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Tigers have good endurance?

smedz Offline
Regular Member

I was watching an episode from Animalogic on tigers, and the host says that unlike other cats, tigers have pretty good endurance which allows them to chase prey longer than other cats. I always thought tigers had terrible endurance. Is what this person says true? 

@Pckts @Spalea  @Pantherinae  @parvez @Sanju @Rishi @GuateGojira    

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Finland Shadow Offline

(05-02-2019, 04:04 AM)smedz Wrote: I was watching an episode from Animalogic on tigers, and the host says that unlike other cats, tigers have pretty good endurance which allows them to chase prey longer than other cats. I always thought tigers had terrible endurance. Is what this person says true? 

@Pckts @Spalea  @Pantherinae  @parvez @Sanju @Rishi @GuateGojira    

When you watch videos like that, I would recommend to check all claimed things from multiple sources Wink That girl for sure seemed to like tigers and who wouldn´t. But time to time tigers and for instance lions chase prey surprisingly long distances. So even though many say, that ambush hunters and only making a few leaps, that is not the case always.
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Sanju Offline
Senior member
( This post was last modified: 05-02-2019, 10:07 AM by Sanju )

@smedz Daniel dufault Wow . She has produced  illustrations for the paleontologists at the Royal Ontario Museum and the University of Alberta. Her work has appeared in publications such as the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology and Naturwissenshaften, and on the back cover of the major academic volume Hadrosaurs by Indiana University Press. Her skeletal reconstructions and vignettes are also featured HISTORY Channel’s DinoHunt Canada website.

She is also the enthusiastic host of Animalogic weekly podcast, a YouTube channel that uploads videos on zoology and biodiversity. Wow I love it so so much, very very educational in creating awareness about zoology and nature conservation.

Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@Sanju : great artwork ! Excellent graphic designer...

@smedz : tigers are mainly ambush hunters. Because deep jungle is the best biotop for this kind of hunting, but that doesn't change the fact they are able to produce a longer physical effort if they have to do it... Lions in the tall grass are ambush hunters too. If the grass is short, they have to run more, much more. And if you compare their morphologies, tigers being squater and lions more ascetic you can conclude that they (lions) are more used to hunt over longer distance (over 100 meters and more). But once again, it doesn't stop the tiger to do that if they have to...

But if you want to compare them with canids which are able to chase their preys over several kilometers, felids aren't at all hunters over long distances, for sure. Everything is relative.
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Finland Shadow Offline

(05-02-2019, 10:03 AM)Sanju Wrote: @smedz Daniel dufault Wow . She has produced  illustrations for the paleontologists at the Royal Ontario Museum and the University of Alberta. Her work has appeared in publications such as the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology and Naturwissenshaften, and on the back cover of the major academic volume Hadrosaurs by Indiana University Press. Her skeletal reconstructions and vignettes are also featured HISTORY Channel’s DinoHunt Canada website.

She is also the enthusiastic host of Animalogic weekly podcast, a YouTube channel that uploads videos on zoology and biodiversity. Wow I love it so so much, very very educational in creating awareness about zoology and nature conservation.

Heh, I didn´t even check her background because it looked like that she gives more or less "overall information" and not too much caring if giving wrong impressions. Kind of surprise that such background then. I mean she puts there a lot of things so, that critical viewer raises eyebrows time to time :) Well of course when making videos maybe more to kids it is understandable, that not too accurate in all things.

Sanju Offline
Senior member
( This post was last modified: 05-02-2019, 11:34 AM by Sanju )

@Shadow  "She" don't do that, she only anchor or hosts it and draws graphical art and pictorial representation. The crew of Animal Logic will collect information, data and video footages and make the script. "Animal Logic" channel is logistic and accurate. It is not for kids either.

I suggest you to pay a visit.

Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-02-2019, 12:12 PM by Shadow Edit Reason: typo )

(05-02-2019, 11:30 AM)Sanju Wrote: @Shadow  "She" don't do that, she only anchor or hosts it and draws graphical art and pictorial representation. The crew of Animal Logic will collect information, data and video footages and make the script. "Animal Logic" channel is logistic and accurate. It is not for kids either.

I suggest you to pay a visit.

Just to put one example, I watched that video which Smedz shared. For instance what do you think, when someone not knowing tigers too well and watching that... does she/he think, that siberian tigers are all the time 300 kg? Then a small detail, first there is siberian tiger and figure 300 kg, in next moment a picture and there it is already 320 kg :) No mention, that in average they are about 200 kg (male tigers) and there haven´t been a 300 kg siberian tiger in wild in decades (confirmed at least).

This kind of youtube videos are what they are and I have to admit, that I am not interested to see more, when first episode I see is like this. But still I think, that good videos for kids because naturally it isn´t so important if they think, that tigers are 100 kg heavier than in reality, main thing is after all that they would be interested about conservation of these animals. But I have to admit, that this was 2 videos for me from this channel first and last Wink
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Sanju Offline
Senior member
( This post was last modified: 05-02-2019, 01:31 PM by Sanju )


(05-02-2019, 11:43 AM)Shadow Wrote: For instance what do you think, when someone not knowing tigers too well and watching that...  Then a small detail, first there is siberian tiger and figure 300 kg, in next moment a picture and there it is already 320 kg :) No mention, that in average they are about 200 kg and there haven´t been a 300 kg siberian tiger in wild in decades (confirmed at least).
Everybody knows this, even kids.

They do create "hype" for each and every animal video they make, to make it interesting and attractive to watch all types of viewers (almost every YouTube channel do that). That doesn't mean it is for so-called Kids.

Let's say this example: (see the title, description and narration. It should be done interesting and enjoyable to create positive awareness). Except people like us, who like to read documentaries and science journals ?? Most will see these videos which gives information easy to comprehend.

