ridiculous and laughable.

The only honest and valid account I reproduce here is from the #1 given by @brotherbear : 
A 20-year-old female elephant has been killed by a tiger in the Corbett Tiger Reserve (CTR), a forest official said.
The half-eaten body of the pachyderm was found by a forest patrolling team on Friday morning, Uttarakhand Chief Wildlife Warden Srikant Chandola said.
‘Rare incident'
“The killing of elephant calves by a tiger is a common incident in jungles, but this is a very rare incident when the tiger has attacked and killed an adolescent elephant,” he added.

It speaks about an adolescent elephant, that is the fact. 

Wake up, biased tiger fans and groupies ! You're lending some human attributes (appetite for power and massacre) to the tiger. It's called anthropomorphism.

I'm not a "biased tiger fan"! 'Tiger' is one of my favourite animal along with lion, jaguar and bear. I saw you mocking people right here on wildfact. Which is not a right place, please don't mock and insult people here.

@Rishi, newspaper articles contain what happens in daily life. Not a folktales or something else. Indeed, I posted accounts from popular literature like Jim Corbett and Colonel kesri singh,etc...

Here's the account from Kerala clearly telling that elephants died were not "sick"!
"Thiruvananthapuram: At least 41 wild elephants have died in Kerala's forest ranges in the last six months however, none of these deaths were due to wither drought conditions or due to the lack of food and water in the forest, according to Forest Minister K Raju in a written reply in the Assembly.

Wild elephants have died due to attacks by tigers, inter conflict between jumbos, electrocution and because of other natural causes, he said."

By the way thanks giving more details from that link.

@Jeffrey, well do you have any proof for that or it was your opinion? Opinions aren't equal to proves. In some of my accounts tiger just finished Elephant after a fight takes place all night. According to those, it doesn't take "days", if there's a serious combat. Maybe a half day or something like that. 

Tigers are not house cats. There's a famous video of measuring tiger paw swipe. They estimated the serious swipe of 10,000lbs. So not a little amount. That's the Weight of average bull tusker Elephant. I'm not telling they kill them by paw swipes, they just kill them by leaping on them by biting flesh off, and clawing and making the animal bleed to death. 

If this is just a fanboy statement or something. Then, all the authorities mentioned there are biased tiger fans, "Colonel kesri singh" is a biased tiger fan, and famous biologist, first hand authority Dr.mel sunquist is a biased tiger fan. Which they're not.
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Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-06-2018, 01:17 PM by Rishi )

(09-06-2018, 10:45 AM)Vegeta San Wrote: I'm not a "biased tiger fan"! 'Tiger' is one of my favourite animal along with lion, jaguar and bear. I saw you mocking people right here on wildfact. Which is not a right place, please don't mock and insult people here.

@Rishi, newspaper articles contain what happens in daily life. Not a folktales or something else. Indeed, I posted accounts from popular literature like Jim Corbett and Colonel kesri singh,etc...

Here's the account from Kerala clearly telling that elephants died were not "sick"!
"Thiruvananthapuram: At least 41 wild elephants have died in Kerala's forest ranges in the last six months however, none of these deaths were due to wither drought conditions or due to the lack of food and water in the forest, according to Forest Minister K Raju in a written reply in the Assembly.

Wild elephants have died due to attacks by tigers, inter conflict between jumbos, electrocution and because of other natural causes, he said."

By the way thanks giving more details from that link.

Tigers are not house cats. There's a famous video of measuring tiger paw swipe. They estimated the serious swipe of 10,000lbs. So not a little amount. That's the Weight of average bull tusker Elephant. I'm not telling they kill them by paw swipes, they just kill them by leaping on them by biting flesh off, and clawing and making the animal bleed to death. 

If this is just a fanboy statement or something. Then, all the authorities mentioned there are biased tiger fans, "Colonel kesri singh" is a biased tiger fan, and famous biologist, first hand authority Dr.mel sunquist is a biased tiger fan. Which they're not.

The fanboy part from @Spalea's post has been edited out. But if he find Keshri Singh's account laughable then that's his personal matter.

Your collection in post #2 is really good, but leave it at that... You don't need to go in preach mode & convince everyone.

Your post has been edited too.
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India brotherbear Offline
Grizzly Enthusiast

(09-06-2018, 12:49 AM)Spalea Wrote: Here we go again ! We have to read and suffer kilometers of biased accounts about adult tusker elephants and adult rhino killed by insatiable and invulnerable tigers. Avid tigers wanted to slaughter any big opponents living around it.

I think the tiger is, individually, the most extant accomplished predator on land. But you don't do it any favors by upholding the merciless predator myth. No one true scientist would take himself seriously such sentences or titles like "death by a thousand cuts" (read #2). That is ridiculous and laughable.

The only honest and valid account I reproduce here is from the #1 given by @brotherbear : 
A 20-year-old female elephant has been killed by a tiger in the Corbett Tiger Reserve (CTR), a forest official said.
The half-eaten body of the pachyderm was found by a forest patrolling team on Friday morning, Uttarakhand Chief Wildlife Warden Srikant Chandola said.
‘Rare incident'
“The killing of elephant calves by a tiger is a common incident in jungles, but this is a very rare incident when the tiger has attacked and killed an adolescent elephant,” he added.

It speaks about an adolescent elephant, that is the fact. 

You're lending some human attributes (appetite for power and massacre) to the tiger. It's called anthropomorphism.

It appears I made a mistake in opening this can of worms. I am simply impressed with the killing abilities of the big cats. Please feel free to delete this topic if you think it best.
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