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The Mantimahle Males and Their Male Lineage

T I N O Offline

Young Mantimahle males

photo credit: Hanno Erasmus
posted: Sept 2020

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline

Three brothers trying to intimidate me on the Salitje road (S30). 
Photo credits: Estienne Schuring

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T I N O Offline

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The three beautiful Mantimahle males on the Salitje road (S30). 

Photo credits: Estienne Schuring
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T I N O Offline

The two Sand River sub-adults males and his sister were seen yesterday on the H1-2, 1km S of Sand River Low Water Bridge
Near Skukuza in the Kruger National Park

tinged by: Tania Potgieter
I'm glad that those sub-adults are doing excellent and keeping a distance from the S.Avoca males, which are speding a lot of time now with the SR Pride in Sabi Sands, and were seen most recently in the Southern parts of MM

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T I N O Offline

Anyone knows if the Fourways pride had sons of the fifth Mantimahle?

He was seen last year at KK with the Fourways pride, so I believe that he might be have mated with the lionesses
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T I N O Offline

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The 5th Mantimahle back in 2017 
Photo credit: :Joel Trick
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T I N O Offline

The boss Mantimahle male with pride.
Photo credit to: Simon Vegter(Wild Wings Safaris)

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline

Three of the Mantimahle males (the Boss) (Fifth Mantimahle) (Blond-maned) vs the Sand River males, Now almost 4 year ago of this amazing sighting!
Photo credits to: Tracy Holman-Yates

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T I N O Offline

The 5th Mantimahle Male - Kirkman's Kamp - 16th April 2019
(After a long absence, the Nomadic Fourways Pride made and appearance on our Eastern Bank again.But this time with a different Pride Male. It did look as if they had killed something, but them moved back into the Kruger the following day)
Kirkman's Kamp,Sabi Sand.
Photo credit to: Nic Coleman

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline

An old portrait of the Dark-maned Mantimahle male lion at Kirkman's Kamp, South Africa
Photo credit to: Josh Van Der Ploeg

*This image is copyright of its original author

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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(09-08-2020, 08:55 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Throwback, 3 Mantimahle males vs 1 of the 2 Old Nwaswitshaka males sons, Nov 2016 ( idk if this 2 are the older brothers of 4 N'ws or if they are from different pride) :

Wow, that was really impressive actually. He gave a really good account of himself. Outnumbered 3-1, and outsized by all 3. They could have killed him, but in all honesty I felt like he fought back so hard, that they decided the risk wasn't worth pursuing.

United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(09-08-2020, 09:03 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: The Mantimahle Coalition
These five brothers were born in 2010 in the mazithi pride sired by the two old Mazithi males. By 2015/2016 they became ambitious and started taking new territory and killing lions . Hard to be sure the amount of prides they had at one point stretching to maybe a number of ten prides. Now in 2020 they have abandoned many prides and were not seen for some time . But over the last month they have been spotted . Two were seen together on the s21 and the fifth member who usually is a solo lion whilst the other four stay together; was seen on a couple of occasions looking impressive but not in his usual territory, but close to the s79, but not too far away from where his two brothers were seen on the s21. Great news they have been spotted.; but what is the reason for their location change and abandoning previous territory? At 10 years old and being dominant for so long these guys are starting to show their age. But with all five members still alive today something rarely seen in big coalitions and the fact they have offspring in a few prides coming into age; it will be interesting to see what is next for the Mantimahle coalition and their legacy.
Image credit in order
Mems Carim, Thokozani Phakathi,

Estienne, Brian Levy, G bacciarini,
Safari architect,Sakkie Coetzee.
Written by: @"Brahimlegend" 

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Very nice bit of Mantimahle Coalition history there, for sure. Good stuff from these guys.
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T I N O Offline

(09-10-2020, 12:09 AM)BA0701 Wrote:
(09-08-2020, 09:03 PM)TinoArmando Wrote: The Mantimahle Coalition
These five brothers were born in 2010 in the mazithi pride sired by the two old Mazithi males. By 2015/2016 they became ambitious and started taking new territory and killing lions . Hard to be sure the amount of prides they had at one point stretching to maybe a number of ten prides. Now in 2020 they have abandoned many prides and were not seen for some time . But over the last month they have been spotted . Two were seen together on the s21 and the fifth member who usually is a solo lion whilst the other four stay together; was seen on a couple of occasions looking impressive but not in his usual territory, but close to the s79, but not too far away from where his two brothers were seen on the s21. Great news they have been spotted.; but what is the reason for their location change and abandoning previous territory? At 10 years old and being dominant for so long these guys are starting to show their age. But with all five members still alive today something rarely seen in big coalitions and the fact they have offspring in a few prides coming into age; it will be interesting to see what is next for the Mantimahle coalition and their legacy.
Image credit in order
Mems Carim, Thokozani Phakathi,

Estienne, Brian Levy, G bacciarini,
Safari architect,Sakkie Coetzee.
Written by: @"Brahimlegend" 

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Very nice bit of Mantimahle Coalition history there, for sure. Good stuff from these guys.

Indeed Brahim has a very good knowledge from lions :)
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T I N O Offline

The kings of the S21!
The Two Mantimahle male lions, the Boss and Sharp-Eyes
KNP,Posted: 27/01/20.
Photo credits to: Garry Mills 

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T I N O Offline

One of the beautiful Mantimahle males seen a couple of years ago near Jones Dam on the S36
KNP,Posted: November  5.,2018.
Photo credit to: Graeme Mitchley

*This image is copyright of its original author
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