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The Mighty Mapogos

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 04-09-2017, 04:51 AM by Tshokwane )

No one said, not here at least, that there was a 5 vs 4 confrontation, it would have had a very clear ending. As history shows, it did not happen that way.

And no, the Mapogos didn't "scare them off". 

Furthermore, you can't have both. Either they cared enough to go and fight for it, or they didn't.

The end result is extremely clear for everyone to see. It can't be argued, because Rasta was killed (no one said he was eaten), and Pretty boy was badly injured.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Keep the discussion gentle and clam.
In between
Just completed a t-shirt for mapogos fans
Mapogos lion tshirt
*This image is copyright of its original author

@Buy at :
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South Africa HouseOfLions Offline

(04-09-2017, 04:50 AM)Tshokwane Wrote: No one said, not here at least, that there was a 5 vs 4 confrontation, it would have had a very clear ending. As history shows, it did not happen that way.

And no, the Mapogos didn't "scare them off". 

Furthermore, you can't have both. Either they cared enough to go and fight for it, or they didn't.

The end result is extremely clear for everyone to see. It can't be argued, because Rasta was killed (no one said he was eaten), and Pretty boy was badly injured.

I didn't say anyone did specifically said that, all I said was, and i quote, "to clear any misunderstanding among new/upcoming users who still might think that the 4 manginjis fought and defeated the 5 Mapogos when the Mapogos came to challenge them". It was for new/specific users who didn't know better. I know most users here, including you, already knew this but since this is a information site about lions and new users join almost every day, I though there might be some in that crop that didn't know better. That was all.

The Mapogos did indeed scare them, when the mapogos came back to challenge them, the manginjis never replied for their calls and stayed hidden. This is a known fact that the manginjis infact did avoid a confrontation, this info that I posted from Mike Miller shows another side of it. Maybe the manginjis did infact confront the mapogos but were scared off. I believe all lions are kings so if the mapogos did come into the manginjis territory, the manginjis would have replied back, there is no two ways about it. All lions are courageous and confront danger even when outnumbered, some lions like T and Kinky do this more often than others but the point is, all lions do.

Infact, I am sure most fans didn't even know about this report from Mike Miller. Miller is not a famous ranger, like William Botha or Rob so his articles can have have been looked over. Infact, I don' even remember  when I read this article from him and was lucky enough to have found a copy, that hadn't been taken down or have it's URL changed.

I am not saying about having it both ways. The Mapogos came back to take revenge but the manginjis were not in the mood to fight and took off. The Mapogos, who already had a massive territory in the west were satisfied and left. They has successfully scared off the lions and taught they had won. I don't see how this is dissimilar to what the manginjis had done, they also leave their land and move on following a their prides. You have to remember that the west mapogos already had land and prides in the west and due to their age, they were satisfied. 

So after they had scared off the manginjis, they went back to their prides like how a man goes back to his family. Nothing wrong about this. Rusta was killed after he was caught either he was caught alone by the manginjis or with PB. So again, it was a 1/2 vs 4, like it was with the mlowathis. And Rusta getting killed is not being discussed here, what I am discussing is that when the Mapogos came as a group the manginjis never dared to even approach them and if we factor in this report by Miller, it becomes clear that they were scared off "well into the kruger".

And if we consider rusta getting killed, why wasn't any proof found of this? We have a sound cam which is shoddy and then we have a Rob words that speculate that rusta was killed here, even though he wasn't even their to witness the induced as he was at idube. No proof of rusta being in a fight has ever been found and that sound cam tells the story of only one lion in pain, which could have been either rusta or PB. And why can't what happened to dreadlocks, have happened to rusta? Dreads was thought to have been eaten by crocs but Botha came forward and told the truth abut his poaching. Before this, all the rangers were hush-hush about this. 

Sorry for going off topic, my main point is that people need to understand that the manginjis did infact avoid a direct conflict with the Mapogos, who were on a warpath. Infact, many logeded did report that they heard 5 lions roaring and marking territory in the manginjis territory and there was no reply from the manginjis. And then if we factor in the Mike Miller report, which he gathered from other lodges, we can tell why the manginjis never replied - it was because they were already scared off into the kruger.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Uh, no.

Like I said, the Majingilane males were in Nkorho, had been there days prior to that, and stayed there for some days more, then moved towards Elephant plains.
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United States Chris M. Offline
New Member

(04-09-2017, 04:50 AM)Tshokwane Wrote: The end result is extremely clear for everyone to see. It can't be argued, because Rasta was killed (no one said he was eaten), and Pretty boy was badly injured.

I believe Rasta was dying from the injuries but not killed during the confrontation. Since PB was also involving during the fight; so the 4 Majingilanes shouldn't be able just to attack Rasta like how they did to KT. And then the other 3 Mapogos came for rescue and the Majingilanes decide to retreat. Thanks for that Rasta and PB both manage to survive the confrontation.