(05-02-2019, 11:43 AM)Shadow Wrote: does she/he think, that siberian tigers are all the time 300 kg?
They said upto 300 kg (based on past) "not all the time and not today". It is based on considering the whole subspecies into perspective or context (not in a particular time or today).

(05-02-2019, 11:43 AM)Shadow Wrote: I am not interested to see more.

BTW See how @Spalea made a good analysis.
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Finland Shadow Offline

(05-02-2019, 12:27 PM)Sanju Wrote: @Shadow

(05-02-2019, 11:43 AM)Shadow Wrote: For instance what do you think, when someone not knowing tigers too well and watching that...  Then a small detail, first there is siberian tiger and figure 300 kg, in next moment a picture and there it is already 320 kg :) No mention, that in average they are about 200 kg and there haven´t been a 300 kg siberian tiger in wild in decades (confirmed at least).
Everybody knows this, even kids.

They do create "hype" for each and every animal video they make, to make it interesting and attractive to watch all types of viewers (almost every YouTube channel do that). That doesn't mean it is for so-called Kids.

Let's say this example: (see the title, description and narration. It should be done interesting and enjoyable to create positive awareness). Except people like us, who like to read documentaries and science journals ?? Most will see these videos which gives information easy to comprehend.

(05-02-2019, 11:43 AM)Shadow Wrote: does she/he think, that siberian tigers are all the time 300 kg?
They said upto 300 kg (based on past) "not all the time and not today". It is based on considering the whole subspecies into perspective or context (not in a particular time or today).

(05-02-2019, 11:43 AM)Shadow Wrote: I am not interested to see more.

BTW See how @Spalea made a good analysis.

I know, that they said up to. But as I said, what do you think about impression what many viewers get? That kind of videos are the ones making many people to see 300 kg tigers everywhere Grin As I said, good for kids (imo) to make them interested about animals and conservation hopefully. But what comes to information, also causing many people to exaggerate different features of these animals if not paying attention and having source criticism. That´s why I am not so excited, I like more about videos which discuss about things as they are usually. But it just me, I don´t like exaggeration :)

Sanju Offline
Senior member
( This post was last modified: 05-02-2019, 01:50 PM by Sanju )

@Shadow There is no exaggeration. Tigers can be upto 300 kg but just they are no more even if they are present anywhere in the world occur only seldom exceptionally.

Finland Shadow Offline

(05-02-2019, 01:50 PM)Sanju Wrote: @Shadow There is no exaggeration. Tigers can be upto 300 kg but just they are no more even if they are present anywhere in the world occur only seldom exceptionally.

I try once again. What do you think about image what many people get from that, younger people with no source criticism. Many people think even today, that tigers are routinely about 300 kg even though average weights of tigers have never been close to that as far as I know :)

So videos like that are such which makes many people to keep on with that image. You aren´t telling to me any news when you repeat, that there is mentioned up to, I noticed it immediately when I watched that video. Your point of view is clear and I think, that I have made mine also quite clear, so I don´t know what is big deal here. But now I have some more important things to do for a moment and I think, that I have said what I had in my mind concerning this video, feel free to disagree if so :)

Sanju Offline
Senior member
( This post was last modified: 05-02-2019, 02:43 PM by Sanju )

(05-02-2019, 02:01 PM)Shadow Wrote: What do you think about image what many people get from that, younger people with no source criticism.
As the video clearly stated "upto" people don't confuse it with casually or routine. If those younger people have brains, they do basic research to know whether tigers weigh usually 300 kg as in the video said they can be "up-to" the said mass. At least they go to wiki to read more about tigers average weight. I think most people do have brains to do that for a moment. BTW, I'm one of those young guys. :)

Ok let's don't continue this further, :) coz poor @smedz thread is being destroyed unnecessarily. :)

Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@Sanju @Shadow :

To only retain and memorize the extreme cases is a so common failing... If I only note tigers weighing in wild 300 kilos, lions 250-300, jaguars 150, leopard 120, couguar 120, bears 1 ton, we suddendly are uprooted into the pleistocene period ! Have a good travel into prehistoric times ! Danielle Dufault is a very good graphic designer, and not a biologist and she is young therefore very enthusiastic !  So, with a pinch of critical mind we don't take care of what she says about the tigers' weight. Sometime, this kind of speech can discredit the point of the video, I'm OK but It doesn't matter.

United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

shadow has a point,many people actually think amurs average 300kgs it's kind of insane the same is being said for atlas lions..i hate these vids,they're so bad..also sumatrans get bigger than 140kgs if i recall
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Sanju Offline
Senior member
( This post was last modified: 05-02-2019, 03:57 PM by Sanju )

(05-02-2019, 02:47 PM)Rage2277 Wrote: shadow has a point,many people actually think amurs average 300kgs it's kind of insane the same is being said for atlas lions..
I know many think like that due to lack of knowledge and bias or fanaticism.
(05-02-2019, 02:47 PM)Rage2277 Wrote: i hate these vids,they're so bad..
Most videos are misleading BUT THIS VIDEO DON'T COME UNDER THAT CATEGORY. They just said "up-to", no where near pronunciation of "usually or routinely". Nothing wrong.
(05-02-2019, 02:46 PM)Spalea Wrote: Danielle Dufault is a very good graphic designer, and not a biologist and she is young therefore very enthusiastic !
She is not a biologist but enthusiastic to show her talent and skill of art work by hosting in the you tube channel show like I said before but the crew has biology experts who design the script. Pls don't misunderstand and involve her in this.

Again they said only "upto" if anyone who (those younger people) see the video think tigers usually weigh 300 kg, then they can be considered as deaf.

I don't know why this discussion is prolonging when there is nothing to discuss whether relevant or irrelevant to the smedz thread topic.

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