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The Mighty Mapogos

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-16-2017, 11:53 PM by Pckts )

(03-16-2017, 11:18 PM)fursan syed Wrote: @Pckts 
Take a look
MR T wasnot caught he stood his ground against 4 selatis.

The End Of An Era - Friday, March 16, 2012
Posted by Idube Game Reserve

Today saw the end of the reign of the Mapogo coalition as the dominant lions in our area. The four males of the Southern or Selati coalition have reduced the once mighty coalition to a partnership of two old men. This morning a fierce battle took place between the two coalitions, the four young males emerging victorious, fatally wounding the Mapogo Male known variously as Mohawk, Mr.T or SaTan. The two remaining Mapogo fled east all but giving up their territory to the new males. It seems that Mr.T stood his ground as the four younger males approached, giving the two older males a chance to escape, whether this was the intention is debatable but many would like to see it that way, a noble end to perhaps the most notorious anti-hero of the coalition.

Again, this is subjective, standing his ground because he is surrounded, seeking a fight with 4 males are two different things. Since we don't have evidence of the beginning of the fight, correct? It's all speculative...

I said to watch your mouth cause your post was filled with inappropriate language directed at me as well as calling me ignorant.

"T fought them over and over and KEPT GETTING UP, even with crushed genitals, broken backbone and useless hind legs. He kept growling/roaring at them and he kept fighting."
What is he supposed to do?

"T KNEW he was going to die that day but he CHOOSE to die like this BECAUSE HE WAS A WARRIOR LION"
This is what I mean, you're making him as some sort of lion super hero, he did what lions do, he fought and died on his shield.
He's not the first to do so and he won't be the last.

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, and intentions to non-human entities[1] and is considered to be an innate tendency of human psychology.[2]
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-17-2017, 01:06 AM by Pckts )

"what about the video that was taken live?"

You mean this one?

1:06 where KT is chased down, I'm sure Mr. T was being chased down as well since they're usually together, then kinky tail is mauled, spine broke then Mr. T comes back to try and help, he's attacked by two Majin. then he "tucks tail and runs" being chased by two Majin. while the other two finish off KT?

March 16, 2012 Selatis enter and go after the Mapogo.. they hear roaring..
they single out on mapogo, @ 1:20 they come up on an already injured Mr. T
"by the time I arrived at the scene, Mr. T had already been attacked"

Mr. T ran once, as a smart lion should do and he died by a group of lions who tracked him down. How it transpired, is unknown.
He fought till the end just like the singled out Majin, who fought till the very end against Mr. T and KT (specifically mentioned in the doc)

"Why is it wrong if I am making it seem like he is a superhero? Are you getting triggered because your favorite lions are not this brave and run away from battles"
"favorite lions"
No, I'm not a fanatic, I like all lions and understand nature. Leave the emotional responses and immature name calling out of it, if somebody disagrees with you then deal with it in a mature manor. Petty name calling is going to get you banned, nobody want's that, so try to tone it down.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-17-2017, 01:59 AM by Tshokwane )

@HouseOfLions you "won't stand up" for what, exactly? 

A well written article by someone that actually knows about lions? An opinion based off many articles written by those who saw him?...

So if I were you I would have a lot of care with how you phrase what you want to say. We already had a lot of trouble on this thread thanks to the ignorant arrogance of Georgel, and I don't really have any interest of going through that again.

Fursan's example is enough to show you that you can both have the same thinking about the Mapogos and express it in a respectful way.

So either you take out your fanatic shirt and talk in a civil manner with everyone that doesn't share your opinion, or you get out. The door is just right there.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Rory James Loader.

Pic taken at Londolozi Private Game Reserve (2010).

*This image is copyright of its original author
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South Africa HouseOfLions Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-17-2017, 02:14 AM by HouseOfLions )

(03-17-2017, 01:58 AM)Tshokwane Wrote: @HouseOfLions you "won't stand up" for what, exactly? 

A well written article by someone that actually knows about lions? An opinion based off many articles written by those who saw him?...

So if I were you I would have a lot of care with how you phrase what you want to say. We already had a lot of trouble on this thread thanks to the ignorant arrogance of Georgel, and I don't really have any interest of going through that again.

Fursan's example is enough to show you that you can both have the same thinking about the Mapogos and express it in a respectful way.

So either you take out your fanatic shirt and talk in a civil manner with everyone that doesn't share your opinion, or you get out. The door is just right there.

What I won't stand for is some of his assumptions that he made about the Mapogos. And just because he is respected ranger doesn't mean he is always right. I said some of the things inside his article were fabulated by him and that was true. He fabulated about rasta death, even after he had no proof of what happened. He then said the 3 Mapogos were no match for the selati males but only T was the one who fought them that day. When they did have a clash, it was the 3 old Mapogos that sent them packing, not the other way around! He then tried to imply that the manginjis fought and beat the Mapogos, which was a LIE! He then tried to play around the fact that Dreads was poached!

So yes, his article did have mistakes and for a homage to an amazing lion, it WAS DISGRACEFUL!