The rangers didn't find any Rasta's remain on the scene that must explain he was still alive by then. He and PB must go somewhere to hide and try to recovery; unfortunately he was succumbing to his wounds but PB manages to survive and reappeared after.
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Austria Lionpower Offline

(04-09-2017, 04:50 AM)Tshokwane Wrote: No one said, not here at least, that there was a 5 vs 4 confrontation, it would have had a very clear ending. As history shows, it did not happen that way.

And no, the Mapogos didn't "scare them off". 

Furthermore, you can't have both. Either they cared enough to go and fight for it, or they didn't.

The end result is extremely clear for everyone to see. It can't be argued, because Rasta was killed (no one said he was eaten), and Pretty boy was badly injured.

I thought that there was no physical confrontation between the remaining 5 Mapogos and the 4 Magjingilane?
So you suppose that the 5 Mapogos went to confront the 4 Magjingis and in the process of that Rasta was killed and PB was injured? Is there any proof to your theory?
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sik94 Offline

(04-10-2017, 10:31 AM)LionKiss Wrote:
(04-10-2017, 09:45 AM)Chris M. Wrote: I believe Rasta was dying from the injuries but not killed during the confrontation. Since PB was also involving during the fight; so the 4 Majingilanes shouldn't be able just to attack Rasta like how they did to KT. And then the other 3 Mapogos came for rescue and the Majingilanes decide to retreat. Thanks for that Rasta and PB both manage to survive the confrontation.

The rangers didn't find any Rasta's remain on the scene that must explain he was still alive by then. He and PB must go somewhere to hide and try to recovery; unfortunately he was succumbing to his wounds but PB manages to survive and reappeared after.

all this you said is pure speculation, there is no evidence that it took place
and this speculation of yours involves the assumption which has never been confirmed in the entire life of the Majingilane.
that the 4 Majingilane attacked 2 big lions,
The Majingilane have never attacked 2 big lions, ever.
What? 4 male lions would take on any two male lions any day, no matter how big they are. Two old Majingilanes chased the two huge Matimbas a few months back, If there were two more Majingilanes on the scene it would have been a bloodbath for the Matimbas. You are making an assumption. What Chris M. said seems very plausible actually.
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

5 mapogo never had a fight with 4 majingilanes....
and rasta was killed by majingilanes is also a speculation. 
because in 2010 their is a big poaching problem going on in sabi sands even some rangers told me that. 
may be rasta and pb both fought 4 majingilanes but after that only pb arrives and rasta disappeared and rangers cant found a single bone of rasta. its pointing out the poaching problem going on in sabi sands just after some months dreadlocks also disappeared and some people speculate that majingilanes killed him although it was confirmed in 2015 that dreadlocks was poached.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Please add pictures, video and information. We do not want fight here base on speculation of rangers and all.
 Any further comment will be deleted.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Do not reply me, I have heard all of you enough Angry . Its time to all of you to hear me. If you have some thing valuable which we all can appreciate than continue here, else its better to live as a non banned member of WildFact forum and read information. I do not want that this beautiful thread dedicated to one of the greatest coalition is ruined by bunch of fanatical fans for just to prove their points which has no valid/acceptable support.

No matter what happened in history Mapogos are definitely one of the legends in lion words.

Remember, I said NO... means NO...
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

Mr T The legend
Artwork by me

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(04-10-2017, 10:52 AM)Lionpower Wrote: So you suppose that the 5 Mapogos went to confront the 4 Magjingis and in the process of that Rasta was killed and PB was injured? Is there any proof to your theory?

No. That's not my theory, I don't see how you get that from my words. 

In fact, I'm against the idea of a 5 vs 4 fight. I've told you many times that the older males have the advantage almost all the time.

What I think, based on the little information there's available, is that there was a 4 vs 2 confrontation, maybe even a 4 vs Rasta and then PB came late and was caught and beaten up.

@fursan syed the reason he wasn't found has not anything to do with poaching, rather that he must have been still alive and retreated into an area where the rangers didn't have access to, after all Pretty boy did the same. It's not a surprise they never found him, they couldn't enter that land because it was private property. Scavengers are very good in what they do, and it wouldn't have been long for him to go away, remember how clean Hip scar's body was, and only a couple of days had passed.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

@Tshokwane, let it go. There is no point in beating dead horse.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(04-11-2017, 08:11 PM)sanjay Wrote: @Tshokwane, let it go. There is no point in beating dead horse.

I agree completely, in fact I intented it to be the last one. A good discussion is always welcomed, but we've discussed the subject before, so at some point there's going to be repetition of things.

Moving on now.
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South Africa Sideliner Offline
Regular Member

*This image is copyright of its original author
"Mapogo member "Dreadlocks" with Ximhungwe lioness trying again after the lost of "Super cub"
The mother lost the other cubs at young age and it often happens she abondened the last remaining cub but this cub fought for its survival it followed the mother and the pride , at age where it was meant to be in densite this little cubby fought on running behind the pride against all odds it survived until the we new cubs born in the pride which made his life bit easy. Unfortunately just when all was looking great for him Mr T came back killed him and all the other cubs."
© Khimbini Hlongwane (posted on July 29 2010)
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