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The Mighty Mapogos

Panama Mapokser Offline

@Ttimemarti I've made a post on Mangheni thread proving this notion wrong. People say that because Mr.T and KT controlled most of the core Tsalala territory by 2010.

According to Rob ( the ranger ) both groups of Mapogo controlled the Tsalala pride at the time and their territory overlapped with that of both group of Mapogos. He also adds that Tsalalas denned on Singita and that Western Mapogos spent more time in Singita than Mr.T and KT did ( which makes sense since it was Western Mapogo land ), then also adds that he has footage of the Western Mapogos interacting with the Mangheni subadults ( if they haven't mated with the mothers they'd very likely have killed them, WildEarth reported that 5 younger Mapogos killed Makhulu's Othawa cubs in 2007 and we know what Mr.T did to his Ximhungwe nephews ) and ends up saying we'll never know which of the 6 sired the Manghenis, any of them can be a father.
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ADF_6MF Offline
New Join

1. Hello, Wildfact folks.

I would like to create a discussion forum about Mapogo Lions.

I am a scholar of the Mapogo Lions saga and I present here my meditations and observations on this subject.

Respectful comments from readers will always be welcome. No one owns the truth. We are eternal learners.

2. It is a long, complex text with lots of data and observations.

I will divide it into 7 parts, in order to facilitate reading and comprehension.

Thanks in advance to those who read it.

These 7 parts are the result of a lot of work and research.

I tried my best to bring an account close to reality. I may be mistaken about some information.

The text is in English, but was originally produced in the Portuguese of Brazil.

Happy reading everyone.

Panama Mapokser Offline

A friend sent me screenshots from a video comparing Mapogos with the WSM and I always knew about the claim that coincidentally each one of the 5 WSM got to sire at least one Mapogo, but could it be true?

Older Mapogo twins and Blondie WSM:

*This image is copyright of its original author

I'm basically 100% sure Blondie was at least PB's father since they were copies of each other:

And the twins were quite similar looking:

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*This image is copyright of its original author

So Blondie was likely Rasta's father too.

Another one that's pretty obvious is Mak Senior and Makhulu:

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Mak Senior's descendents all have his face going by Makhulu, the Sparta Lioness who died in the same month as Makhulu, and at least one of the Rollercoaster males.

Sparta/Eyrefield lioness, Makhulu's half-sister, died in the same month as him:

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Then there's Scar Nose and Kinky Tail:

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I mean there's no way this guy is not Kinky Tail's father right?

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/\ By Eplynch.

Then we have Scar Eyebrow and Dreadlocks:

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They are very similar, and look a lot like one of the Selati males and at least one of the Rollercoasters, but not only that, Scar Eyebrow is the WSM whose Dreadlocks resembles the most.

Last but not least, Broken Nose and Mr.T:

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Also very similar looking and both, coincidentally, broke their noses.
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lucas_kruger Offline

opa oi pessoal, tudo bem? Alguém conhece um tópico ou algo parecido para estudar a história do campo de golfe dos leões pai masculino dos selatis, não encontrei nada. estou tentando encontrar algo ou alguma evidência de sua luta contra os meninos mlowathis (mapogos) em 2009/2010. Consegui algumas imagens do mr.t lesionado após a luta contra eles e vi um vídeo dizendo que até postaram uma reportagem sobre o londolozi. Quem puder me ajudar, ficarei grato e estarei no aguardo

Gavskrr Offline
Regular Member

(06-12-2023, 01:52 AM)lucas_kruger Wrote: opa oi pessoal, tudo bem? Alguém conhece um tópico ou algo parecido para estudar a história do campo de golfe dos leões pai masculino dos selatis, não encontrei nada. estou tentando encontrar algo ou alguma evidência de sua luta contra os meninos mlowathis (mapogos) em 2009/2010. Consegui algumas imagens do mr.t lesionado após a luta contra eles e vi um vídeo dizendo que até postaram uma reportagem sobre o londolozi. Quem puder me ajudar, ficarei grato e estarei no aguardo

there is a page on facebook with the name of the coalition that has a summary about them if it helps, in addition to some videos on youtube telling their story I suggest searching for "golf course males lions" alias so that everyone can respond in the best way you have to send the messages in english. /// tem uma página no facebook com o nome da coalizão com um resumo sobre eles se ajudar, além de alguns vídeos no youtube contando a história deles, sugiro procurar por "golf course male lions".  para que todos possam responder da melhor maneira você tem para enviar as mensagens em inglês
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lucas_kruger Offline

