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Tiger Directory

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 11-06-2014, 09:07 AM by Apollo )

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the late update.
Kankatti aka Vijaya is dead and she is no more.

The roars of Kankati Tigress, aka Vijaya of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve will not be heard anymore. Her dead body was found in the Charan Ganga water body near the Tala zone entry gate on Wednesday 6th August 2014. She was around 7 years old and has been the prime attraction of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve ruling the Chakradhara Meadows for over 4 years.

It was said that she a had a fight with a male tiger over a kill and to protect her cubs, there were several injury marks in her body especially around her neck. Among the 3 cubs of Kankatti, two cubs were found dead near the chital kill with the third one being alive. Forest Officials took the cub as it cannot survive on its own.

A very sad incident. RIP Kankatti

*This image is copyright of its original author

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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

What a upset story. She was beautiful lady RIP

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 11-08-2014, 05:15 PM by Apollo )


Name               : C10=Blue Eyed Boy[/size]
Location          : Bandavgarh National Park[/size]
Year of Birth   : 2009[/size]
Ancestry          : Son of Bokha male tiger[/size]
Status              : LIVE[/size]
Gender             : Male[/size]
Species             : panthera tigris tigris[/size]

Not much is known about blue eyed boys childhood. He was first seen in November 2011 at Magdhi range. Instantly he became very famous for his unmistakeable blue eyes. Mr.Blue Eye was also named Hrithik (a famous Bollywood actor with blue eyes).

Unfortunately this beautiful male is not sighted frequently. Sometimes he will be missing for months and suddenly reappears for everyones relief. Blue eyes was never able to hold a permanent territory in Magdhi and Khitauli range. He always had troubles with a more matured and bigger male Jobhi. They had few fights between them and Blue eyes always lost it. He was seen heavily injured and limping a couple of times. With the tiger population on the rise at Bandhavgarh, life will not be any easier for our Blue eyed boy.

*This image is copyright of its original author

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

 Sheshadri VasanSanctuary Asia16 hrs · Edited · Tiger | Kabini Backwaters"The Back-Water Male !!! According to me, he is the most dominant tiger of this part of the nagarahole forest as he covers and controls a very large area in this range.
During my recent visit, got to see him doing his morning rounds and though he walked a long distance, he chose this particular tree to scent mark as he had seen and confronted a pack of 3 wild dogs in this area.
After proving his dominance, yet again, he continued the patrolling of his territory in great style."
Nagarahole Tiger Reserve | KABINI RIVER LODGE | Karnataka
*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Thanks @Pckts 

The Back-Water Male is a really beutiful looking male tiger! Not always size that matters! Kabini would certanly be a great place to visit!! 

Have You decided where You are going? :-)
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United Kingdom tigerluver Offline
Feline Expert
( This post was last modified: 11-17-2014, 06:02 AM by tigerluver )

Watching "Tiger Jungles" by Nat. Geo., the story revolved around Wagdoh. They stated he began ruling in 2010, is this true? Here is where the Wagdoh was 227 kg claim stems from as well, though obviously we know he was never weighed.

Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

(11-17-2014, 05:58 AM)'tigerluver' Wrote: Watching "Tiger Jungles" by Nat. Geo., the story revolved around Wagdoh. They stated he began ruling in 2010, is this true? Here is where the Wagdoh was 227 kg claim stems from as well, though obviously we know he was never weighed.


In the Dutch version of the documentary, they said he was 280kg as described by Wanderfalken and he began ruling in early 2011. 
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(11-15-2014, 02:49 AM)'Pantherinae' Wrote: Thanks @Pckts 

The Back-Water Male is a really beutiful looking male tiger! Not always size that matters! Kabini would certanly be a great place to visit!! 

Have You decided where You are going? :-)


Not yet, but I think Kahna may be a winner. Just because the likely hood of seeing a large male is much higher there than other places. It seems like Ranth is almost to "touristy" if that makes sense. I want to see a tiger and I know there is no guarantee in Kaziranga or Corbett but Kahna almost guarantees a sighting while still offering a genuine forest feel. At least from what I have read. Still undecided though

Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

Kanha is a good choice, I would also recommend Bandipur in the South for good sightings. 
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Nice little write up on a few males we already know and love

On a side note, I believe the only familiar face in Ranth that has not been sighted this year is
T57, i think both his bros have been sighted though. I'll try to find the write up, if anybody has more info on him, I'd love to see it.

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast


Obviously he is probably overestimating the shoulder height a bit, but still looks to be a beautifully built tiger.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 11-28-2014, 06:51 PM by Apollo )

Losing an eye in a fight, Machli shifts herself to Ranthambore outskirts

Raising concerns among wildlife fraternity, 
Machli – the most photographed tigress in the world and the oldest one in Ranthambore – may have lost her eye in a yet-to-be-confirmed fight with another tiger.  Getting weaker and weaker with each passing day, she has abandoned her territory and shifted herself to Amba Ghati that is known as a safe refuge for old tigers and tigresses.

According to sources, Machli is now more than 17 years old, 3-4 years above than the normal age of a tiger. She is also not entering the core area, most probably to avoid any conflict with strong and young cats. An officer said “Machli might have fought with T-72 (Sultan). Her eyes are red and swollen, and there are minor injuries on her legs. We suspect that she has lost one of her eyes while fighting.

”The officer further said that the news of fight has not been corroborated yet. And if that actually happened, Machli might have been attacked by Sultan for killing latter’s prey. She is in her last days and now the injuries have worsened her condition.

