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The Mighty Mapogos

Mapokser Offline

Does anybody know the exact year and month Mr.T and KT were born?

Ivo Gama Offline
New Join

Hello. I'm new in the forum. Can someone help me? I want to know the fights Makhulu Mapogo had with other male lions 1 vs 1? Does anyone knows? Greetings from Portugal ??

Italy Gabriele Offline
Regular Member

(04-28-2022, 02:36 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Does anybody know the exact year and month Mr.T and KT were born?

November 2001

Mapokser Offline

(04-28-2022, 03:09 AM)Gabriele Wrote:
(04-28-2022, 02:36 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Does anybody know the exact year and month Mr.T and KT were born?

November 2001

I always thought that, but do you have a source? Because the Mala Mala reports have him many months younger. In mid 2010 they were reporting that he was 8 years and some 7 months.

Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 04-28-2022, 07:09 AM by Mapokser )

(04-28-2022, 03:03 AM)Ivo Gama Wrote: Hello. I'm new in the forum. Can someone help me? I want to know the fights Makhulu Mapogo had with other male lions 1 vs 1? Does anyone knows? Greetings from Portugal ??


It's very rare for lions to fight lions from other coalitions 1v1, the risks are huge. However in early 2006 when the Mapogos were looking for their first territory, Makhulu ( still in his prime ) followed the prime dominant male of the Othawa Pride, Nhlanguleni and got into a fierce fight with him. He left with many scratches and bleeding a lot from his mouth, also one of his lower canine teeth was snapped in half.

Defeated, Nhlanguleni was seen limping badly and had a terrible wound on his face where Makhulu's canine was still hanging. He was later seen again I think two times before disappearing. The Mapogos conquered the territory.

There's also a series of confrontation with the 2 KNP Males in 2012 after Mr.T's death, when the elders Makhulu and Pretty Boy became nomads. They had many clashes with the big and prime KNP Freddy and Limper, and after one confrontation, Makhulu was seen with injuries, while the KNP males were apparently unhurt. Howerver not very long Limper's situation got worse and worse until his eventually died, so since after the clash only Makhulu had injuries ( PB was fine ) people especulate that Limper died from wounds inflicted by Makhulu in a 1v1.

IMO it's clear that in the middle of the 2 coalitions chasing each other, Makhulu had a confrontation with Limper who got some minor injuries from it ( report says that both KNP had seemigly no injuries/were fine so Makhulu can't have had given him serious injuries unless the ranger missed it somehow ) the injuries very likely infected and he later died from it.

You can read the reports of Makhulu vs Nhlanguleni here:

For the confrontations with the KNP males, there're a lot of reports and talks about it, so you'll have to make your own research.

These are the 1v1, but you can also give a look at other "fair fights" or fights while outnumbered that Makhulu had.

In 2011 with only 3 old Mapogos left, 3-4 of the huge Matimbas who were expanding at the time met the Mapogos at the borders of their territory and they had a huge fight, which ended up with the Matimbas not making new attempts of invading the Mapogo's territory, you can read a bit more about it here:

And also in 2012, the 4 remaining Selatis caught PB alone and when it seemed that he was done for, Makhulu and Mr.T showed up and fought off the intruders. PB survived but left the fight in a very bad shape and when the Selatis returned 1 month later, they killed Mr.T.

Now, apart from fighting rival males, lions normally fight their coalition partners for mating rights and sometimes for food too, and the Mapogos were known for fighting each other a lot and as the dominant male, we know that Makhulu dominated his brothers in such disputes, and even as late as 2009 ( when he was 11 ) rangers said that he was the first dominant one, followed by Dreadlocks.

We have one of these instances registered with pictures, in September 2009 Makhulu was with a lioness when he was attacked by Rasta, and perhaps a bit surprising, Rasta won, stealing the female from Makhulu, you can see the pictures of the fight here:

Impressive feat from Rasta considering that despite being 11, Makhulu was stated at the beginning of the year to be the most dominant by the ranger, winning most of the mating rights fights, and the second dominant male ( ranger said there were only 2 dominants ) was not even Rasta, but Dreadlocks.
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Italy Gabriele Offline
Regular Member

Three of the Mapogo Lion Coalition (Mr.T, Pretty Boy, and Dreadlocks) get ready for an afternoon patrol. The Mapogo lions were at this point down to four of the original six males of the coalition. The fourth Mapogo lion not in the clip was with a lioness when this was filmed.

