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The Charleston Males and Their Male Lineage

Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast


credit- Tayla McCurdy

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Brett Devitt - Kirkman's Kamp.

I arrived at Kirkmans just as one of the Charleston female lions introduced her three cubs to her pride, one female and two males (the ‘Charleston Males’) Little did I know the drama that I would have the privilege to witness unfold over the next five and a half years with this pride.

These two males have with the help of the only other surviving member of their pride ‘the Charleston female’ overcome huge odds and become the dominant male lions of the Southern Sabi Sands.

These brothers lost almost their entire pride members to another pride trying to extend their territory, the ‘Southern Pride’, including their mother and sister.
They survived being killed themselves by avoiding other lions for years.

As they grew so did their confidence until they eventually took over the dominant pride in the Southern Sabi Sands the ‘Southern Pride’. Ironically the same pride that decimated their pride years ago. 

The Charleston males as boys.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Fredymrt Offline
Senior Member

Charleston female,and three cubs,(2 males & one female) in 2011.

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Charleston boys.

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Kruger male and his cubs.

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© marlissa van Zyl
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

Brothers showing their strong bond. Charleston coalition
Credits: Vladimir Useinovic

*This image is copyright of its original author

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chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

I just want to yank out that damn tooth!
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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

Charleston female leading her cubs to an impala kill that she and her pride mate made earlier - Lion Sands Reserve, Sabi Sands, South Africa

The pic is taken in 2011,two of these cubs are actually the two Charleston males who became impressive speciments and dominant males of Southern Pride,the same pride who almost destroy their natal pride several years ago!!!!
Credits to Michael Moss

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

The two Charleston males were found this morning and it seems like they have nice full bellies!

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Mexico Gamiz Offline
Lion Enthusiast

A moment to remember as our Wild Eye guests enjoy the privilege of having a big Male Lion walk right past the vehicle.
Credits to Johan Van Syl

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Italy Ngala Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast

From Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve,:
"Seen on safari at Sabi Sabi… 
The two Charleston males were found moving through the reserve late in the afternoon looking for the females. "

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"One of the Charleston males was seen to be by himself in the late hours of yesterday afternoon just before a large electric storm reached the reserve."

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

The entire story is long, with a lot of pics, so I'm going to put them in many posts.

Credits to Corlette Wessels.

9 November 2016 - was a morning full of unhappiness amongst the adults of this pride. At 5;15am we saw the one male walking and soon after spotted the other male coming down the road. We went over to the other male as we wanted to see the interaction greeting between them. They known as the Charleston Males, a coalition that took over the Southern Pride from the Fourways Males about a year ago. The one with the hanging tooth was not friendly and you could see he was on a mission. He is also quite known with his tooth that just hang loose, and no one really knows how this happened. Many stories but guess the only one that knows what happened is him. He was melling, marking and walking at a fast pace.....

The 2 Brothers were not together - this is where they greeted each other after spending the night apart 

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Later the females called, the boys listened and after the second call they started to run in the direction the calls came from. Hanging Tooth was first on his way. We headed out that way to see how the greeting will go. The pride had quite a few cubs. Some bigger and some very small ones. Mandleve, the leader of this pride as she is known and quite an old female come up to greet him first. (Mandleve is what I was told means ears and her ears are smaller) and she is quite old now I was told and takes no nonsense! The pride greeted each other and the cubs greeted their fathers and all seemed ok at the time.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

They walked off and then toothless growled at a cub and the females did not like this and made it very clear to him! 

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

The next moment hanging tooth male stormed over to the other male and they growled at each other, slapped one another. The cubs scattered everywhere and "crying" as they had no idea what was going on...

The noises, the aggression of their slaps towards each other was so intense!! Something I cannot explain to you in words. This fight lasted 3-4 seconds (taking the time of the first photo and the last photo on my camera), but to me it felt like an hour!!

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

You will see spit flying, fur flying as they fight in the photo's. But they did not bite each other hard, think this was more just a tiff and showing who is really the man of the pride. I saw no blood on any of them. As hanging tooth walked closer to the pride Mandleve had a word or two with him and the other females joined her. He walked off to scent mark an old tree and growled again at a very young cub. This was it for Mandleve and she went for him & not holding back one bit. Then he had the cheek to slap her in her face and then she was even more upset. The other female came and gave her a nip in the bud to probably say "enough now" and they had a quick word with each other.

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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

During all of this the other male walked closer and then was chased off quickly by hanging tooth.

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The females took the cubs and walked off and the males were told to stay behind - but they slowly followed the pride. They all went to lie down and things seemed calm by the time we left.

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