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The Mighty Mapogos

Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

Also the killing of 5 sons of Mapogos the sand river males . They are also the victim of humans..
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 11-08-2016, 01:42 PM by fursan syed )

Mapogo Takedown - Hippo
November,26 2010

3 Mapogos Kill a hippo (© Heinrich Röntgen/ November 26, 2010) "At Shigamba pan this morning, we came across something quite special We followed the 3 males for a while on game drive last night, it was a pretty quiet and dark night with the moon’s light not shining through the heavy clouds. The 3 gave us an amazing roar very close to the vehicle while moving across a clearing. We then left the males as they silently moved into thick bush, certainly knowing where they were heading. During the night they roared quite loud close to the camp, so we knew they hadn‘t gone too far. This morning, starting our drive, not sure what the morning would hold, we left the lodge with a beautiful sunrise. Looking for tracks on one of the roads in the direction where the males were headed, to see if they crossed we did a loop back towards the clearing in front of the lodge and came across the 3 lions. 2 of the lions were already sleeping, as they had their fill and the one male was still busy with the hippo and then soon after dragged it into a bush nearby the watering hole. They had killed this young hippo during the night and had already eaten quite a bit of it. If we had been 10minutes later we might have missed all the action, but it was incredible seeing the male’s strength as he pulled the carcass down into the thicket. We’ve seen the hippo around the watering hole numerous times, so it was quite sad seeing that the lions had taken him down, but on the other hand it’s so great seeing them do what they do best. This was another special morning in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve."

Pretty Boy Mapogo pc Heinrich Röntgen

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 11-08-2016, 01:57 PM by fursan syed )

November 26, 2010 
Pretty Boy Mapogo with a Hippo kill

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

November 26, 2010 
Pretty Boy Mapogo with a Hippo kill

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

November 26, 2010 
Pretty Boy Mapogo with a Hippo kill

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

November 26, 2010 
Pretty Boy Mapogo with a Hippo kill

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

November 2010 
Makhulu, Dreadlocks and Pretty boy feasting on a hippo

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

@Georgel i totally agree with you. May be if this type of things continue i will leave the forum.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Mr @Georgel 
I am seeing you are crossing limit all the times
1. You don't have any respect for the mods.
2. Its not long time since you join the forum and you start facing all kind of problem here. You are raising question in credibility of 5-6 posters who post lions information? Let me tell you, we are good to go with only 5-6 members, we don't need problem creating members. Majingilane has contributed through out the WidlFact forum and he is one of the respected member here. May be he have said little off topic during discussion but it is better to move ahead instead of repeating that things and fighting over it. We know how to react when people start breaking rules so don't teach us how to and what to do here.
3. We are here to discuss and learn about all lions, Mapogos are a subset of it, not the superset. Try to appreciate and contribute about lions. Do not make wild guesses here about moderators.
4. Let me clear you, WildFact is not hungry for more members, We only need calm and mature people who can take part in constructive debate and can produce something good for future.

finally, If you can not obey the rules, respect mods or other members and want to counter attacks in your replies, than it is better to leave this place.

And this message is for all members who feel problem at WildFact.
Also, there should be no nonsense posted here. Final warning to all
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Greece LionKiss Offline
Regular Member

since there is a lot of confrontation and hard feelings here between the members of this forum I would like to say that we must respect each other's right to express his/her opinion freely.
This does not mean that we adopt his/her point of view and we can express our disagreement freely but in a decent manner.
It is true that the Mapogos is not a usual case and there is a lot of unanswered issues, some people suspect that there was human intervention some other categorically reject this..
the problem is that there is no enough documentation to be sure, therefore people can make assumptions.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 11-08-2016, 07:06 PM by sanjay )

Last: No any explanation will be given here, If you need to discuss any problem please make another thread in Debate Section.

@fursan syed and other please continue to post good photos, and info about Mapogos here. Any other post below it in reply of me or majingilane will be deleted without second thought.
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

(11-08-2016, 06:25 PM)LionKiss Wrote: since there is a lot of confrontation and hard feelings here between the members of this forum I would like to say that we must respect each other's right to express his/her opinion freely.
This does not mean that we adopt his/her point of view and we can express our disagreement freely but in a decent manner.
It is true that the Mapogos is not a usual case and there is a lot of unanswered issues, some people suspect that there was human intervention some other categorically reject this..
the problem is that there is no enough documentation to be sure, therefore people can make assumptions.

well its a fact that humans have a roll in the fall of Mapogos in 2012 . Dreadlocks poaching is not a suspect its a truth brother. also if the mapogos 5 sons are not killed by willem botha they were still be in sabi sands or kruger may be after they reach prime they could challenge there own fathers who knows what happened if they survived after all they had same genes of there warrior Fathers Mapogos and Savage Grand Fathers West Street Males .
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

Sabi Sand have lots of Foggy issues. its not a Poaching free area. Largest matimba Naduna was poached, Tegwan Leopard was poached , Dreadlocks was poached. Mapogo 5 Sons were killed by sabi sand wardens 
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

i am searching for many unanswered questions . like why Dreadlocks poaching is never been publicly announced. why they stay silent for 5 years. why Mr T body is burried on a undisclosed location? they said they do a autopsy of a Mr T's Body and they dont take a single photo of it. this is strange. i doubt if it was really burried.  my point is any impressive specimen of any species in Sabi sand is not Safe . Sabi sand officials will have to take serious steps on it. it seems Dollars are the reason behind it. also its something to do with the local towns of limpopo near sabi sands
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

also a new problem is emerging in sabi sand. an outbreak of mange, a very contagious skin disease Already six cubs of Styx Pride have died and the remaining two are expected to die shortly. it's not just the cubs. It is said to have spread from the Birmingham boys...& as we all all know males generally have more than one pride, it has now started affecting the Nkuhuma pride.  Scrapper Birmingham is died because of it.all lions will need to be darted & treated at the same time.also it can spread to greater kruger because there are no fencing between SS and Kruger.  sabi sand officials doing nothing about it.

Lion cub with mange disease in sabi sand
*This image is copyright of its original author
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