Guys, I was seeing some posts here in the topic, and there was a debate about who won makhulu x nhlanguleni, and who actually won this fight in the end? why both makhulu and nhlanguleni were lamely heavy from wounds
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Makhulu Mapogo in comparison to one of his 2 ( or last ) remaining daughters/nieces and one of his many granddaughters/grandnieces:

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By Roger Hlongwane, the Mapogo daughter on the left and the granddaughter on the right:

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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(06-23-2023, 02:15 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Makhulu Mapogo in comparison to one of his 2 ( or last ) remaining daughters/nieces and one of his many granddaughters/grandnieces:

*This image is copyright of its original author

By Roger Hlongwane, the Mapogo daughter on the left and the granddaughter on the right:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Big boys sister reminds me of mr t But this girl is makhulus twin
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lucas_kruger Offline

And guys, I have several photos of the mapogos and I really wanted to be able to share them but I don't know how to share an image/photo here, who can give me that strength
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member

(06-24-2023, 11:46 PM)lucas_kruger Wrote: And guys, I have several photos of the mapogos and I really wanted to be able to share them but I don't know how to share an image/photo here, who can give me that strength

Information in the provided link should help you out with what you're wanting to do.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

(06-23-2023, 08:47 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote:
(06-23-2023, 02:15 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Makhulu Mapogo in comparison to one of his 2 ( or last ) remaining daughters/nieces and one of his many granddaughters/grandnieces:

*This image is copyright of its original author

By Roger Hlongwane, the Mapogo daughter on the left and the granddaughter on the right:

*This image is copyright of its original author

Big boys sister reminds me of mr t But this girl is makhulus twin

I might be wrong but IIRC this is the mother of the lioness you're talking about, she was the second of the 4 Mangheni to die:

*This image is copyright of its original author
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lucas_kruger Offline

e galera olha essa imagem aí, o que vocês acham do tamanho do rasta? Não acho que seja um tamanho impressionante, acho que o kinky tail é muito "melhor" se assim podemos dizer
*This image is copyright of its original author
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lucas_kruger Offline

Eu estava navegando no Facebook, estou em um grupo do mapogos no Facebook e vi uma postagem com várias imagens do mr.t com lesões de "supostas" lutas e nessa postagem havia uma foto e menção de ryan jhonston é aquele cara que participou no documentário dos leões mapogos e menciona que os mapogos lutaram contra o macho do campo de golfe (pai dos selatis) e que o macho do campo de golfe morreu nessa luta. mas o problema não há nenhum relatório/documento sobre essa luta, mas talvez possa ter acontecido, mas na minha dúvida, é possível que os mapogos tenham lutado com certas coligações como robsons e golf course male mesmo que não haja relatório, é possível que não o tenham feito este relato ou apenas se tivesse e foi deletado , estou tentando desvendar essas lutas , pois existem fanáticos e contras ,
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Panama Mapokser Offline

There are many talks about the Mapogos being average or even small lions, however even ignoring what Rob said about them being darted while still eating ( so not full ) and saying their peak weight was 230kg ( which is way above average of 190kg even if we correct the partial stomach content ), we can look at the current lions in the Sabi Sands and see that many of them aren't any bigger than some lionesses in terms of height and length. We see the Mapogo granddaughter side by side with the bigger BDM and she wasn't any smaller if at all, we see the same Kambulas bigger than the Ndhzengas and Gijimas hardly bigger than their lionesses too.

Thinking about that I thought about compiling photos of Mapogos side by side with the biggest lionesses of their time and guess what? They always looked big compared to them, be it in terms of height/length or bulk and overall frame.

Dreadlocks and 1/5 Ximhungwe:

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Screenshots from ALukgan's video.

Makhulu and 1/3 Tsalala:

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Credits: Rob/Idube.

Mr.T and 2/6 Styx:

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Credits: Maura Turolla.

Mr.T and Ximhungwes:

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Credits: Leo Vantage.

PB and 1/5 Ximhungwe:

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Credits: Leo Vantage.

PB and 1/5 Ximhungwe:

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Credits Khimbini/Inyati.

Rasta and 1/5 Ximhungwe:

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Credits: Leopard Hills.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Some more I had missed, old Makhulu and the Ximhungwes:

Makhulu and 1/5 Ximhungwe:

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Credits: Rob.

Makhulu, 1/5 Ximhungwe and cub:

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Credits: Rob.
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