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Tiger Directory

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(11-19-2020, 12:16 AM)Rage2277 Wrote:
*This image is copyright of its original author
the new transient male in tadoba posted by @Pckts is a grandson of jai

Does he belong to Bali or Jaichand?

United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

not sure which one but he's no doubt from that bloodline looking at his features @Pckts  jai has a few sons still around if i recall
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Ashutosh Offline

Munna’s father and Umarpani’s grandfather - The famous Limping male from Kanha, early 2000s. Coincidentally, even Munna used to limp early on after being attacked by an adult male when he was a subadult.

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Czech Republic Charger01 Offline
Animal admirer & Vegan
( This post was last modified: 11-22-2020, 04:48 PM by Charger01 )

Can someone identify these tigers -


Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-22-2020, 05:07 PM by Rishi )

(11-22-2020, 04:46 PM)Khan85 Wrote: Can someone identify these tigers -

Now that's hard to tell. The stripes look like they're from Terai, or Nilgiri. Could be captive.

Share more details about source etc. please.
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

(11-22-2020, 04:46 PM)Khan85 Wrote: Can someone identify these tigers -

they're from a zoo in india barnerghatta i believe, there's video of those two in a tussle from like 12 + years ago
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Czech Republic Charger01 Offline
Animal admirer & Vegan

Does someone happen to recognise this tiger?
Definitely a Terai specimen, Jim Corbett


United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Tiger Bandhavgarh  
Local Name               Number … See More
Tiger Bandhavgarh
Local Name               Number 
1: Kajari
2: Dotty                              T17               
3: dhabhadol Female
4: Mahman (Darha) in T24
5: Banbhi F T32
7: Tara
8: Mahman F T40
14:Spotty                              T41
15: Bhitari female
16: Chakdhara Female
17: Chakdhara girl 2017/2018 (1)
18: Chakdhara girl 2 (2017/18)
19: buffer wali female
20: Raw female 
21: Darha Bachhi 1 (2017/18)
2: Darrha baby 22
23: Bajrang
24: Little Bheem
25: Brother of Chota Bheem
26: Bheem T22
27: Chorbehra T29
28:Bamera Son                    T 37
29: Mahman                         T39
30: Small Charger T47
31:new male khituli
32: Mudatara Male
33: D2
34: D3
35: Chakrdhra Male 7D
36: Chakrdhra Male (2017/18)
37 : Spotty 1
38: Spotty 2
39: Spotty 3 
40: Dhabhadol 1
41: Dhabhadol 2
42: chakrdhra Cub 1
43 : Chakrdhra cub 2
44: Chakrdhra Cub 3
Ravi Bandhavgarh
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

(11-24-2020, 08:11 PM)Khan85 Wrote: Does someone happen to recognise this tiger?
Definitely a Terai specimen, Jim Corbett
not sure who this one is..tigers from corbett and other areas of the terai aren't as well known as tigers from other areas. i'll keep the pic to see if i find anything on him
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Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-26-2020, 01:34 PM by Rishi )

(11-24-2020, 08:11 PM)Khan85 Wrote: Does someone happen to recognise this tiger?
Definitely a Terai specimen, Jim Corbett
(11-26-2020, 01:03 PM)Rage2277 Wrote: not sure who this one is..tigers from corbett and other areas of the terai aren't as well known as tigers from other areas. i'll keep the pic to see if i find anything on him

This is a screengrab from that video... once posted here only. He's called the highway male or something like that. I can't remember.

This guy here;
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Czech Republic Charger01 Offline
Animal admirer & Vegan

Alright, thanks Rage and Rishi 

Here is pic of the other flank in case you need for identification 


Rishi Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-27-2020, 06:46 AM by Rishi )

(11-26-2020, 11:06 PM)Khan85 Wrote: Alright, thanks Rage and Rishi 

Here is pic of the other flank in case you need for identification 

Definitely him, rather share the full video if you have it...
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Czech Republic Charger01 Offline
Animal admirer & Vegan
( This post was last modified: 11-27-2020, 03:50 PM by Charger01 )

from 5:05 to 5:12 and 9:34 to 9:42
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HansMarks Offline
New Join

(08-11-2014, 01:56 PM)Vijay Rajan Wrote:
Pantherinae\ dateline='\'1407620812' Wrote: Hi @Apollo 

do You have any information regarding T-10? 

T-10 was born in the 1st litter of Tigress Mallika (T-9) of Dhunderwal Darrah area (out of tourism zone), in 2004.

His sibling, Female T-11, still resides in & around her mother's area and is the mate of T-33, the dominant male there.

His father was X Male or the Chiroli male (T-2).

T-10 was translocated to Sariska in June 2008 & given ID of ST-1.

He died in November 2010 due to poisoning by villagers (revenge killing) since he preyed only on Cattle. The forest department had famously proclaimed cause of death to be in-fighting but the Autopsy report nailed the reason as poisoning after finding traces of Organophosphurus insecticide in the viscera. Interestingly, despite being radio-collared (like all other Tigers of Sariska), the monitoring team had not tracked him for almost a month leading to his death.

United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 11-30-2020, 08:27 PM by Rage2277 )

*This image is copyright of its original author
A rare sighting of the extremely shy Mudatara Male of Bandhavgarh. His spotting was least expected and unanticipated, but how we managed to get a glimpse of him is another story. Our' s was one of the two vehicles that managed to sight him cross the road.  the guy said he did some photoshop work to enhance the brightness of the tiger it looks so unnatural though it has the appearance of a sticker [color=var(--primary-text)]
[color=var(--secondary-text)]=AZVhPany8YBYAePbEBwIemv6cIuoEBVAqbgAIDgGnCC8TAh92WSYnYwPA6xaY6K3rGLjPxwvdByLBGoE3Ozp-9meE86hf_y239ptnxublBepLlYLVdRluyBl4rqlfRa7xJFBwMm7PvDoIbSoaLsL79pz&__tn__=-UC*F]Ayan Bhattacharya


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