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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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The Birmingham Males

United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

Birminghams Mfumo & Tinyo - Djuma Private Game Reserve
At Close Quarters, Trevor McCall-Peat & Villiers Steyn - 7 Aug 2017
This morning we woke up to an overcast and cool morning. We decided to explore the Torchwood property and headed towards the water points in the area. We arrived at a large granite outcrop called First Rock and our lucky stars were shining on us. Two large male lions from the Birmingham Coalition were sprawled out on the rock sleeping. From time to time the lions sat up and listened to the distant calls of some other lions.
We spent close to 90 amazing minutes with the two kings. The setting is somewhat of a photographer’s dream. The wide open space and the the soft light through the clouds, coupled with being able to shoot at eye level was incredible. The experience was thoroughly enjoyed by all. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Michael Offline
Regular Member

Birmingham Mfumo - Sabi Sands - Eagle Eye Safaris - 4 Aug 2017

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Eagle Eye Safaris
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Michael Offline
Regular Member

Birmingham Nsuku - Tusk Photo, Ben Cranke Wildlife Photographer 
Elephant Plains Game Lodge - 9 Aug 2017 
We left the scene, and before long we found a beautiful, large, healthy male lion. He was accompanied by his pride of three females and six cubs.we didn't stay long as the light was already quite harsh, and it was time to return to the Lodge.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Tusk Photo
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Michael Offline
Regular Member

Birmingham Mfumo - Sabi Sands - Tusk Photo, Villiers Steyn
9 Aug 2017

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Villiers Steyn
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to At Close Quarters - Safari Specialists, Trevor McCall-Peat & Villiers Steyn.

We had a wonderful final sundowners at Treehouse Dam before heading towards the Nkuhumas and their buffalo kill. On the way we bumped into a Birmingham Male lying in the middle of the road. He started an almighty roar right in front of us in the road. What an experience for our guests. He then made his way towards Buffelshoek dam and we caught up with him there as he came down for a lengthy drink. He then climbed onto the dam wall and roared echoingly to his brother who was at the kill. It was such a perfect way to end our final evening out in the bush. We headed back to camp for a braai/barbecue while the lions continued to roar around us.

This morning started with a Birmingham Male walking right in front of camp while we had coffee. We then headed out and decided to follow up on Shadow and her cub. We tracked them for more than an hour but came up unsuccessful and moved on.

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

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India Wild Warrior Offline

Birmingham Boys Tinyo and Mfumo taking rest after having heavy meal. Mfumo looks massive in this footage.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to MalaMala. Video of the initial altercation between the two male lions by guest @akhil_ramani.

MALAMALA TODAY: August 14th. Today was all about Marthly, the smallest and arguably most picturesque part of our reserve... with 2 prides of lions, 2 coalitions, a herd of buffalo and 3 leopards! The 9 members of the Styx pride and one Gowrie male killed a buffalo near Stwise. They temporarily left the carcass to quench their thirst and upon returning discovered the Clarendon male with the impressive mane feeding on it- and he wasn't prepared to share. The scenes that played out over the course of the day had many of us scratching our heads. The males only came to blows once and it was brief but on multiple occasions they were only centimeters apart with both making a lot of noise. The lionesses also got involved but neither they nor the Gowrie male got to feed again. Most surprising were the brazen cubs who, despite the growls of the Clarendon male (not their father), casually strolled up to him and eventually even fed off the carcass right next to the male.

Click on it to play.

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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@Wild Warrior :

About #696: yes, the lion called Mfumo seems to be an heavyweight lion. Really beautiful ! An its fellow isn't small at all either.
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Trevor McCall-Peat - At Close Quarters.

Male #3.

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*This image is copyright of its original author
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lioncrazy Offline
Regular Member

@Tshokwane #697 what bb male was that with the matimba male? That is the other name for them correct?
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Michael Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 08-16-2017, 03:19 AM by Michael )

(08-16-2017, 03:02 AM)lioncrazy Wrote: @Tshokwane #697 what bb male was that with the matimba male? That is the other name for them correct?

Their coalition´s name is Birmingham Boys Mala mala calls them the Gowrie males, the male in the video with Hairy Belly seems to be Nsuku, Nsuku means gold.
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lioncrazy Offline
Regular Member

Thanks for the reply @Michael I knew it was a bboy just wondered what one it was that was a interesting encounter to say the least
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Cheetah Plains.

One of the Birmingham males was recently located up close to a dam. He still appeared very well fed, and was seemingly digesting his meal. Image by Andrew Khosa

Male #3.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

Birminghams Tinyo & Mfumo - Zaheer Ali - 6 & 7 Aug 2017 
Djuma Private Game Reserve


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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author


*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States vinodkumarn Offline
Vinod Lion Enthusiast

Birmingham Nsuku - WildEarth Sunset Safari - Djuma Game Reserve
17 Aug 2017 Capture by Sharon Knobbe Grod

*This image is copyright of its original author
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