Machli is the 
star tigress of Ranthambore and a number of short films & documentaries have been made on her. For her immense contribution to the nation’s efforts of conserving tigers and Rajasthan’s economy, she was also given the TOFT Lifetime Achievement Award. TOFT reports suggest that local economy of Ranthambore swelled by $10 million per annum for 10 years due to the popularity of Machli in national and international fronts. Adding to the popularity of Machli, a postal cover was issued on her last September.

In her life, the tigress has given birth to nine cubs, of them four were male and five female. It is very interesting to know that over half of the tiger population of Ranthambore and Sariska are Machli’s lineage. Her epic fight with 14-feet-long crocodile stunned the world and gave her international attention for being one-of-its-kind in the history of wildlife.


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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

A little more Machli Aditya Singh shared Aditya Singh's photo.3 hours ago"is it close to the end of the road for Ranthambhore National Park's iconic tigress - T 16 or Machali ?It looks like its close to the end of the road for Ranthambhore National Park's iconic tigress T 16 or Machali. 

There are many tales about her and some of them are true. She was born in the monsoon months of 1997, one of the three sisters, whose mother was known as Machali. When Colin Stafford-Johnson was filming for BBC's second documentary in 2000 he renamed this tigress Machali. She was earlier known as "Lady of the lakes." It is generally believed that she was the dominant one among the three sisters but the reality is that she was the runt of the litter. T 14 (who was never named), her sister, who took over the area behind the fort (Zone 1) was the dominant one in that litter, though she never became famous. 

The reason for Machali's fame was the area that she occupied - the area of the lakes - which is the most scenic part of Ranthambhore. This area with wide open spaces is a favourite of film makers and photographers, since it is relatively easier to work here. Nearly a dozen films have been made on her life and at one time she was definitely the most photographed wild tiger in the planet.

She is now really old and mostly stays at the edge of the forest. Her survival now depends on her avoiding other tigers. She still hunts though her diet has been supplemented by the forest department with live bait - one reason that she lived for so long. Some days ago she either killed or came across a dead Nilgai at the base of Amba Ghati. Soon after a young male tiger Sultan (T 72), who incidentally is the great grandson of Machali's sister (T 14), landed up there and it appears that the two of them got into a fight. The forest department found a carcass of a Nilgai that Sultan was feeding on and with the available evidence they believe that the two had a fight that Machali lost. Some camera trap pictures from around that area clearly show an injured Machali with a big gash in hey eyes. It is widely believed that she probably lost one of her eyes though we are not sure as yet. 

I don't think that anyone can do any more for her. When she does go, I will miss her as my life in Ranthambhore started when Machali was a cub. I was fortunate to have worked on five documentary films that were made on her life and have a carton full of slides of her pictures." 
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 12-02-2014, 03:25 AM by Pckts )

(11-18-2014, 12:54 AM)'Pckts' Wrote:
(11-15-2014, 02:49 AM)'Pantherinae' Wrote: Thanks @Pckts 

The Back-Water Male is a really beutiful looking male tiger! Not always size that matters! Kabini would certanly be a great place to visit!! 

Have You decided where You are going? :-)


Not yet, but I think Kahna may be a winner. Just because the likely hood of seeing a large male is much higher there than other places. It seems like Ranth is almost to "touristy" if that makes sense. I want to see a tiger and I know there is no guarantee in Kaziranga or Corbett but Kahna almost guarantees a sighting while still offering a genuine forest feel. At least from what I have read. Still undecided though


I ended up going to Thailand instead. (Random, I know)
The oppurtunity presented it self and it is a little more cost effective. I'll try to get to the Tiger Temples and definitely get some images and stories if I can. I am going to costa rica in feb. for a friends 30th so I just didn't think I could afford India and Costa Rica. But Thailand is beautiful from what I hear, and I am looking forward to going there. Plus its 13 hours to Hong Kong then another 3 hours to Thailand, so it better be. haha

I will go to India, that is for sure. I just think it I may have to wait a few more years till I do so. It will give me time to really save up for it, I hope.
Just figured I'd give you an update.


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 12-04-2014, 12:08 AM by Apollo )


Name               : T41=Junglee=Berda Female
Location          : Ranthambore National Park
Year of Birth   : 2008
Ancestry          : Daughter of X male and T4 tigress
Status              : LIVE
Gender             : Female
Species             : panthera tigris tigris

Junglee was born in 2008 at Berda valley for T4 tigress and X male (Big Daddy). She also had a brother Berda male cub (T40), when these cubs were around one year old there mother (T4) died due to infection caused on an injury while fighting another tiger over a prey. After her death both the cubs were orphaned, both the brother and sister started looking after each other and stayed together. Both these cubs were often seen hunting together, sharing meals, playing and backing each other up.

Here is a pic of these cubs playing with T40 on top 

*This image is copyright of its original author

Here is another pic where Junglee is stalking her brother

*This image is copyright of its original author

After a year or so, the Semli male (T6) entered there territory and forcefully driven off T40 from the area and took control of this territory. Fortunately Junglee made peace with Semli male and they both were seen mating together. T41’s range now includes Berda, Semli, Bhakola valley and the Adidant region. 

T41 had her first litter in 2012 and unforuntely none of the cubs survived. Currently she is having a male cub from her second litter in 2013. Junglee is definitely a great survivor and a good example, she lost her mother and father when she was a cub, struggled to survive along with her brother, lost her brother and the first litter and right now she is a mother of one cub strong, confident and ready to face any challenge in life.

*This image is copyright of its original author


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