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Abomai Offline

(04-28-2022, 06:08 AM)Mapokser Wrote:
(04-28-2022, 03:09 AM)Gabriele Wrote:
(04-28-2022, 02:36 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Does anybody know the exact year and month Mr.T and KT were born?

November 2001

I always thought that, but do you have a source? Because the Mala Mala reports have him many months younger. In mid 2010 they were reporting that he was 8 years and some 7 months.

If they were born Nov/2001, then they would be exactly 8yrs 7months by June/2010. The math is solid.

Mapokser Offline

(04-29-2022, 04:36 AM)Abomai Wrote:
(04-28-2022, 06:08 AM)Mapokser Wrote:
(04-28-2022, 03:09 AM)Gabriele Wrote:
(04-28-2022, 02:36 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Does anybody know the exact year and month Mr.T and KT were born?

November 2001

I always thought that, but do you have a source? Because the Mala Mala reports have him many months younger. In mid 2010 they were reporting that he was 8 years and some 7 months.

If they were born Nov/2001, then they would be exactly 8yrs 7months by June/2010. The math is solid.

Oops I got confused, I actually meant 2002, I've read they were born in 2001-02 so I always mess the years and get confused with the months. Yeah assuming Nov 2001 the Mala Mala reports make sense.
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Italy Gabriele Offline
Regular Member

Makulu of the Mapogo in love.
Makulu and a lioness from the Ximhungwe lion pride. Filmed only a couple of days before the Selati Lion Coalition took over the territory. I am not aware of any other times after this once the last two Mapogo became nomadic that they were witnessed courting any females succesfully.
Filmed in 2012, this footage has only been seen as short clips of the sighting not the entire scene shown here.

Makulu was still a huge beast and confirms himself as a 'ladies man' as you can see, despite being 13 and a half years old. We must not, however, think that 15 years is too old an age, like 70 human years or more. In human years 15 years of a lion correspond to just over 50 years, so a man still strong, but clearly not comparable to a young man of 25 or a man in full physical and mental vigor of 35-40.

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Italy Gabriele Offline
Regular Member

Another unreleased clip of the Mapogo lion coalition from late 2010, this one showing the bond between the group as Makulu Mapogo heads across to greet two of the brothers before resting.  
The Mapogo lions were territorial from 2006 - 2012 and their genes live on in their daughters in the Mangheni and Othawa prides, both who have raised the next generation already.
Filmed in the Sabi Sand Wildtuin, Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa.

In video Makulu, Dreadlocks and Pretty Boy

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Hairy tummy Offline
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(05-04-2022, 06:06 AM)Hairy tummy Wrote:

Lions subs at that time were big, muscular with more mane. At only 18 mnths age, big boy and golden mane, have more mane than nkuhuma subs ( sins of avocas) today, who are 2.5-almost 3 yes age. 

At that time subadults of 3 yrs age was almost equal size of 4.5 yrs nowadays.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 05-04-2022, 10:15 AM by Tr1x24 )

This video is fairly controverisal..

He claims that Blondie Fourways (who he calls big boy?) is son of Mapogos? 

Yea, not sure about that one, i didn't watch full video but i will to see if there any evidence for those claims.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Ok, this video we cant take serious.

No info/evidence for his claims.
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Italy Gabriele Offline
Regular Member

The majingilane 'who then made history' could have intervened in defense of their leader. They didn't, yet they were close by. The 5th was defending himself well, despite being young and alone inflicted several wounds on mr. T and above all to KT who limped conspicuously after the fight. In fact, the skull of the young 5th Majingi was much larger than that of Kinky Tail, he would have become a very large lion, perhaps like Makulu. However, his brothers were not Mapogos. I don't think the 5 Mapogo would have left Big Mak to be slaughtered by two lions alone, although this never happened, although Mak often patrolled alone. The question is cleared too easily by citing behaviors that we cannot understand, simply 'the wild'. I don't think so, there are behaviors that transcend simple nature, and that's why these animals fascinate men. I can't like Maginjilane. It is not only for brutally killing Shaka, Mr. T was also killed, albeit in a more 'traditional' way by the Selatis, but it is all their behavior, cowardly and cowardly that they have always shown, since their entry on the scene, until their end. When they didn't save the big brother, and they had the chance, when they always separated the other lions to attack them as a group, and never once they accepted a fight, I won't say 4vs4, but not even 2vs4, or 1vs4 or nothing, not even when they had to kill sub-adults.
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