I was talking in a civil manner but the person I was talking to disregarded every proof given to him and started to make up his own "subjective" stories, without any proof, even after the rangers testimony was against his.

I am sorry for calling the other person ignorant but what else do you suppose I do when that said people disregards any proof given to him/her but and then makes you look like the bad guy?
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South Africa HouseOfLions Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-17-2017, 02:12 AM by HouseOfLions )

So when I tell the truth about the manginjis running scared of the mlowathis (twice), my comments gets deleted but when he said that T ran away "with his tail between his legs", his comment gets liked? Why is this happening?
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

What else to do? 

You shut your mouth. Simple. Because what you're going by is your own assumptions also. Enough of it now, please.
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South Africa HouseOfLions Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-17-2017, 02:21 AM by HouseOfLions )

(03-17-2017, 02:14 AM)Tshokwane Wrote: What else to do? 

You shut your mouth. Simple. Because what you're going by is your own assumptions also. Enough of it now, please.

I am going by assumption even after what I said is collaborated both by video proof and ranger testimony? Not being rude but do you know what assumption even means? I am going to stop now then!
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

Mr t was roaring all night before the march 16. And khimbini can confirm this he stood his ground against 4 lions himself. They all 3 were running towards selatis but suddenly Mak and Pretty boy change their direction runs back.while Mr T met 3 selatis himself soon after 4th selati also join the fight. before mr t's spine broke you can see in the video at 5.00 he was standing and waiting for selatis attack.
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Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member

Could someone explain why MrT's dead body was buried in a secret place?
Is this what the rangers do to dead animals?
As far as I know dead animals are left to other animals to feed on.
This is what happened to Hip Scar, to the young Sparta, to Diamond Toulon,

was MrT's dead body not good for other animals to eat??

Could someone answer this? 
Is not it a little suspicious?
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Thierry Offline

(03-17-2017, 10:21 AM)fursan syed Wrote: Mr t was roaring all night before the march 16. And khimbini can confirm this he stood his ground against 4 lions himself. They all 3 were running towards selatis but suddenly Mak and Pretty boy change their direction runs back.while Mr T met 3 selatis himself soon after 4th selati also join the fight. before mr t's spine broke you can see in the video at 5.00 he was standing and waiting for selatis attack.

First, sorry for my bad english.

Mr.T was a lion, not a superhero.

"Mak and Pretty boy change their direction runs back.while Mr T met 3 selatis"

Mak and Pretty boy did, what lions do usually, when they think, they can't challenge younger males .
At 5.00 in the video, Mr T stand, that's right, but we don't know exactly why.
May be Mr T couldn't escape. Wounded or knowing that he couldn't run quick enough, because he tried it and it didn't work ?
If it was not the case, may be he was victim, once more, from his behaviour at the limits of normality by lions.
Excess of testosterone ? Behaviour disorder ?
May be Mr T could simply not realize, that he had no chance in this fight.
Possible, that biological or psychological reasons made, that, all his life, Mr T wasn't able to have a totally normal behaviour for lions.
Lions, like other animals, do not tend to suicide, especially by going deliberately in fights, with no chance to win.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-17-2017, 06:04 PM by Pckts )

He's standing to try and protect himself, he's already wounded and you can even see blood dripping down his hip. If you're talking about he video posted by the mapogos fb page yesterday?
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South Africa HouseOfLions Offline

(03-17-2017, 11:30 AM)LionKiss Wrote: Could someone explain why MrT's dead body was buried in a secret place?
Is this what the rangers do to dead animals?
As far as I know dead animals are left to other animals to feed on.
This is what happened to Hip Scar, to the young Sparta, to Diamond Toulon,

was MrT's dead body not good for other animals to eat??

Could someone answer this? 
Is not it a little suspicious?
After T died, rangers took his body to study it for Bovine TB and other things. That is why we have an autopsy of his body. That burial part, no one has been given a single proof if he was actually buried or not, just rangers saying they did - but in a secret location.

But if you want to know why he was buried, that is because he was a special lion and rangers KNEW this. And to give him the respect a dead king deserves, they made sure that no one scavenged him and then gave him a burial (if they actually did)!
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 03-17-2017, 06:37 PM by Pckts )

No one is "spreading misinformation" you can clearly see it in the video, it's even slowed down. Also, you can clearly see a limp as well as him being surrounded, so once again, the encounter had already happened.
The fight starts at 2;22 with Mr. T already lying down, why would he be lying down if he's ready to fight? Prior to that the lions are all resting and panting heavily, hence activity prior. You're clearly speculating on what happened prior, you have no idea how it played out. Since the only video's both start after the fighting had already begun.

Also I'm curious, since it's confirmed he "tucked tail and ran" from the majingilane's, what's your opionion on that?
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South Africa HouseOfLions Offline

I never speculated on what happened prior as not even the rangers know. What they do know is that T was roaring all night before and then he was found with the 3 selati males, growling. And you keep saying that I speculating but you yourself have been doing the same thing. The only difference is, you have been speculating against what many rangers (wh were there and have more say that me or you) have said!
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