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The Mantimahle Males and Their Male Lineage

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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Fenix123 Offline
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"One of the Mantimaghle male lions out on patrol busy looking for his brother"

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

Now imagine a coalition of these 2 Mantimahle sons + 2 PCMs + SnipTail or Smudge Nkhulu.

That where Mantimahles in their primes, such a force, unbeatable I would say.
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United Kingdom adamstocks16 Offline
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@Tr1x24 you can see why so many people were concerned about the damage Mantimahles would cause if they had fully committed to invade Sabi Sands back in the day.

Thankfully for the other lions and prides involved it never happened but things would have no doubt been much different now.
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Fenix123 Offline
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two mantimahle feeding on a buffalo

Credits to gmitchley_wildlifephotograohy

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Panama Mapokser Offline

At the time of the Mantimahle the Majingilane were old and down to 3. Bboys were stil in the north so they could easily invade.

I doubt Bboys would be a match for them, but if Majingilane were in their prime as a 4 male coalition, then go figure if Mantimahle would be able to invade or not, one member even split so it could be 4v4, and unlike Mantimahles, the Majingis had tons of experience in such competition with other large coalitions.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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(10-02-2024, 10:34 PM)Mapokser Wrote: unlike Mantimahles, the Majingis had tons of experience in such competition with other large coalitions.

We dont know what experience Mantimahles have, as we know very little about their clashes (except few).
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-03-2024, 05:06 AM by Mapokser )

There were no other big coalitions around them tho.

Not saying they weren't strong or didn't had clashes, but Majingis were really good in these competitions involving big coalitions as they got the best of Matimbas, Mapogo, Selatis and Sand Rivers, despite that individually you could say some of these males were more formidable than Majingis. Their team work was insane.

Never a member of them was caught alone despite interacting with many coalitions and ruling for 8 years.

5th was the only exception and it was more that his brothers weren't confident enough at the time than not being close by to come and help.

Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

Wait wait no disrespect but did the majinagline face the 6 strong matimbas or just the southern matimbas and did they face more then 2 mapogos ever at a time ever?
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South Africa Rabubi Offline
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( This post was last modified: 10-03-2024, 05:42 PM by Rabubi )

(10-01-2024, 11:47 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Now imagine a coalition of these 2 Mantimahle sons + 2 PCMs + SnipTail or Smudge Nkhulu.

That where Mantimahles in their primes, such a force, unbeatable I would say.

The Mantimahle males were incredibly powerful and successful males. Their daughters form the core of the prides they once controlled (that we know of) and their sons (that we know of) have prides of their own. That one picture of the Mantimahle males crossing a watercourse in MalaMala is such an epic shot that captures just how huge they were.

Also on a side note, there was a very interesting blog I once came across talking about the Mantimahle males' legacy. The blog suggested that the males had aged faster than your average dominant male lion due to the strain of maintaining control of their vast territory and the prides in it. I can't seem to find that blog anywhere nowadays though.

Panama Mapokser Offline

@Ttimemarti This is not how these competition works, the 5, 6 lions of each coalition don't show uo at the same time like in medieval battles and fight 5v5, 6v6 until one side wins.

Wits, bond, teamwork and even luck play huge roles, and the fact is that Majingilane had competition from all these coalitions and came on top at the end.

Great example were the Matshipiri and S.Matimba competition, you could see the Matshipiri being around the size of the Kambula females ( vid of them mating shows it ), while MalaMala described Matimbas as enormous next to the Kambulas.

We also know how overall strong, formidable and experienced Matimbas were, yet, at the end, Matshipiri ousted them, just like a MalaMala guide had described when their competition started "Clarendon males are definitely bigger, but Matshipiri are street wise".

Could Matshipri beat S.Matimbas in a straight up 2v2 brawl? Probably not, but they still won the warfare.

Could Ndhzengas beat PCM the same way? Probably not, but they still chased PCM off recently.

And btw, Majingis stalemated or won a chasing clash against Matimbas in 2011 despite being outnumbered 3v4.
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(10-03-2024, 09:05 PM)Mapokser Wrote: @Ttimemarti This is not how these competition works, the 5, 6 lions of each coalition don't show uo at the same time like in medieval battles and fight 5v5, 6v6 until one side wins.

Wits, bond, teamwork and even luck play huge roles, and the fact is that Majingilane had competition from all these coalitions and came on top at the end.

Great example were the Matshipiri and S.Matimba competition, you could see the Matshipiri being around the size of the Kambula females ( vid of them mating shows it ), while MalaMala described Matimbas as enormous next to the Kambulas.

We also know how overall strong, formidable and experienced Matimbas were, yet, at the end, Matshipiri ousted them, just like a MalaMala guide had described when their competition started "Clarendon males are definitely bigger, but Matshipiri are street wise".

Could Matshipri beat S.Matimbas in a straight up 2v2 brawl? Probably not, but they still won the warfare.

Could Ndhzengas beat PCM the same way? Probably not, but they still chased PCM off recently.

And btw, Majingis stalemated or won a chasing clash against Matimbas in 2011 despite being outnumbered 3v4.
Just a friendly convo and I agree on most of what you said but from what I got out of the Matimbas leaving the central sabi sands was it was that they left for no reason but I think it was just too much pressure from multiple coalitions and I was unaware of the 4v3 majinagline vs matimba and one other question after nduna disappeared how long did it take for the coalition to split or was it just almost immediately that they split or was it just nduna kept them together because he was kinda the middle man sorta thing? I also didn’t think size matter too much but health would be the thing that would determine the outcome since most even clashes (physical altercations) of healthy males don’t really happen Plains camp and nwaswitshakas didn’t actually fight but in the end they drove the plains camp males out of their territory right?

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(10-03-2024, 05:41 PM)Rabubi Wrote: Also on a side note, there was a very interesting blog I once came across talking about the Mantimahle males' legacy. The blog suggested that the males had aged faster than your average dominant male lion due to the strain of maintaining control of their vast territory and the prides in it. I can't seem to find that blog anywhere nowadays though.

Not sure about that as all 5 Mantimahles reached 10 yrs of age, which is very rare.

First one, Honest Face died in 2020 after losing condition.

Sharp Eyes in 2021 or early 2022.

5th around early to mid 2022.

Boss and Orange Mane where last ones together with Renosterkoppies pride towards late 2022, and after that i think only Orange Mane was seen as last, not sure if he survived into 2023.
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Lion1 Offline

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Ngonya Offline

the two Mantimahle males with a lioness at Manyeleti 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

by svenj85
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